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作者 jackie0414 (哇哈哈)
標題 [外絮] O'neal回憶第一次見到Kobe
時間 Sun Jun 28 09:45:54 2020

"You Remember Me?": Shaquille O’Neal Recalls the First Time He Met Kobe Bryant - EssentiallySports
During an interview with Jimmy Fallon, Shaquille O'Neal shared the first time he ever met Kobe Bryant, before they became team mates at Los Angeles. ...


“You Remember Me?”: Shaquille O’Neal Recalls the First Time He Met Kobe Bryan

Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant are one of the best duos in the history of th
e NBA. They were so dominant on the court and that’s what led to their three-pe
at back in the early 2000s. But later their relationship spiraled and Shaq event
ually left Los Angeles


During an interview with Jimmy Fallon, Shaq recalled the first time he met Kob
e. It was back when he was playing in Orlando and before Kobe entered the league
. “I was in Orlando and Kobe came in the locker room and asked Penny for an au
tograph. Penny blew him off, I’m not sure, this is what Kobe was telling me. An
d then he said he came up to me and I was (really) nice to him.”

當時Shaq在魔術隊 Kobe還沒進NBA
他進到了魔術隊休息間,跟Penny Hardaway索取簽名,

But Shaq says he forgot about this incident until Kobe brought it up again. “I
never knew that until one day (in his rookie season) he was like, ‘you remember
 me?’  I was like no, ‘I came in the locker room’, oh yeah that was you. Wha
t I realized and loved about him early on was that he wanted the spot. He wanted
 to be the best.”


When Shaq was introduced in the Hall of Fame, Kobe posted a picture of them and
wrote, “Congrats to my big brother, most dominant big of all time, on being in
ducted into the Hall! Beyond deserved.” Their relationship was just like any o
ther siblings. Fighting all the time, no matter how old they are.

After Kobe passes away in January, in every interview, one could see the pain in
 Shaq’s eye. He even broke down on screen a few times.

“Our relationship was that of brothers,” Shaq said. “When I saw Kobe and hi
s daughters, loved them. He saw my kids, loved them. So all the stuff that’s do
cumented between us, there was never a dislike. Listen, this is what brothers do
. I have a younger brother. We fight all the time. But, guess what? I love him.
And I love Kobe Bryant.”

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Uz_PKss (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1593308756.A.DB6.html
brian199524: 歷史上最強的雙人組合 沒有之一...1F 06/28 09:48
ryo166: 已哭2F 06/28 09:50
pennykidd: 俠客流出來的往事都要打個星號3F 06/28 09:52
sk050607: Kobe不趕走歐肥還能多拿幾冠4F 06/28 09:52
kaede0711: 這個講過很多次了吧5F 06/28 09:53
pennykidd: 之前他也說海軍上將不幫他簽名 結果是假的6F 06/28 09:53
yowhatsupsli: 不要引戰都好。 Penny: 幹 俠客你別黑我7F 06/28 09:53
hard9977: QQ....老大8F 06/28 09:53
kaede0711: 但是我相信他們後來真的和好了 畢竟變得更成熟了9F 06/28 09:54
pp3435: 不要消費kobe&penny10F 06/28 09:58
JackSmith: 忘不了驚聲尖笑4開頭歐肥那聲:KOBE?11F 06/28 10:08
JimK0511: 這咖真無聊 要嘛搞史上前幾排名要嘛炒冷飯12F 06/28 10:11
Kidd0502: penny真的沒給簽名 有點懷疑?13F 06/28 10:19
darkdixen: 老大認證的太懶 不然可以拿8個戒指14F 06/28 10:19
uf1276: 歐肥自己也後悔沒認真維持 不然可以破三萬分的15F 06/28 10:25
MindWork: 歐肥的體重就是要懶適時休息 太勤奮只會痛痛人
歷史上最強的雙人組合就是因為 Kobe訓練狂讓歐肥適16F 06/28 10:34
anderson1979: 這傢伙講的話先畫星號18F 06/28 10:35
MindWork: 時休息偷懶19F 06/28 10:35
ESPforest: Penny雖然當紅,不過對粉絲算很友善的吧!20F 06/28 10:38
wai0806: kobe:penny不屌我 只好來找你21F 06/28 10:39
wayne0215: Penny跟Hill是當年聯盟知名的好好先生,應該不會吝嗇於給球迷簽名22F 06/28 10:40
mmmn52332: 歐肥現在都在嘴砲炒冷飯啊…24F 06/28 10:42
nanhu0423: 休息室這麼容易進去嗎25F 06/28 10:52
JoshSmith: 休息室這麼容易進去嗎26F 06/28 11:02
Minakomywife: 休息室這麼容易進去嗎27F 06/28 11:05
juniorpenny: 休息室這麼容易進去嗎28F 06/28 11:09
dindin0704: QuQ29F 06/28 11:16
k960674: 憑Kobe高中名氣老爸又打過NBA,要進休息室不難啦30F 06/28 11:22
corlos: 他是不是老了在怪當年北澤沒幫他說話,逼他出來反擊31F 06/28 11:23
s101881: "Got anal?"32F 06/28 11:26
littlebonnie: 消費大師33F 06/28 13:03
spi0303: 老大不在了 心裏有個洞34F 06/28 13:09
ldeathkiller: Penny: ???????35F 06/28 13:12
cool10528: 每次看到kobe新聞才又想起kobe已經掛了,so sad36F 06/28 13:21
iamsafin: penny是先知 本不該對性犯罪者太好37F 06/28 14:01
cpujerry: 真正朋友不就是這樣吵吵鬧鬧過來的38F 06/28 14:03
southernwood: 老大QQ39F 06/28 14:04
pppli: 消費? 菜鳥KOBE沒歐肥帶隊吸% 頂多只是個AI VC TMAC40F 06/28 14:38
positivezero: wanted the spot 指的應該是要某個位子(先發?)41F 06/28 15:01
ThunderLord: 淚推老大42F 06/28 15:05
DevilMayCry4: Penny那件事在Kobe退休球衣的那時有段影片是兩人對談的有講過43F 06/28 15:19

作者 jackie0414 的最新發文: