看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [花邊] 陰謀論者:LBJ是光明會巫師 會招喚惡魔時間 Wed Dec 23 22:56:45 2020
來源: SportsRush
‘LeBron James is an Illuminati wizard conjuring demons’ – Lakers star’s
chalk routine is a magic ritual according to right wing conspiracists
根據右翼陰謀論者 LBJ賽前灑止滑粉的儀式是魔法-「LBJ是光明會招喚惡魔的巫師」
A 3-month old video which claims LeBron James is an Illuminati wizard
conjuring demons is going viral once again at the start of the season.
This video released when the Lakers were making short work of every opponent
they faced in the bubble playoffs. The handle in question is called Right
Wing Watch.
Wing Watch。
Right Wing Watch
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Sheila Zilinsky warns that LeBron James in an "Illuminati wizard' who is "conjuring up demons before every game" by tossing chalk into the air.
The video itself is so bad that it’s almost pathetic and you feel
sympathetic for whoever made it. Perhaps they didn’t even believe all the
stuff they were saying. At least what they said were certainly all real
words. Tune in if you want to have a few laughs for sure, it might brighten
your day.
According to legends, the Bavarian Illuminati is an organization that
furthers the cause of scientific enlightenment. Many renowned scientists have
been said to be members of the Illuminati.
However, whatever real, tangible and admissible proof that has been gleaned
reveals that it went defunct before the 19th century. Conspiracy theorists
believe, however, that they infiltrated the Freemason society and grew in
influence from there.
They claim that the Illuminati now have people in place in every public
office in the West, and they pull the strings of the world’s geopolitics.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Vurgof1 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1608735410.A.A41.html
推 lkk88: 美國人的智商? 教育?2F 12/23 22:58
※ jack8587:轉錄至看板 Gossiping 12/23 23:00
→ cross980115: 要不要乾脆說 因為LBJ進行那些儀式 所以他的耐戰度跟球技才那麼強啊?5F 12/23 23:01
推 GGxyz: Illuminati confirmed12F 12/23 23:03
推 king603: ki驅魔師 Vs 詹巫師 誰法力高啊13F 12/23 23:04
推 cwind07: AD是剛晉升的大長老 JR是護法16F 12/23 23:08
→ mingonly: 是不是光明會不知道以後肯定是禿頭會17F 12/23 23:08
→ how870927: 我知道 他還會在場上偷放法術幫隊友補血19F 12/23 23:08
噓 MarsCrp1: 幹真的耶 反正我智商低是信了20F 12/23 23:09
推 wwf1588: 跟艾薇兒年輕時就過世 現在是替身的陰謀論比比皆是21F 12/23 23:12
推 GeeBen: 是不是KI說的 那我信了24F 12/23 23:15
推 uhawae: 還 蠻 屌 的 屌 爆25F 12/23 23:16
推 jackq: 原來如此 KI賽前真的在驅魔 大家可以回家喇~~~~~~29F 12/23 23:23
推 monmo: 有這麼強他應該會召喚頭髮........32F 12/23 23:28
推 IbmabRE: 先找出姆斯的三角形再找惡魔啦34F 12/23 23:28
推 Gsun: 大家好我是老高 今天我們要講 LeBron James37F 12/23 23:30
推 HanaIro: 這是巧合嗎 我不這麼認為39F 12/23 23:33
推 deer8dog9: LeBron James簡寫是LBJ LBJ剛好是三個字 這是巧合嗎這是巧合嗎 我不這麼認為
LBJ又剛好待過騎士、熱火、湖人三支球隊 是的你再次看到三這個數字了 這真的是巧合嗎 我不這麼認為40F 12/23 23:33
推 live147222: LBJ12/30號出生 1+2和3+0都是3 這是巧合嗎48F 12/23 23:53
推 EMSOK: 抓到 難怪可以打這麼久 原來會用巫術50F 12/23 23:56
推 dakkk: 光明會是天主教聖騎士團吧 怎會跟惡魔扯在一起51F 12/24 00:13
推 RonYen: 力敏體暴力法53F 12/24 00:15
推 Noxus: 笑死幹 跟地平仔感覺差不多傻56F 12/24 00:21
推 baobeising: 還在吹光明會...民主化後那些想掌權的家族都被抄了58F 12/24 00:28
→ ntusimmon: 有這麼厲害 來湖人第一年就不會傷這麼久了59F 12/24 00:29
推 xz222: LBJ背號23號 又是3 這真的是巧合嗎?61F 12/24 00:34
推 IAMGRICE: 廢到笑XDDDDD 話說廢到笑因為怎麼說?想學,在線等63F 12/24 00:40
推 TomBoHu: james的m從中間分開來是兩個向下的c,c又是英文字母中的3個字,此外m往左旋也是3,這是巧合嗎?我不這麼認為64F 12/24 01:06
推 amare1015: 亂講 喇叭詹明明是狂戰士 哪裡是巫師67F 12/24 01:15
推 utcn92: KI:我就知道!他果然是!68F 12/24 01:20
推 seabax: 地獄七魔王召喚?
[url]https://youtu.be/-ZUf-3D48ic[/url]69F 12/24 01:22
噓 corlos: 先召喚頭髮看看72F 12/24 01:46
推 donhim: 不要瞎掰好嗎73F 12/24 02:08
推 xisee: ...75F 12/24 02:24