看板 NBA作者 sbmylife (ILA)標題 [花邊] Beal場上教Ayo技巧時間 Sat Jan 8 12:23:47 2022
K.C. Johnson
Ayo Dosunmu said Bradley Beal gave him some advice during the game about how to make this one move. Dosunmu then used the move and said Beal told him, "I didn't say use it on me. I said use it in the future."
That's classic.
Ayo Dosunmu said Bradley Beal gave him some advice during the game about how to
make this one move. Dosunmu then used the move and said Beal told him, "I didn't
say use it on me. I said use it in the future."
That's classic.
Ayo Dosunmu 說 Bradley Beal 在比賽中給了他一些關於動作技巧上的建議。 然後Dosunmu
心得: 我教你不是叫你吃我啊XD
今天Ayo 18分 5板 4助攻 3抄截
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XsH7LoR (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1641615829.A.C9B.html
→ puro: 巫師其他球員:我覺得我們家老大不想贏球7F 01/08 12:29
推 vhs97nu: beal也到這個輩分了嗎xD8F 01/08 12:29
推 cl1030hen: beal 揚 bo = Biyombo12F 01/08 12:30
推 ODFans: 唉呦 不錯喔15F 01/08 12:33
推 xo1100: 你竟敢用我的咒語對付我17F 01/08 12:33
推 jasonkau: 有點好笑 但是願意教人給個讚XDDD19F 01/08 12:34
推 ethanchang: 笑死XDD我們家Ayo這樣壞壞,但Beal人真的很Nice21F 01/08 12:36
推 deadair: 哈哈 好大膽XDD22F 01/08 12:36
推 etop: 笑死23F 01/08 12:37
推 whhw: 笑死27F 01/08 12:39
推 wwe619: ayoooooo30F 01/08 12:39
推 kano2525: 你竟敢用我的咒語對付我,Ayo32F 01/08 12:45
推 dissy: 笑死37F 01/08 12:51
推 nick1628: 哈利 你竟然那我的招術對付我38F 01/08 12:56
推 jaworuji: Beal人真好 Ayo馬上使用也太好笑XD42F 01/08 13:02
推 WLR: TD也會在場上教對手44F 01/08 13:02
推 IaKoMu: 你竟然用我的技巧對付我 Ayo46F 01/08 13:13
推 eric2057: 你竟然拿我的絕招對付我 Ayo50F 01/08 13:32
→ gp03dan: Beal人蠻好的,哈51F 01/08 13:38
推 danieljou: You dare use my own moves against me, Ayo54F 01/08 14:01
→ qq0526: 石佛:未來是你的56F 01/08 14:07
推 ThreeNG: 笑死 自作孽 XDDDD58F 01/08 14:10
推 jyunwei: 人家是用這招嘲諷,Beal是真的教了還被人家用了出來XD61F 01/08 14:37