看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] Kobe曾在Caron Butler的家中將所有人趕
時間 Sun Jan  2 22:51:38 2022

Kobe曾在Caron Butler的家中將所有人趕出派對進行安全檢查

Kobe was very careful with every detail of his life and Gilbert Arenas recently
told a story that perfectly sums up his personality. Talking on Vlad TV, the Was
hington Wizards icon revealed one time Kobe attended a party at Caron Butler's r
esidence and took everybody out of the house to have a security check. He didn't
 even care about Butler and asked everybody to leave until everything was 'OK' f
or him.

性。在電視節目上,這位華盛頓巫師隊的偶像透露,有一次Kobe在Caron Butler的住所參加

“I got third-party stories. Like Caron was telling me once about his birthday.
He did a party at his house in Milwaukee and he said he invited Kobe. Says my ho
use got my family, my friends, our teammates and they said Kobe comes,” Gilbert
 Arenas said.


“Kobe comes in, and you know he has security. Tell everyone one, ‘Hey, out of
the house.’ He kicked everyone out of their own house, and he had a security ch
eck to make sure everything was alright, and then they let everyone back in. He
[Caron Butler] said, ‘I’m sitting outside looking like, yo bro, this is my hou
se.’ He [Butler] said that was the way Kobe was.”

Arenas:Kobe進來了,你知道他很有安全意識。Kobe告訴每個人“嘿,離開房子。” Kobe

進去。他(Caron Butler)說“我坐在外面看起來就像,呦兄弟,這個是我的房子。”他(But

This is a hilarious story, to be honest, but it also shows that Kobe didn't trus
t people that easily and didn't hesitate to do anything to make sure he was safe
. He had a deep bond with Caron Butler, which is why his former teammate allowed
 him to do what he did.

來確保他的安全。他與Caron Butler有著深厚的感情,這就是為什麼他的前隊友允許他這麼

Kobe Bryant Once Kicked Everybody Out Of A Party At Caron Butler's House For A Security Check: "That Was The Way Kobe Was.” - Fadeaway World
We all know Kobe Bryant was extremely meticulous, no matter what he intended to do. His work ethic put him on a different level compared to the rest o ...


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※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/02/2022 22:52:32
AustinPowers: 可惜如果直升機也能這樣檢查就好了1F 01/02 22:53
s880303: 怕有警察臥底2F 01/02 22:54
giveusatank9: 卻相信了駕駛是在天氣允許飛行下起飛3F 01/02 22:54
giancarloye: 卡巴 ,我要你的簽名卡4F 01/02 22:54
Wwc0130: 我也想到直升機 只能說老大相信專業...5F 01/02 22:54
hunt5566: 怕被偷拍吧 嘻6F 01/02 22:54
wai0806: 結果飛機敢這樣飛7F 01/02 22:55
sikadear: 一樓回的殘酷但很確實8F 01/02 22:55
aa091811004: 有夠靠北wwww9F 01/02 22:55
ste14563: XDDD10F 01/02 22:55
melzard: 一樓無情開題11F 01/02 22:58
a34567: 安全感的翻譯錯了12F 01/02 23:00
demon616: 事實 這如果是真的只顯得更諷刺13F 01/02 23:00
lkk88: 怪怪的故事14F 01/02 23:01
kraftman: 安全檢查15F 01/02 23:02
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/02/2022 23:03:37
Tommy92C: KOBE最好會懂怎檢查直升機16F 01/02 23:03
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/02/2022 23:04:54
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/02/2022 23:05:22
bob2245656: 事實總是顯得諷刺… 老大還是想念有你的 NBA17F 01/02 23:05
PTTjoker: 一樓歪很大, 調查都說不是直升機問題是駕駛誤判18F 01/02 23:06
NOKIA8888: 很謹慎19F 01/02 23:07
loserloser: 安全檢查室檢查有沒有人帶槍?還是房子?20F 01/02 23:08
alcard22: 這跟直升機失事原因沒關係==21F 01/02 23:09
elvita: 直升機是駕駛的問題吧...起霧後出現誤判22F 01/02 23:09
basterds: 誰叫Arenas去休息室帶槍23F 01/02 23:11
Blazeleo819: 是他自己檢查嗎?如果是的話那畫面很好笑24F 01/02 23:11
blairchief: 這很處女座XD25F 01/02 23:15
semicoma: 只能說下次記得先學會檢查直升機@@26F 01/02 23:17
wwf1588: 又不是直升機故障 ..27F 01/02 23:18
qk3380888: 靠北喔XDDD28F 01/02 23:18
mmchen: 是駕駛失誤又不是直升機問題29F 01/02 23:19
cado0824: 下次記得檢查直升機駕駛30F 01/02 23:20
ponguy: 還活著就不一定會被造神造成這樣了31F 01/02 23:21
blairchief: 這麼不甘願 也可以祈禱自己早逝32F 01/02 23:23
swatch44: 服務生 我要檢查你的身體33F 01/02 23:24
gyhua: 亞瑞奈斯是最需要被檢查的對象34F 01/02 23:24
deanisme: 這樣還會被抓包拍到105………35F 01/02 23:24
lkk88: 總覺得KOBE的相關故事有越來越虎爛的趨勢 那些講故事的人也不知道是不是真心想說這些往事 也可能這是太閒來搏個版面 KOBE也沒辦法再出來澄清或反駁 加上以前大歐的海軍上將說謊事件 存疑 對於各種KOBE的故事謹慎看待36F 01/02 23:24
Ken25: 幫服務生檢查身體41F 01/02 23:25
MK47: 推36樓 很多以前沒聽過得故事 最近這兩年跑出來= =而且都蠻離譜的42F 01/02 23:27
jason38152: 還是覺得老大不在了很不真實…44F 01/02 23:32
ste14563: 真的嗎45F 01/02 23:34
jimli: 駕駛在雲層裡面迷失方向高度 誤判這跟直升機沒關46F 01/02 23:35
wc4eva: 一樓笑死XD47F 01/02 23:35
hyde318: 不是駕駛說不飛kobe 硬飛嗎48F 01/02 23:37
kraftman: 好多故事49F 01/02 23:40
swatch44: 老大不管在哪裡都喜歡硬來50F 01/02 23:40
auftiwy: 可惜最後還是防不了意外51F 01/02 23:41
GyroZep: 除了服務生沒人敢反抗52F 01/02 23:46
NOKIA8888: 老大53F 01/02 23:48
silencepap: 就是有lkk88 以及MK47這種文章不仔細看就相信的人才會讓你們口中浮誇的故事被流傳
最後一段開頭都開張明義的講是搞笑的故事了54F 01/03 00:02
kkjjkkjj: 反正死無對證啊怎麼吹都沒差57F 01/03 00:06
umin928: 死無對證58F 01/03 00:06
kobe7785075: 我也是想到直昇機 唉59F 01/03 00:06

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