看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 小河流:我以前待過爛隊 但是尼克不是
時間 Fri Jan  8 10:37:23 2021

來源: SportsRush
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y56ncwe8
“I’ve been on bad teams before, New York Knicks aren’t one”: Austin Rivers explains how Julius Randle and co are much more competitive in 2020-21 | The SportsRush
Austin Rivers praised this year's New York Knicks, claiming they aren’t a bad team unlike last year’s squad, or those from the past 7 seasons. ...


“I’ve been on bad teams before, New York Knicks aren’t one”: Austin
Rivers explains how Julius Randle and co are much more competitive in 2020-21
Austin Rivers解釋為何Julius Randle以及核心球員本賽季更加有競爭力:「我以前待過

Austin Rivers praised this year’s New York Knicks and claimed they aren’t a
bad team unlike last year’s squad, or those from the past 7 seasons.

After 8 games, the New York Knicks are well above .500 with a 5-3 record
after their win over the Utah Jazz last night. The Knicks are currently the
5th seed in the East. They have the same record as Giannis and the Milwaukee

The Knicks have been playing as though they want to make the Playoffs or at
least the play-in tournament. At the moment, it seems as though the tanking
days are behind the Knicks.

With a young core comprised of RJ Barrett, Mitchell Robinson, and Obi Toppin,
led by Julius Randle, the Knicks seem to be a formidable opponent. Head coach
Tom Thibodeau is known for pushing his players to win games and not tank.
有著Julius Randle率領RJ Barrett,Mitchell Robinson跟Obi Topping組成的年輕核心,
現在的尼克似乎像是個可敬的對手了。總教練Tom Thibodeau以促使球員贏球,而不是擺爛

With wins over powerhouses such as the Milwaukee Bucks, Utah Jazz, and the
Indiana Pacers, the Knicks seem to be building up confidence in themselves.
The Knicks’ newest offseason signing Austin Rivers took to his postgame
interview to talk about their recent successes. He said, “I’ve been on bad
teams before, this is not one, I can promise you that.”

He continued on by saying, “I don’t know where we’ll end up. There’s so
much work to do, but I know the spirit is different. This is not that Knicks
team y’all have been covering.”

附上小河流昨天連拿14分 幫助球隊拿下勝利的影片
連結: https://streamable.com/59vbv9


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AsakuraYume: 快艇 火箭 在說哪隊1F 01/08 10:38
Bob101301: 應該是鵜鶘2F 01/08 10:38
vance1024: 鵜鶘?3F 01/08 10:39
trylin: 小河:某個3-1被逆轉的專業戶  我就不說是誰了4F 01/08 10:39
ooxxman: 喬神表示5F 01/08 10:39
Lakers24: 等賽季結束再來說這話比較準6F 01/08 10:39
pfii1997119: 我猜是被吼的那個7F 01/08 10:39
k870357: 鵜鶘 快艇 巫師 火箭 都擠8F 01/08 10:39
dwiee: 火箭 快艇:?????9F 01/08 10:39
ESTARRIOL: 黃蜂 快艇 巫師 火箭,哪個?10F 01/08 10:40
utcn92: 尼克才不是爛隊  是超級大爛隊11F 01/08 10:40
Lin82219: 快艇啦12F 01/08 10:40
pfii1997119: 乾 小河待過這麼多球隊哦13F 01/08 10:40
vasia: 你知道今年是選秀很大年嗎?14F 01/08 10:41
Skydier: 快船啦15F 01/08 10:42
s27052705: 哪隊16F 01/08 10:43
julian42: 尼克待遇好又在大城是好公司17F 01/08 10:44
chemistry123: 鵜鶘 巫師?18F 01/08 10:45
lickllll: 黃蜂吧,他的第一支球隊
還是又在嗆爸爸了19F 01/08 10:45
rukawa28: 火箭:看我幹嘛21F 01/08 10:46
DevilMayCry4: 之前的灰狼表示:22F 01/08 10:46
SCLPAL: 以前....?!23F 01/08 10:46
destinyx2: 應該是在說黃蜂那時吧24F 01/08 10:47
eh07: 屎隊25F 01/08 10:51
huyee: 語畢26F 01/08 10:53
nkfcc: 小河流認證尼克是支NGT很久。27F 01/08 10:53
iZinger: 這種事不需要認證吧,你跟近幾年有在看NBA 的人說尼克不是NGT,誰信?重點是看今年哪些隊戰績輸這支NGT比較好笑28F 01/08 10:56
vince4687: 尼克都打贏東區季後賽等級的球隊 很厲害31F 01/08 10:58
gh34163: 他老爸爛阿32F 01/08 10:58
vince4687: 好險季末有幫席包子護航一波 真低猛33F 01/08 10:58
r44621: 現在不是 之後有可能會是啊34F 01/08 10:59
mark50717: 火箭 看我幹麻35F 01/08 11:01
iZinger: 現在還是全聯盟薪資最低的球隊,哪隊輸尼克都可以嘴一下高薪低能36F 01/08 11:01
vince4687: iZinger火力全開 讚喔38F 01/08 11:02
o22117417tw: 明年選秀大年 尼克真的不坦一下嗎?XD39F 01/08 11:03
Woodoo9: XDD40F 01/08 11:03
vltw5v: 老河:???41F 01/08 11:05
silly2760176: 拔拔那隊42F 01/08 11:06
ARCHER2234: mj不爽的看著你43F 01/08 11:06
katanakiller: 拔拔:?44F 01/08 11:06
ken720331: 誰45F 01/08 11:06
thibw13ug1: 先別舒服吧46F 01/08 11:08
Siderx23: 去年我牛就已經知道了47F 01/08 11:12
dynamo: 一次得罪很多隊48F 01/08 11:14
CW4: 這詐欺獵人裡有演過 紅鷺的手段就是先討好要下手
的目標49F 01/08 11:17
dakkk: 那一隊比尼克爛 請明說51F 01/08 11:19
josephpu: 錫總帶的尼克真的有點希望52F 01/08 11:22
ciafbi007: 鵜鶘躺著中槍53F 01/08 11:22
dannyshan: 其實他是說學生時代的球隊啦 報導不是說過他很愛提以前的輝煌54F 01/08 11:22
steel: 太早56F 01/08 11:49
supin: 我以為他要說2020尼克就是2019熱火57F 01/08 12:07
Benvera: 22號:58F 01/08 12:13
bilibo: 快艇:??59F 01/08 12:15
gooljasper: 會爛是因為你爸硬要收編60F 01/08 12:21
louis152334: XDDDD 哪有?61F 01/08 12:23
slimak: 說真的尼克最X62F 01/08 12:25
ryancij: 76人:看我幹嘛?63F 01/08 12:34
s128222582: 尼克一共來過五個教練 他們都是王八蛋 禽獸  畜生 寄生蟲64F 01/08 12:42

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