看板 NBA
作者 s27052705 (0.0)
標題 [情報] KI預計在對溜馬的比賽復出
時間 Mon Jan  3 23:08:16 2022

Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving is expected to make his season debut Wednesday o
n the road against the Indiana Pacers, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. After
 missing the Nets’ first 35 games of the season, Irving has targeted Wednesday
for his return.



Shams Charania
Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving is expected to make his season debut Wednesday on the road against the Indiana Pacers, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. After missing the Nets’ first 35 games of the season, Irving has targeted Wednesday for his return.


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Xqn5ZjR (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1641222499.A.B5B.html
ejijo761115: 恐怖籃網要來了!1F 01/03 23:08
Leaflock: 恐怖籃網2F 01/03 23:08
yodilouis: 幫溜馬QQ3F 01/03 23:09
jason910530: 蒿吐露絲4F 01/03 23:09
a11011788: 溜馬:歸剛欸5F 01/03 23:09
MarkeleFultz: 宇宙戰艦 蒿吐漉絲6F 01/03 23:10
brianhxy: 這次總不會再輕敵被打爆了…吧7F 01/03 23:11
※ 編輯: s27052705 ( 臺灣), 01/03/2022 23:12:33
CMPunk: 天網降臨8F 01/03 23:14
your1225: 完全體天網 蒿吐露絲?9F 01/03 23:14
tailsean: 總冠軍已經一半進口袋了10F 01/03 23:15
ginopun10477: 怕11F 01/03 23:16
a3221715: 練兵完畢 艷陽高照12F 01/03 23:18
Chanlin01: 菁英網集結13F 01/03 23:18
Ken52039: 恐怖歐 恐怖到了極點歐14F 01/03 23:18
rothanlin: 只有客場出賽還是好奇怪,是想每場被噓爆??15F 01/03 23:24
Russ: 要開始問了嗎16F 01/03 23:25
y800122155: 蒿兔鷺鷥17F 01/03 23:25
lovesm8627: 籃網客場限定的專武,聯盟各隊瑟瑟發抖中18F 01/03 23:26
WLR: 真的恐怖19F 01/03 23:27
TEAae: 我就問20F 01/03 23:34
PantheraLeo: 恐怖時刻來臨了21F 01/03 23:35
slamblock15:  想看我們家的球星嗎? 到別人家看吧QQ22F 01/03 23:36
zxc8305300: 溜馬球場要充滿鼠尾草的味道了嗎23F 01/03 23:39
icespring: 宇宙網24F 01/03 23:40
a25270672: 結果比西門還早上場XD25F 01/03 23:42
XXXaBg: 只有客場限定26F 01/03 23:46
grimnir158: 恐怖籃網要來了27F 01/03 23:48
atmmaxing: 我在此宣布 總冠 宇宙勇VS宇宙網28F 01/03 23:48
danorken: KI大勝利29F 01/03 23:49
xm3k0828: 溜馬:沒欠你欸30F 01/03 23:52
nothing188: 沒打疫苗,怕不怕?31F 01/03 23:54
NeverNight: 怎麼輸32F 01/03 23:57
bemjamen123: 笑死某樓以為自己是誰 還宣布勒33F 01/04 00:05
BOSTONstyle: 我就問34F 01/04 00:08
jalsonice: KI大勝利35F 01/04 00:13
Diehardx: 終於36F 01/04 00:13
arno6248: 籃網不會客場勝率誑D場吧XD
遠大於37F 01/04 00:25
eno03: T10000000000039F 01/04 00:26
olin7745: 溜馬:幹 這不是針對什麼才是針對40F 01/04 00:36
MK47: XD41F 01/04 00:42
korgh413: 恐怖籃網42F 01/04 01:01
showmehe: 我就問43F 01/04 01:07
chh1470: 蒿吐露絲44F 01/04 01:16

作者 s27052705 的最新發文: