看板 NBA作者 ckurryobe (咖筆)標題 [花邊] Zion跟泡泡相比減去至少25磅時間 Sun Dec 20 20:13:46 2020
Zion Williamson struggled during the NBA's restart in August as questions cont
inued to plague him about his fitness. Williamson, however, has appeared more
explosive in his lone preseason game so far this season. Williamson had 26 poi
nts, 11 rebounds and two assists while shooting 11 free throws in 33 minutes.
"I was told that Zion, and I don't think they really wanted to publicize where
he was physically when he came back to the bubble, but I have heard that it's
in excess of 25 pounds that he's lost from where he was in the bubble to wher
e he is now," said Brian Windhorst on his podcast.
"He is not as svelte by any stretch of the imagination, but he definitely is m
oving better."
Williamson was limited to 24 games last season following his meniscus surgery.
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推 MK47: 去年不是說沒辦法減了 唬爛喔6F 12/20 20:24
推 Kazmier: 在禁區直接原地起跳沒人擋的住。真的扯7F 12/20 20:25
→ CMPunk: 我一直記得去年有肌肉大師說他都是肌肉減不了8F 12/20 20:26
推 Cishang: 天生神力的肌肉居然減掉了11F 12/20 20:28
推 lovebean: 記得有一年Kobe不是增重到260磅, 結果那一年膝蓋就炸了, 之後就降回到220磅左右, 有專業團隊幫忙要增要減沒那麼難吧13F 12/20 20:30
推 gto37513: DH都減得了 這支沒理由減不了17F 12/20 20:36
推 kosoj6: 雖然知道是在酸10%體脂怪 但是本來就可以減肌肉啊..20F 12/20 20:41
推 ClownT: 樓下幫忙解釋一下膝蓋影響21F 12/20 20:42
→ kosoj6: 如果巨石那種來打籃球 也是減肌肉還比較好啊22F 12/20 20:43
→ jimli: 他之前那體態最好是10%啦 騙人滿身都肌肉不能減23F 12/20 20:43
推 AbukumaKai: 版上都說全肌肉減不了 不減膝蓋也扛的住 胖虎有版上懂膝蓋??25F 12/20 20:44
推 ktkowhypop: 之前不是說體脂超低?還可以減25磅?再唬啊27F 12/20 20:48
推 kosoj6: 肌肉不能減 那為啥減脂的那麼怕掉肌肉... 是賽恩
天賦異稟不會掉 還是隨便就掉肌肉的太廢28F 12/20 20:49
推 vvvvaaaa: 太菜了重訓做太多練太壯,要學我輕鬆做才不會練太壯30F 12/20 20:53
推 teren: 為什麼大師有的是膝蓋會爆有的是不會爆 搞得我好亂31F 12/20 20:54
推 hyde318: kobe增到260?哪有可能。哈孝遠喔34F 12/20 20:55
→ MK47: kobe最重那一年是245磅吧 他那年增重到手感都沒了35F 12/20 20:56
→ graphict: 之前那個體態跟我說9趴體脂,鬼才會相信36F 12/20 20:56
推 Ycowmo: 哪個天兵說肌肉不能減的…當然能減啊= =37F 12/20 20:57
→ ClownT: 哈孝遠打球時數據寫118公斤 應該還沒有260磅39F 12/20 21:01
推 bestteam: 我不信哈那張照片只有11840F 12/20 21:03
推 e2167471: 啊神力粉不是說人家膝蓋頂得住體重不是問題
還整天酸鄉民鍵盤膝蓋神醫 怎麼現在減了41F 12/20 21:09
推 ASDF0714: 之前消息說都是肌肉減不了 真的很好笑43F 12/20 21:13
推 lkk88: 對ZION來說是好事46F 12/20 21:37
→ icoann: 260磅的是LBJ,kobe哪可能26048F 12/20 21:42
→ MK47: 哈笑遠那張只有118 你騙鬼啊XDDD49F 12/20 21:43
推 icou: 想要的話肌肉脂肪都可以減啦 哪有啥是不可以減的50F 12/20 21:47