看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [花邊] LBJ新買的比佛利山莊豪宅: 3900萬鎂
時間 Mon Jul  6 10:28:55 2020

來源: FadeAwayWorld
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ycpgwmqr
LeBron James Bought Amazing $39,000,000 Beverly Hills Mansion – Fadeaway World
LeBron James has added another property to his collection. The Los Angeles Lakers star recently bought a $39,000,000 house in Beverly Hills ...


LeBron James Bought Amazing $39,000,000 Beverly Hills Mansion
LeBron James剛以3900萬鎂買下一棟在比佛利山的豪宅

LeBron James has added another property to his collection. The Los Angeles
Lakers star recently bought a $39,000,000 house in Beverly Hills and the
description is just terrific. It’s not a secret that LeBron loves living in
California. Even before he went to play with the Lakers, he used to spend
holidays in L.A. with his family.

Now that he’s part of the Lakers organization, Bron has been able to buy and
buy properties, one more impressive than the others. According to Darren
Rovell, via The Real Deal, James bought a ‘13,000-sq foot Beverly Hills
property with a pool house with two baths, a lighted tennis court, screening
room and seven fireplaces.’ That is a great house if you ask me.
房地產新聞The Real Deal記者Darren Rovell報導,LBJ買的這間房子是在比佛利山,

照片: https://imgur.com/arhClxC.jpg

They also provided pictures where we could see the pool, the tennis court and

LeBron isn’t planning to visit his new house anytime soon since he’s 100%
focused on the NBA return. His Lakers were one of the best teams in the
league before the suspension and he will try to pick things right where he
left them.

He probably doesn’t want to see that house until October and hopefully with
his fourth NBA ring. He’s still making moves on and off the court.
LeBron James buys Beverly Hills home from Lee Philip Bell Estate
Basketball legend LeBron signed a contract to buy a Beverly Hills home listed at $39 million from the estate of soap opera producer Lee Phillip Bell. ...

"The home at 9955 Beverly Grove Dr., belonging to the estate of “The Bold and
the Beautiful” co-creator Lee Phillip Bell, was being marketed at $39
million. It’s unclear what James is paying for the 13,000-square-foot
property, which sits on a 2.5-acre plot and boasts seven fireplaces, a pool
house with two baths, lighted tennis court, and screening room"
「房子的地址是9955 Beverly Grove Dr.,屬於房地產公司"The Bold and the
Beautiful"創辦人Lee Phillip Bell的房子,售價是3900萬鎂。目前不確定LBJ是以多少的

9955 Beverly Grove Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 | MLS #20574784
9955 Beverly Grove Dr , Beverly Hills, CA 90210-2121 is a single-family home listed for-sale at $39,000,000. The 9,146 sq. ft. home is a 4 bed, 8.0 ba ...

照片: https://imgur.com/SH5WLnX.jpg


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kyleliu2000: 還是比陶朱便宜1F 07/06 10:30
flicker36: lbj住過 明年賣5000萬鎂2F 07/06 10:32
a48956312: 台灣真的很驕傲 陶朱還是比你貴3F 07/06 10:33
huaiken: LBJ一年年薪就可買了...4F 07/06 10:33
MattiaPasini: 以後LBJ的飛扣可以叫飛越比佛利灌籃5F 07/06 10:33
pttdouble: 3900萬美金  我口袋只剩3900塊要到月底怎麼辦T_T6F 07/06 10:33
Larry0806: 網球場?7F 07/06 10:34
currit: 兩套衛浴?8F 07/06 10:38
iNicholas: 只有兩間衛浴太少了吧9F 07/06 10:38
fortis323: 馬上就有人拿台灣來對比了10F 07/06 10:38
k7202001: 找djokovic來一起打網球阿11F 07/06 10:39
papatata: GTA麥可的房子?12F 07/06 10:39
wwf1588: 好漂亮13F 07/06 10:40
ych49: 七座壁爐 兩間衛浴? 這比例也太奇怪了吧14F 07/06 10:43
dynamo: 有網球場沒籃球場15F 07/06 10:44
uuuuOPuff: 土地面積好大16F 07/06 10:45
pttdouble: 兩間衛浴 沒籃球場 這都不合理 是怎麼排ㄉ@@17F 07/06 10:45
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 07/06/2020 10:46:45
HSNUPeace: 2套衛浴這麼貴,盤到不行18F 07/06 10:47
我剛剛去查了房子資料 總共不只兩套衛浴
完整衛浴: 6間
半套衛浴: 2間
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 07/06/2020 10:49:13
CTTSAI: 跟台灣鳥籠比價錢耶19F 07/06 10:48
tweety61208: 真的超像gta男主的家那個外圍柵欄20F 07/06 10:48
anoymouse: 又不需要每棟都裝籃球場21F 07/06 10:49
eipduolc: 可能只想度假用
他訓練期外都做別的運動吧22F 07/06 10:49
goodevening: 美國房產是持有跟設備維護費驚人啊24F 07/06 10:52
jason38152: 3900萬美也太浮誇25F 07/06 10:53
chinhan1216: 兩套衛浴好像有點少26F 07/06 10:53
LeBronJames: 台灣的房屋稅有實價的2%嗎?27F 07/06 11:03
KBryant0824: 家裡可以大到走到會累真的爽28F 07/06 11:04
chenghow: 管他幾套衛浴,買來還能裝修改吧!短期內也不會住進去就乾脆來簡單裝修一下29F 07/06 11:06
tinystudio: 鄉民技能 買不起只好開酸31F 07/06 11:08
NIKOGAKU: 大到真的是上個廁所 30分鐘後馬上回來32F 07/06 11:08
LKKG: 土地面積3000多坪 換算下來台灣房屋還是贏了33F 07/06 11:11
aniji: 乾這輩子都不知有沒有機會去這種豪宅住住34F 07/06 11:11
IamNumb: 不過壁爐是那種用木頭燒的嗎 需要七個?35F 07/06 11:14
KotoriCute: 還是比陶朱便宜36F 07/06 11:19
tatata: 貧窮限制我的想像37F 07/06 11:20
wx190: 零錢而已哪有差38F 07/06 11:24
Krishna: 換算一坪價格我的房子勝了39F 07/06 11:33
LBJ4: 我沾皇行善很大方,住個3900萬鎂真的還好而已40F 07/06 11:34
stp92010: 我好窮41F 07/06 11:43
sai511477: 3060坪 每坪還不用50萬台幣42F 07/06 11:45
smalldata: 樸實無華43F 07/06 11:52
js52666: 臺北單價屌打44F 07/06 12:11
wwf1588: 所以他可以笑台灣的房價很盤45F 07/06 12:13
knightzero: 台灣房價真的很扯,這種豪宅跟台灣鳥籠每坪價格差不多....46F 07/06 12:13
kkwwayne: 年薪買房48F 07/06 12:15
lianhua: 有種來台北買三千坪啊49F 07/06 12:16
giunrz: 每坪50萬 台北只能買50年廁所50F 07/06 12:17
danny3310: 被籃球耽誤的商人51F 07/06 12:20
volcom: 有wifi嗎52F 07/06 12:21
AaronCross: 豪爽53F 07/06 12:22
aa7520tw: 天空貝表示54F 07/06 12:22
Nappa: 台灣人口稠密度 要比要是和韓國比55F 07/06 12:26
littlep0212: 有附贈WIFI嘛56F 07/06 12:26
JoshSmith: 12億57F 07/06 12:28
chichung: 好像GTAV的場景58F 07/06 12:32
pttdouble: 美國稅比較高so你要把房價x259F 07/06 12:32
fransiceyho: 這好像GTA5麥可家60F 07/06 12:37
sonesnsdsosi: 這是中川的家吧61F 07/06 12:41
op520ptt: 這種房只會花一堆錢在維護 除非是整個家族在住不然根本沒氣份62F 07/06 12:42
dakkk: 稅繳多少?64F 07/06 12:52
firemm444: 五坪雅房比較有氣氛65F 07/06 12:54
nckiou: 盤,要是我的話不會買在這66F 07/06 12:57
IAMGRICE: ======以上雲端兼鍵盤房市專家======67F 07/06 13:00
ralfeistein: 這棟我在GTA5看過68F 07/06 13:03
dodo577: 美國的每年房屋稅才是天價69F 07/06 13:07
BryantChan: QE印成這樣,LBJ拿零用錢買間房說真的也還好70F 07/06 13:14
vv22hh: lbj都不拉屎的71F 07/06 13:15
GATSBYsolid: 在我們學校後面耶72F 07/06 13:15
vv22hh: 如果美國地價稅跟台灣一樣 我看這棟要5億美金73F 07/06 13:16
MarXXXX: 墅民74F 07/06 13:22
newtypeL9: 台北廁所屌打
超像GTA5麥可家,只是麥可家小很多75F 07/06 13:23
DarkHolbach: 在台灣只能買天籠國破鳥籠77F 07/06 13:36
PussySucker: 又一堆窮酸宅在幫億萬富翁擔心盤不盤 笑死78F 07/06 13:46
Sandalphon: 這是麥可家吧79F 07/06 13:50
pornstar: 一堆井蛙拿來跟跟台灣比XDDD 台灣買房幾乎沒有持有成本, 美國房持有成本2%以上, 你住十年等於比台灣同價位多付了20~30%以上
不過買這種房本來就盤, MJ也是被這種豪宅搞到破產, 每年幾百萬鎂的維護成本跟丟水溝一樣80F 07/06 13:52
e46m3s15: 這種等級的房子我也有啊,在los santos裡罷了85F 07/06 14:08
BruceChen227: 兩件衛浴是要玩多人運動膩 這麼少86F 07/06 14:13
ctes940008: 台灣才會喜歡買在市中心的豪宅,出門塞車就飽了。87F 07/06 14:33
en8846en: 壁爐一個就嫌多了88F 07/06 14:39
LeBronJames: 就是稅是實價2%up了...一堆人只看帳面...89F 07/06 15:02

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