看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 小河流對勇士崛起有些"兒童不宜"的評論
時間 Thu Dec 23 10:38:23 2021

來源: NBC Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yc3h7wkj
Nuggets' Austin Rivers goes on NSFW Warriors, Andrew Wiggins rant | RSN
Nuggets guard Austin Rivers is not thrilled the Warriors are good again and had a message for fans who wanted Andrew Wiggins traded. ...


Austin Rivers goes on NSFW rant about Warriors being good again
Austin Rivers對於勇士再次崛起有些兒童不宜的評論

The Warriors are once again one of the elite teams in the NBA, much to the
chagrin of players and fans alike.

As is the case with any consistently dominant team in professional sports,
they quickly become the villain in their respective leagues.

The Warriors, who very recently won three championships in five straight NBA
Finals appearances from 2015-2019, are back atop the NBA once again.

Denver Nuggets guard Austin Rivers is one of the players who is not thrilled

that Golden State has returned to NBA dominance.
金塊後衛Austin Rivers是聯盟裡面對於勇士再次回歸成為強隊表示不開心的球員之一。

Rivers, of course, has had his battles with the dynastic Warriors over the
years. Rivers was on the LA Clippers from 2014 through 2018, and then played
on the Houston Rockets team that the Warriors beat in the 2019 Western
Conference semifinals.

Taking to Instagram live, Rivers expressed his displeasure with the Warriors'
success and scolded Dubs fans who had pushed for an Andrew Wiggins trade in
the offseason but have since reversed course.

“Golden State looks very solid right now," Rivers said. "I hate to see it. I
don’t like it one bit. I’m tired of that f--king team… they got a good mix
of young talent, good vets… A lot of you Warriors fans was off [Andrew]
Wiggins when he first signed with the Warriors, keep it 100. Last year you
all was talking about ‘trade him, this and that’ now everybody is talking
all highly. Come on now.”


粗暴的言論 Duck不必

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Xm-4YfQ (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1640227106.A.A5A.html
RadioMan: 這誰?1F 12/23 10:39
SeanR: 實話總是傷人2F 12/23 10:40
Chanlin01: 準備被隔空水桶吧3F 12/23 10:40
joe56987reg: 小河才是8年老勇迷4F 12/23 10:40
LBJKO: 基本每隊球迷都會參雜這種喊交易的..講這種沒啥用XD5F 12/23 10:40
jyekid: 勇士真的交易走了他又要駡沒耐心培養磨合6F 12/23 10:41
victor21835: 每個冠軍球隊 砸錢留人後都走下坡 勇士回來得好快7F 12/23 10:41
LBJKO: 勇士崛起靠的是眼光 去年雙向的培育 完整的體系8F 12/23 10:41
victor21835: 坦白說我蠻佩服管理層的9F 12/23 10:41
liusim: 打的好當然好棒棒,打的好是要噴啥小 講幹喔?10F 12/23 10:42
LBJKO: 然後今天後勤補得很好 光挖阿金就是很成功的一步~11F 12/23 10:42
victor21835: KT頂薪躺兩年 復活後恐怖勇士就要來惹12F 12/23 10:42
jokerxl: 拿這種少數意見來噴整個群體 蠻蠢的13F 12/23 10:42
wayne4225: 講要交易他的也只是一部分吧 這理由也太沒說服力14F 12/23 10:42
LBJKO: 老闆也是肯花錢 這些都是相輔相成 成功的因素15F 12/23 10:42
jemmak629: 五年老粉等等要來噓了16F 12/23 10:42
KeMBaWallKer: 小河也看PTT?17F 12/23 10:42
asd831129: 連灰熊迷都會有要交易走Morant的了。第一次看球員跟18F 12/23 10:42
Tosca: 最神奇的是Kerr好像沒做甚麼 勇士就這麼強了19F 12/23 10:43
liusim: 不然球迷講什麼? 戰術解析、養成計劃書、建隊大綱20F 12/23 10:43
a11011788: 打出來都馬真香21F 12/23 10:43
asd831129: 不爽人家球迷的XD22F 12/23 10:43
Tosca: 以前公牛+湖人王朝把phil吹得多威23F 12/23 10:43
kaga1991: 這種馬後炮言論duck不必啦24F 12/23 10:43
JustDuHua: 主要是願意一直砸錢吧  不重建 薪資很爆炸啊25F 12/23 10:43
Johseagull: 有看到影片 先補血 他講起來是「乾勇士真的好強…」那種嘴巴說不喜歡但身體很誠實的佩服的鄉民感26F 12/23 10:43
mailman: 嫉妒死了28F 12/23 10:43
liusim: 小河這種噴法真的很搞笑29F 12/23 10:44
RBC54321: 圍巾就交易來的啊 這算簽約哦?小河什麼都要酸?30F 12/23 10:44
jyekid: 他就是想罵勇士31F 12/23 10:44
Johseagull: 推薦他的Ig直播 很好笑 同場還講到說他老了一定穿西裝一定超醜因為「你們有看到我老爸吧…」32F 12/23 10:44
madeathmao: 所以NSFW的部分在哪34F 12/23 10:44
RBC54321: 不過季後賽連續輸給勇士 那就可以理解了XD35F 12/23 10:45
Wi1lXD: 戳36F 12/23 10:45
yun0215: 不想交易他的人也很多啊,拿部分人的說法來噴全部的人蠻無聊的37F 12/23 10:45
CMPunk: 小河的ig直播是要發成幾篇新聞啊= = 他要不要趁早轉成體育名嘴好了 這麼有聲量39F 12/23 10:45
Tabrisyang: 小河要被隔空水桶嘍 幫補血41F 12/23 10:48

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