看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] AD: 湖人球隊裡的氣氛是"純真且自然的"
時間 Fri Dec 25 10:28:34 2020

來源: LakersNation
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yag536a6
Anthony Davis: Lakers Chemistry Already 'Pure And Natural'
Anthony Davis discussed the Los Angeles Lakers chemistry that has already formed despite new players being added to the roster. ...


Anthony Davis: Lakers Chemistry Already ‘Pure And Natural’
Anthony Davis說:湖人的氣氛已經是"純真且自然"

Although the Los Angeles Lakers had a new coaching staff and overhauled
roster last season, their chemistry was arguably best in the league and was
touted as a significant reason the team won the championship.

From the very beginning of the season, it was clear that everyone got along
and truly enjoyed playing with one another. That only grew as the season
continued, especially with all the challenges the franchise faced on and off
the court.

That’s why when the Lakers significantly retooled their roster over the
offseason — letting go of several key role players and replacing them with
younger and more durable options — there was some worry that the chemistry
would take a hit.

Luckily, Anthony Davis and LeBron James remained at the helm, with each
signing long-term contracts to signify their commitment to the organization.
Although the group is still working to iron out all the kinks on the court,
chemistry already is a non-issue.
很幸運的,湖人仍舊有Anthony Davis跟LBJ在主控,兩個都跟球隊簽了長約,顯示他們對

“We’re still trying to keep our chemistry the way it’s been,” Davis said.

“We’re not trying to change anything, guys are still hanging out with each
other, playing cards, going to the NBA-approved restaurants and things like
that, while still following the safety protocols.

“If you follow me, Trezz, Dennis or Q.C. on Instagram, that chemistry is
already there. We’re messing with each other and it’s all pure and natural.
We all kind of clicked from Day 1, to be honest.”

Hearing this from a team’s star player is certainly a positive sign for what
’s shaping to be a unique and challenging season. With road trips and home
games looking different from any season before now, having a strong team
chemistry will make things much easier.




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flexin: 反觀QQ1F 12/25 10:30
ghostl40809: 我要進來囉2F 12/25 10:31
Joey1999: 反觀隔壁3F 12/25 10:31
carry: 反觀同球館4F 12/25 10:32
EMSOK: 反觀氣氛大師5F 12/25 10:32
efbnm753: 贏球治百病啦6F 12/25 10:32
REI3173: 彎boy7F 12/25 10:32
efbnm753: 隔壁也是輸金塊後才開始氣氛的8F 12/25 10:32
yinwi: 等你戰績不好時再來看看氣氛如何9F 12/25 10:33
preattyall: 因為隊中有一位史上最偉大的總管兼教練LBJ10F 12/25 10:33
qmaning: 贏球治百病11F 12/25 10:33
live147222: 反觀某登反向JB12F 12/25 10:34
wizoz22770: 無腦酸們在急什麼13F 12/25 10:35
melzard: 贏球治百病14F 12/25 10:37
jim986988: 有沒有贏球跟氣氛無關,你看上季勇士有鬧氣氛嗎?15F 12/25 10:38
BS85: 甲甲籃球16F 12/25 10:39
Krishna: 湖人對快艇,輸了球卻贏了氣氛17F 12/25 10:39
anoymouse: 坦承相見18F 12/25 10:40
Kidd0502: 贏球當然不會有氣氛19F 12/25 10:41
leehom309536: 因為有牧師在啊20F 12/25 10:41
aniji: 噓點在? 自己贏來的戰績都不能開心 要學你們氣噗噗?21F 12/25 10:42
Kazmier: 純真年代22F 12/25 10:42
havohej: 小醬哭哭 在湖人開心不到23F 12/25 10:43
simon0131: 鵜鶘表示:24F 12/25 10:44
newtypeL9: 好標準的眼紅噓哈哈哈25F 12/25 10:44
coffee112: 甲假的26F 12/25 10:45
ksk0516: 有問過哈肉嗎27F 12/25 10:46
a840901: 贏球治百病?KI可不這麼認為28F 12/25 10:46
starxls: 奪冠列車 贏球會氣氛差才有鬼吧= =29F 12/25 10:46
lousen0068: 年薪十億的生活就是這麼樸實無華 且枯燥30F 12/25 10:48
terry311: 之前騎士除了KI也沒氣氛31F 12/25 10:48
marginal5566: KI真的是唯一LBJ帶不動的32F 12/25 10:49
sigma0307: 有冠軍 連屁都是香的33F 12/25 10:49
tailsean: 水鳥:34F 12/25 10:51
Kidd0502: 18騎蠻氣氛的吧 不然季中怎麼一堆交易35F 12/25 10:51
tailsean: 不過贏球治百病一直是不變的定律就是了36F 12/25 10:51
roger2623900: KI也是17年慘輸勇士才走的 贏球治百病還是成立
奪冠還走人的一時之間只想到可愛37F 12/25 10:54
willywasd: 贏球治百病39F 12/25 10:55
k870357: 某些人是不是昨天莫雷那篇被反觀到不開心XD40F 12/25 10:55
phix: 沒有會去脫衣舞派對的球員41F 12/25 10:57
zombierick: 有網站算過AD這季各種稅與經濟公司錢付一付,實際到42F 12/25 10:57
tailsean: 不過可愛離開也不是因為氣氛,是他更想去LA組團43F 12/25 10:57
zombierick: 手薪水大概一千兩百萬鎂左右而已44F 12/25 10:57
potterpig: 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔45F 12/25 10:58
tailsean: KI離開那年也是被勇士打爆才閃人的46F 12/25 10:59
JBLs: 反觀47F 12/25 11:01
charlie01: AD:我個人覺得湖人隊內的氣氛不做作又自然,
散發一股特別的氣質48F 12/25 11:08
dakkk: 有甲味50F 12/25 11:09
laipyn: KI靠抱LBJ大腿拿一冠 以為自己是神了51F 12/25 11:13
a11011788: 可愛去LA明明是想回家 不然暴龍+他更強好嗎52F 12/25 11:13
cktony: 上季也常聽到等戰績不好再來看的眼紅迷,等著等著就冠軍了53F 12/25 11:17
jack455161: 48樓真靠北XD55F 12/25 11:19
santa24569: real nigga56F 12/25 11:20
IRPT001: $$$$57F 12/25 11:21
Joey1999: 贏球治百病是成立但是首先你要能贏,但要能贏的重點也是氣氛要好,所以都差不多啦58F 12/25 11:21
Neotiger: 鬍子:看我幹嘛?60F 12/25 11:24
ctw01: 姆斯嬌喘一聲61F 12/25 11:30
micbrimac: 等你搶狀元的時候 再來看你是不是這麼想~62F 12/25 11:31
EZ78: DH:我曾經是冠軍賽三分命中率最高的 來 左手只是輔
啊幹 推錯63F 12/25 11:32
adway: 你再跟我rap呢66F 12/25 11:34
JayceYen: 甲味濃67F 12/25 11:34
totemist: 贏球治百病68F 12/25 11:36
ohmyya: 大哥算了算了69F 12/25 11:37
brothers5023: 氣氛融洽70F 12/25 11:41
shwkz: 皮朋現在有信心了 不會搶狀元啦...想太多71F 12/25 11:43
zombierick: 贏球治百病這種屁話也講的出口,看一下上季快艇吧季後賽沒打時,整隊就一堆氣氛仔在製造氣氛72F 12/25 11:50
ARCHER2234: 今天誰要一起嘿嘿嘿74F 12/25 11:52
Rayshief: 贏球都活蹦亂跳75F 12/25 11:53
wjill: 如果沒拿到戒指,就不是這樣了76F 12/25 11:58
mmchen: 這就是姆斯為何是組團界GOAT的原因77F 12/25 11:58
LatteCat5566: 幼稚園嗎?78F 12/25 11:59
yuanmi1283: 姆斯的隊伍都相對快活吧79F 12/25 12:00
jeffsu: 快艇上季還沒輸球前就在氣氛了好嗎XDDDDD80F 12/25 12:06
stja:81F 12/25 12:06
xm3k0828: 快活的空氣82F 12/25 12:14
HiSop: 反觀輪休得0病83F 12/25 12:19
Blazeleo819: 甘願當副手當然沒問題84F 12/25 12:23
zzz076: 去年總冠軍氣氛當然好85F 12/25 12:38
app20165: 現在就要看黑肉跟德軟能不能融入了86F 12/25 12:40
iminir2013: 店內外充滿的快活的空氣87F 12/25 12:42
ramirez: 上五樓的快活88F 12/25 12:44
HellFly: 奪冠治百病89F 12/25 12:48
hotpamsko: 皇城內一片和氣
大家都是富堡自己人90F 12/25 12:48

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