The Pool Report interview was conducted by Michael Richman (Locked On Blazers) with Crew Chief Derek Richardson following tonight’s Miami Heat at Portland Trail Blazers game
主裁判Michael Richman解釋熱火VS拓荒者之戰 Kyle Lowry被驅逐的原因
QUESTION: Why was Kyle Lowry assessed his first technical foul? RICHARDSON: Kyle Lowry was assessed a technical foul for directing profanity towards a game official.
第一個T是因為 Kyle Lowry 對裁判說了冒犯不當的字眼
QUESTION: Why was Kyle Lowry assessed a second technical foul and ejected at the end of the first half? RICHARDSON: Kyle Lowry received his second technical foul for continuous complaining and throwing the ball at a game official in an unsportsmanlike manner. As per rule, a player receiving a second unsportsmanlike technical foul is automatically ejected.