看板 NBA作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)標題 [外絮] Nash:有和KI聯繫過但情況不變時間 Wed Dec 15 23:59:49 2021
Speaking of unknown, it is still unknown whether or not Kyrie Irving will suit u
p for the Nets again this season, despite reports suggesting “optimism” around
such a scenario this season.
As it stands, there are only three routes for Irving to return to the Nets this
season: Either New York City loosens the COVID-19 vaccine mandate amid a surge i
n cases (unlikely), Irving himself gets vaccinated (unlikely) or the Nets agree
to allow their star, unvaccinated guard to practice with the team at home and pl
ay in road games (unlikely). The Athletic’s report did not reveal the root of t
he optimism on either side, nor did it suggest any deviation in the likelihood o
f any of Irving’s three aforementioned routes back to the floor in Brooklyn.
就目前而言,KI本賽季只有三種途徑重返球隊:要麼紐約市在病例激增的情況下鬆綁 接種C
Athletic 的報導沒有揭露雙方樂觀態度的根源,也沒有跡象表明KI在上述提到三種回歸籃
“I have connected with him but totally outside of (returning to the team) and j
ust (about) life in general,” Nash said about his conversations with Irving. “
So we connected last week, but not with any intel or insight that things are cha
nging. I know he’s working out, and I know he’d love to be playing, but I thin
k the boundaries are still the same as they were before recent reports.”
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→ Aggro: 看來這季大概沒救 回不來了1F 12/16 00:00
推 elvita: 慘 我大KD4F 12/16 00:02
推 kaga1991: nash:ki00? kd4811F 12/16 00:05
推 amkust: KI歸隊三個可能,總之就是不太可能12F 12/16 00:06
→ sho666: KI不意外。已經是人生勝利組了,還打什麼籃球15F 12/16 00:10
推 justgetup: 讓KI打打客場也比0748好吧 操爆才是真的沒希望嘍16F 12/16 00:10
推 icou: 沒有變化 好喔48請繼續18F 12/16 00:12
推 Ray3627: KI打客場對球隊球團又沒好處 票房還是別隊的
教練團Setup更麻煩 把事情想的太容易了20F 12/16 00:17
推 shortimex: KD:可能性不是零對吧!? 那對我來說就是百分之百!!24F 12/16 00:29
推 jzsc5566: 不會到很麻煩啦 隨便放上去都比那些雜魚跑戰術強
但蔡崇信不爽就沒辦法了25F 12/16 00:35
推 sasewill: 再怎麼麻煩都比小貓亂打然後0748好多了27F 12/16 00:43
推 km850105: 好處就是客場不用0748啊28F 12/16 00:44
推 sept9048: 雖然早就知道的事 但還是很好笑哈哈32F 12/16 00:58
推 heavensun: KI沒違約 沒法索賠的 簽約時 沒想到役情規定
以後可能會有KI條款 簽約 多一條 配合政府打疫苗33F 12/16 01:08
→ blairchief: KI弄不回來 也不能硬操KD 他是有幾根腳筋可以斷= =35F 12/16 01:44
推 josephpu: 其實跟蔡沒什麼關係吧,KI這情況還給他上,對球隊氣氛以及磨合都不太好,就單純理性的抉擇36F 12/16 02:26
推 aegis43210: KI沒有違約,所以KI客場不打一樣有薪水領38F 12/16 02:32