看板 NBA
作者 kenny1300175 (蘇湖)
標題 [外絮] M.Turner回應交易傳聞:我不只是角色球員
時間 Fri Dec 10 10:55:25 2021

Myles Turner on Pacers' trade shakeup rumors: 'I'm not valued as anything
more than a glorified role player'
By James Herbert

Myles Turner has had enough of his low-usage role with the Indiana Pacers. In
an interview with The Athletic's Jared Weiss published Thursday, Turner said
he wants to show what he can do with the ball.

溜馬 Myles Turner 已經受夠了在溜馬的低使用率,

"It's clear that I'm not valued as anything more than a glorified role player
here, and I want something more, more opportunity," Turner told The Athletic.
"I'm trying really hard to make the role that I'm given here work and find a
way to maximize it. I've been trying to the past two, three seasons. But it's
clear to me that, just numbers-wise, I'm not valued as more than a rotational
role player, and I hold myself in a higher regard than that."




"I've been given many roles in the years that I've been here, and I feel like
I've been able to produce at a high level in the roles I've been given,"
Turner said. "I've shown that I can do the things they ask me to do, and I
think it's time to put that all together and be a more prominent night-in,
night-out guy on the offensive side of the ball instead of someone who is
asked to be a floor spacer and hide in the shadows."



"I've settled for being just a floor spacer who runs up and down and sits in
the corner all game and isn't active because I thought I was doing what was
best at the time," said Turner. "I wasn't looking out for myself and was
looking out for the team. But I realized that looking out for myself in turn
is looking out for the team, so I've flipped my mindset going forward."



Myles Turner on Pacers' trade shakeup rumors: 'I'm not valued as anything more than a glorified role player' - CBSSports.com
Turner says he wants 'something more' and wants to be 'a more prominent night-in, night-out guy on the offensive side of the ball' ...



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MK47: 也太謙虛了 我覺得溜馬準備賣的三個他最有價值= =1F 12/10 10:56
※ 編輯: kenny1300175 ( 臺灣), 12/10/2021 10:56:40
abcde010710: DPOY等級的2F 12/10 10:57
GeeBen: 長人有三分 價值超高3F 12/10 10:57
NanaoNaru: 謙虛4F 12/10 10:57
kevinduh4: 當角色球員價值才高啊 當核心太軟5F 12/10 10:57
clivezzz: 但感覺真的不受重用6F 12/10 10:57
lens82801: 你這標題下的怪怪的7F 12/10 10:58
nO25948: 應該比ad硬8F 12/10 10:58
jyekid: 意思就是老子要自私了9F 12/10 11:00
b89701221: 也不能說他錯 打雙塔就是要利用高度創造機會10F 12/10 11:00
skybin: 內文比較像是他想做更多,但球隊總是把他當角色球員但他為了球隊好,所以沒說甚麼吧11F 12/10 11:00
b89701221: 但是雖然籃下把握有比前幾年好一點 要硬吃小個還不13F 12/10 11:00
onionandy: 他的意思是在溜馬只被當角色球員 不是謙虛14F 12/10 11:01
b89701221: 太行 而且以他個性他不會主動要交易 就乖寶寶一個15F 12/10 11:01
skybin: 但他低位技巧不好也是事實,不能怪別人把他當角色球員16F 12/10 11:01
b89701221: 只是希望多給他一點球權吧18F 12/10 11:02
MUJIQQ5566: 超好用19F 12/10 11:02
grimnir158: 不想當角色球員那可以先把勇士剔除了 他不想當魯尼20F 12/10 11:03
jiuan1027: 應該是說我一直被當作角色球員21F 12/10 11:03
liuuuuuu: 去活塞 雷霆吧22F 12/10 11:04
ghchen1978: 吹蜜吹起來!23F 12/10 11:05
SuikaJasper: 我是想不到哪隊會想直接把球權塞給他處理球欸,勇士好歹也算是願意給有能力的球員設計戰術的球隊了24F 12/10 11:06
camelot0603: 意思不就是能擔任更重要的角色嗎
聰明的話來黃蜂啦26F 12/10 11:06
qq0526: 來我湖啊30F 12/10 11:07
ghchen1978: 你如果有大衛西那種能力的話勇士也是會釋放球權的31F 12/10 11:09
nt880245: THT萬用包要出現了嗎32F 12/10 11:09
Dino14124: 「我不只是角色球員」這樣才符合內文吧33F 12/10 11:11
已修 感謝建議
Gilbertsky: 這好像跟謙虛沒啥關係吧XD 他是說自己被當角色球員而且看起來他已經不想當角色球員了34F 12/10 11:11
jackal44748: 可是他是每一支想競爭的隊伍都需要的角色球員 護框好有外線 現代潮流中鋒的代表36F 12/10 11:12
ptt821105: 來勇士吧!!!38F 12/10 11:12
k7202001: 啥爛翻譯 他意思是他不爽只是角色球員吧39F 12/10 11:13
kkjjkkjj: 想當副手吧40F 12/10 11:13
babyalley: 能護框能搶板能跑動能三分投射的長人 交易價值應該會是溜馬陣中最高 看看有沒有機會去爭冠球隊發揮他的長才吧41F 12/10 11:14
※ 編輯: kenny1300175 ( 臺灣), 12/10/2021 11:15:38
kkjjkkjj: 有護框有外線應該很好用44F 12/10 11:16
babyalley: 他能當副手啦 二或三當家 但是當不了核心45F 12/10 11:16
nuggets0916: Barton換46F 12/10 11:24
dam00528: More than a role player47F 12/10 11:25
xman262: 來我湖 謝謝48F 12/10 11:26
formap: 他真的很適合現在的meta49F 12/10 11:27
AtDe: 來我網,KI跟你換50F 12/10 11:28
dragon606: 就護框+三分,低位跟籃板保護都不太行
這不是角色球員是啥......51F 12/10 11:29
Tcuro: 我勇謝謝54F 12/10 11:31
sunnyyoung: 自我感覺良好?55F 12/10 11:32
h760108: 小獨真的該考慮一下56F 12/10 11:33
Snowman: 用ki換可以喔 反正溜馬要重建 幫吃怪咖剛好57F 12/10 11:37
ianasd: 可以吹了,應該一堆球隊搶著要58F 12/10 11:38
AlanLinKL: 2K超好用59F 12/10 11:38
kyleliu2000: 我湖願用上將tht +nunn 跟你換60F 12/10 11:43
jackal44748: 印象中溜馬有給他球權練過 但就是打不出來61F 12/10 11:43
AtDe: 溜馬缺finisher,KI 剛好完美補上62F 12/10 11:43
lens82801: 他這三年為了跟小沙配犧牲蠻多的63F 12/10 11:44
kaybear3001: 去爭冠球隊他定位肯定跟現在差不了多少64F 12/10 11:45
jjoonnyy: 有三分,有防守,夠搶手了65F 12/10 11:46
gswsb: 我勇歡迎你66F 12/10 11:53
demonh311: 沒有溜馬要的東西,溜馬是不會交易的67F 12/10 11:53
y28822885: 內線版3D,稀有但依然是角色球員分類啊68F 12/10 11:55
EZ78: 他那個實力只要18M要價肯定不是角色球員啊69F 12/10 12:02
yyes5210: 來熱火打阿爹替補 反正熱火也有中鋒手遞手戰術70F 12/10 12:07
Aggro: 歡迎來我陽71F 12/10 12:12
pi020412: 這樣他跟小沙就得拆了 如果兩個都想持球的話72F 12/10 12:18
eno03: 頂級綠葉 FB還算好用73F 12/10 12:22
whhw: 吹74F 12/10 12:44
pups0409: 不要看他一堆鍋跟可投三分就以爲攻防很全面,其他技能樹都很普,籃板保護、進攻手段、防守意識講不75F 12/10 12:48
YCkuku: 他講的真的是現在大部分中鋒的處境QQ78F 12/10 13:08

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