看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [花邊] 打閉門比賽的球員可能會要戴"智慧戒指"
時間 Fri Jun 19 10:24:36 2020

來源: CNet
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ybbgktre
NBA players could wear a smart ring to track COVID-19 symptoms as season resumes at Disney World - CNET
The Oura wearable tracks temperature, respiratory rate and sleeping patterns. ...


NBA players could wear a smart ring to track COVID-19 symptoms as season
resumes at Disney World

As the NBA restarts its season using Walt Disney World facilities in Orlando,
Florida, players are reportedly set to use a wearable to track their health
and look for COVID-19 symptoms. The Oura smart ring keeps track of
temperature, heart rate, sleeping patterns and respiratory rate and is being
offered to NBA players, CNET sister site CBS Sports reported Thursday.
身體狀況以及看是否有武漢肺炎的症狀。星期四CBS Sports報導,"Oura"智慧戒指可以追

圖片連結: https://imgur.com/qC8u7df.jpg

The smart ring will provide early warning signs if a player is in danger of
contracting the coronavirus, according to The Athletic, citing a memo by the
根據The Athletic引述球員協會備忘錄所說,若球員有可能感染到武漢肺炎的話,這個智

The NBA is resuming its season on July 30, with players staying at three
separate Disney World resorts. They'll play games at the ESPN Wide World of
Sports facilities.
Wide World of Sports打比賽。

Some have pointed out, however, that perhaps a better use of the Oura smart
ring would be to give them to essential workers like doctors, nurses, medical
staff and teachers.

The NBA didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.


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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1592533480.A.0A6.html
rodrigues23: 還蠻屌的1F 06/19 10:31
chenming867: 科技智慧手環2F 06/19 10:31
dannyshan: 普通人又沒有年薪幾百萬 提供跟球員一樣的服務也太高檔了吧 要記錄量體溫有很多便宜的方法啊3F 06/19 10:34
eh07: 所以索倫是誰5F 06/19 10:35
jerrys0580: 好屌喔 想看戒指的細節6F 06/19 10:36
hayato01: 看到3樓這說法我還真不知道該說些什麼,呵7F 06/19 10:38
ZacHsu: 有監視器在大陸叫集中營,在美國叫智慧戒指8F 06/19 10:40
pp3435: 好強的科技9F 06/19 10:43
ms19889120: 有沒有敏捷戒指跟力量戒指10F 06/19 10:45
payton711: 有力量戒指嗎11F 06/19 10:46
ranpla: 不知道有沒有竊聽功能12F 06/19 10:47
Aequanimitas: 監控體溫心跳可以跟集中營比也是蠻厲害的13F 06/19 10:49
java76803: 我要神聖力量戒指 直接撞飛內線14F 06/19 10:50
dynamo: 發現球員晚上心跳都很快15F 06/19 10:52
payton711: 智慧+1016F 06/19 10:52
lsslz: 錄音錄起來就不用打小報告了17F 06/19 10:53
soulboy330: the ring18F 06/19 10:54
payton711: 應該要有測謊功能,看還敢不敢犯規不承認19F 06/19 10:56
bye2007: 湊到土火風水心,可以召喚地球超人嗎?20F 06/19 10:56
x851221: :叫電子監控戒指不好聽 叫智慧戒指就一堆人要戴啦21F 06/19 10:56
Mits5190: 幸運戒指比較重要22F 06/19 10:57
pk1512: 會說運動員心跳快的國中有畢業嗎23F 06/19 10:57
spitwater15: 付錢讓我進集中營打球我滿可以的24F 06/19 10:59
allssddaa: 運動員心臟比較有力 平常的時候心跳應該是比一般人25F 06/19 11:01
mvpdirk712: 魔戒遠征隊?27F 06/19 11:01
jyings0303: 好奇賽期期間球員可以外出嗎?28F 06/19 11:05
Helvetica: 可以提升球商嗎?29F 06/19 11:06
kobe30418: nba柯文哲30F 06/19 11:07
miniUU: 發現深夜戒指震動次數爆表31F 06/19 11:07
june0204: seafood表示:說好聽一點是智慧戒指...32F 06/19 11:15
rukawa28: 至尊戒,馭眾戒;至尊戒,尋眾戒33F 06/19 11:17
tsai529: 電子指撩34F 06/19 11:18
w9: 嗆別人說心跳快的那位國小有畢業嗎35F 06/19 11:18
kediflower: INT+336F 06/19 11:23

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