看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (甲之砒霜 乙之蜜糖)
標題 [外絮] 老鷹GM:對球隊表現很失望,離交易日期
時間 Fri Jan  7 23:59:00 2022

We’re seeing the same thing every game,” said Schlenk to 92.9. “Again last ni
ght, we had the lead going into the fourth quarter then we can’t keep it. I sou
nd like a broken record here, but it’s the same thing every game.



Again, ultimately this all falls on me,” added Schlenk. “So we’ve got to take
a long look at this and see if this group is the group we saw last year in the
second half of the season of if it’s the group we’re seeing this year. And tha
t’s what we have to determine and we have to make adjustments off those. Obviou
sly, you can tell I’m a little frustrated.”


“It’s a hard pill to swallow when your team is not playing as well as you thin
k it should. Maybe I need to lower my expectations for this team, ultimately thi
s all falls on my shoulders. I put this group together and they’re not respondi
ng. We need to take deep look into this for sure.”

當你的球隊打得不如你預期時,就像是要吞一個難以下嚥的藥丸。 也許我需要降低對這支

“Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to bring everybody back, that’s on me. We
have a few weeks here at the trade deadline and that’s what I need to figure ou
t...it’s my responsibility to put a product on the floor that can win. Right no
w I’m questioning whether or not I have done that.”

或許保留上賽季的陣容是錯的,這是我的責任。 距離交易截止日還有幾週時間,這是我需



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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Xs6D6zI (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1641571142.A.F52.html
※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 01/07/2022 23:59:34
Proteiner: 你龜<-> 吹楊 ,你湖小虧1F 01/08 00:00
a8856554: 看完全文都被GM的失望感染了2F 01/08 00:02
Chanlin01: 是上季打太好==3F 01/08 00:03
XXXaBg: 老鷹到底為啥那麼慘啊4F 01/08 00:07
seishin: 怎麼跟去年查那麼多,陣容沒變餒5F 01/08 00:09
fack3170: 交易6F 01/08 00:09
jackal44748: 老鷹這季傷兵+隔離蠻嚴重的 常常一批好了另外一批又進去躺7F 01/08 00:10
f92174: 被西門送上去產生自己太強的錯覺9F 01/08 00:12
chenliu0716: 吹樣《-》西門10F 01/08 00:14
Hotsheep: hawk11F 01/08 00:14
kyleliu2000: 湖人大三元神獸威少可帶飛,不用出吹養沒關係12F 01/08 00:15
Ten6666: 相信Schlenk 該交易就交易吧13F 01/08 00:16
Chanlin01: 什麼換龜 我湖龜要自個兒用14F 01/08 00:19
dream1285201: 11月初那波連敗都打強隊 不過最近連火箭魔術都輸15F 01/08 00:21
camelot0603: 該交易就交易16F 01/08 00:22
rothanlin: 加油,明天送湖下去17F 01/08 00:22
lowl99: 上季是換了教頭,老鷹後來才飛,這季老鷹的確飛不動,交易補強應該是跑不掉。18F 01/08 00:24
rlhl7799: LBJ換老鷹側翼包 我湖小虧20F 01/08 00:26
leonho40412: 我湖熱身中21F 01/08 00:29
Royalweger: 傷兵加隔離,波個蛋不知道幾時能回來22F 01/08 00:30
kobe20017878: 來 龜龜萬用包 換下去 肯定不一樣23F 01/08 00:33
XAMAS: 看戰績 也還行吧 一堆主力都還沒完全歸隊24F 01/08 00:34
lalacoco: 應該難以抉擇吧!這一波不是球員打太爛,疫情+傷兵!!25F 01/08 00:36
tyrone0923: 他們應該人手多到不知要上誰,結果搞到沒人可打26F 01/08 00:38
hunt5566: 傷兵咖哩換年輕吹羊 老鷹小賠27F 01/08 00:39
amazingwow: 湖人:意者私 75大三元神獸可換28F 01/08 00:40
ja860325: GM講話那麼直接真的少見29F 01/08 00:41
a8856554: 湖人 : 除了AD非賣品其他都可以看看30F 01/08 00:44
magamanzero: 沒吧 GM搞不清楚狀況? 去看一下隔離和傷兵在蔣幹畫不去看 逐場看一下BOX也知道31F 01/08 00:44
MarcPolo: 龜+杯子魔+DAJ換吹楊+Collins+Bogdan+Cam 你湖小虧33F 01/08 00:45
anderson1979: Reddish走人?34F 01/08 00:45
magamanzero: 隔離還算球員問題也太莫名其妙35F 01/08 00:47
tomoti: Reddish換湖人交易包,謝囉...36F 01/08 01:02
wahaha303: 先說自己也很失望才不會被罵太慘 高招37F 01/08 01:03
joey0207: 今年選秀超補陣容反而變強吧38F 01/08 01:10
vince4687: 今年哪一隊沒進去躺 笑死XDDDD
拿傷兵跟隔離護航的不曉得在幹嘛39F 01/08 01:10
nashno1: 大家幾乎都有傷兵好嗎 是老鷹這季真的爛
獨行俠之前都不知道隔離幾批了41F 01/08 01:12
vince4687: 自己去看看隔離的名單 還真沒印象老鷹是全年最慘的43F 01/08 01:13
a129634: 其實老鷹今年人不齊或人齊都打不好 打強隊都打不贏也代表實力就在那裡45F 01/08 01:15

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