看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [情報] 看過THT高中比賽後 LBJ叫富保羅去招募THT
時間 Wed Dec 16 10:32:21 2020

來源: SB Nation
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y7kj77n5
LeBron told Rich Paul to recruit Talen Horton-Tucker in high school - Silver Screen and Roll
Lakers star LeBron James was one of the first passengers on the Talen Horton-Tucker Hype Train. ...


LeBron was so impressed with Talen Horton-Tucker in high school that he told
Rich Paul to recruit him
LBJ看完Talen Horton-Tucker在高中的比賽後印象深刻 他就叫Rich Paul去招募他

There wasn’t much hype around Lakers guard Talen Horton-Tucker coming out of

high school. He was the 66th-ranked prospect in his class, according to ESPN,
and he didn’t start to get attention from major schools until after his
sophomore year.
當湖人後衛Talen Horton-Tucker從高中畢業後並沒有太多人注意。根據ESPN的資料,他在

There also wasn’t much buzz around Horton-Tucker after his freshman season
at Iowa State University. Despite making the 2018-19 Big 12 All-Freshman
team, Horton-Tucker was projected to be drafted in the mid-second round in
2019. Some mock drafts even had him going undrafted.
當他在Iowa州大打球的第一年也是差不多。儘管他入選2018-19 Big 12聯盟的新人隊伍,

But Horton-Tucker did manage to catch the attention of one of the most
prominent figures in basketball when he was in high school: LeBron James.

“I saw him about three and half, four years ago,” James said of
Horton-Tucker. “I was watching a high school basketball game and I happened
to catch Simeon playing. And I told our agent at the time — it’s now Talen’
s agent, Rich Paul — that he needs to take a look at this kid Talen
Horton-Tucker that’s at Simeon. I think the kid is super talented. This was
like four years ago.
比賽,剛好是Simeon高中的比賽。我就跟我的經紀人--現在也是THT的經紀人,Rich Paul-

“Long story short, obviously you see what he’s doing now, and he’s going
to continue to get better and better and better as the days go on. He’ll
have an opportunity to practice against us — the guys, the veterans, and
things of that nature — so he’s just going to continue to improve, and he’
s going to do some really good things in this league for a long time.”



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[情報] 看過THT高中比賽後 LBJ叫富保羅去招募THT
12-16 10:32 pneumo
a100205069: 品腿從小開始品 有球探特質1F 12/16 10:33
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IAMGRICE: 姆斯真的很會投資,NBA巴菲特不是叫假的4F 12/16 10:34
tatata: LBJ品腿的眼光是一向不錯5F 12/16 10:35
tomoti: LBJ直接投資的商品吶,還可以手把手教跟帶,湖人超賺6F 12/16 10:36
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Kazmier: 他有看到THT在高中時的推特嘲諷嗎8F 12/16 10:38
johnli: 品腿的GOAT應該無庸質疑9F 12/16 10:38
LuckyoPuppy: 看到推特去現場想看看誰這麼嘴10F 12/16 10:40
harveypai: 品腿師笑死11F 12/16 10:41
shifa: 有姆斯當老闆 感覺妥了12F 12/16 10:42
kevinacc084: 球探13F 12/16 10:42
wii128: 敢嘲諷我 我來品腿 我品 我細品14F 12/16 10:43
melzard: 姆斯認證 少主位置穩惹15F 12/16 10:43
qui0914: 四年前?不就THT發中二推特嗆老詹不久16F 12/16 10:44
Chanlin01: 湖人地下總管17F 12/16 10:45
sunnydragon7: 臉這麼老跟我一樣很特別18F 12/16 10:45
allenchtw: 想看姆斯退休以後當GM19F 12/16 10:46
samuelass: 腹黑THT:嘿嘿 吸引到姆斯注意了20F 12/16 10:48
rocktu214: 姆斯: 這孩子不錯 看起來比我老21F 12/16 10:48
koflll: 我要這雙腿  你把這雙腿給我搞來22F 12/16 10:48
gginin007: 品腿大師23F 12/16 10:49
Wb2029T: 這個也太神了吧24F 12/16 10:50
IkariD: 還有其他新人也是這樣被姆斯看中的嗎?25F 12/16 10:51
lt5114: 品腿眼光大勝喬丹26F 12/16 10:51
micbrimac: 姆斯以後當總管 應該超強 根本專業品腿師~27F 12/16 10:51

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