看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] 球評:這一世代沒有MJ
時間 Sun Jan  9 22:48:57 2022


Whenever Michael Jordan's name pops up, everybody is ready to debate. The Chicag
o Bulls legend set the blueprint for superstars that came after him, including K
obe Bryant and LeBron James. Most players have tried to emulate what he did but
so far nobody has actually done it.


Some could LeBron did it and actually surpassed MJ, but for a big chunk of fans,
 His Airness is still the GOAT. That's why many analysts use him as an example o
f what a megastar should be right now. Recently, one legend named Stephen Curry
as the Jordan of his generation.

有些人認為LBJ做到這一點並且實際上超過了 MJ,但對於大部分球迷來說,MJ仍然是GOAT。

2008 NBA champion Kevin Garnett picked the Golden State Warriors as the Jordan o
f this generation, but not everybody agreed with that notion. Fox Sports analyst
 Chris Broussard disagreed with those remarks, but he didn't mention another pla
yer as the modern-day MJ.

想法。Fox Sports球評Chris Broussard不同意這些言論,但他沒有提到另一位球員作為現
代 MJ。

Broussard said that nobody has come close to what Jordan did during his active d
ays, so it's hard to pick somebody as his second coming right now. However, when
 talking about the best player of this generation, Chris said it's LeBron James.


"There's no Jordan of this generation. I mean, I'm sorry. No one is dominating t
he game the way Michael Jordan did. No one is leading the league in scoring ever
y year. And then winning the championship 6 years. There have been three 3-peats
 since Bill Russell. Three 3-peats in the last 50+ years, and Michael Jordan has
 2 of them. I mean, come on. No one LeBron, KD, Steph, no one is dominating the
game the way Jordan did. So there's no Jordan of this generation. But the best p
layer of this generation, and if you wanna give somebody that title of 'the Jord
an of this generation' is LeBron James."


Stephen Curry changed the way the game is played and nobody will change that eve
r. He took over with the Golden State Warriors and went to five straight NBA Fin
als during the 2010s. LeBron James went to 10 straight Finals in the same period
, dominating the Eastern Conference every season.

咖哩改變了比賽的方式,沒有人會改變這一點。他接手了金州勇士隊,並在 2010 年起連續

He didn't win more championships because of Steph and the Warriors, but his tale

nt and quality on the court are undeniable. It's hateful to compare players from
 different eras but Broussard has a point when he says Bron is the Jordan of thi
s generation. He's won 4 NBA championships, 4 MVPs, 4 Finals MVPs, has been an A
ll-Star 17 times and he's not done yet.

得4次NBA總冠軍、4座MVP、4座FMVP,17 次入選全明星,而且他的生涯還沒有結束。

Chris Broussard Disagrees With Kevin Garnett's Comments On Stephen Curry: "There's No Michael Jordan Of This Generation." - Fadeaway World
Whenever Michael Jordan's name pops up, everybody is ready to debate. The Chicago Bulls legend set the blueprint for superstars that came after him, i ...


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rothanlin: 這個姆咪版也沒有MJ1F 01/09 22:49
phoenix286: 勇士五年三冠不覺得有比其他三連霸遜色 真的不需要執著在連霸上2F 01/09 22:51
ericchien: MJ在這個世代也不一定是最強拉4F 01/09 22:51
jevoling: 廢話:啥時候看過MJ天龍八步、假摔、學人咳嗽...5F 01/09 22:51
ste14563: 沒有MJ6F 01/09 22:52
IAMGRICE: 是啊,最接近沒錯。老喬地位還是太穩了7F 01/09 22:52
queen100000: MJ的天賦獨一無二,最接近的只有老大而已8F 01/09 22:53
hunt5566: mj太穩啦9F 01/09 22:53
Aggro: 三連霸就是一種指標 代表一段時間宰制能力 所以馬刺10F 01/09 22:54
k1230588: 最後一句也翻太怪了吧....機翻嗎11F 01/09 22:54
Aggro: 也是五年三冠 但也比較少拿來和三連霸比 雖然有些12F 01/09 22:54
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/09/2022 22:54:54
Aggro: 媒體定義王朝時候會放進去13F 01/09 22:55
k1230588: he's not done yet 是指他的生涯還沒有結束14F 01/09 22:55
louiszzzzz: 這世代沒有MJ那麼弱的15F 01/09 22:56
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/09/2022 22:56:13
queen100000: 姆斯就算同樣偉大但無法跟老喬相提並論16F 01/09 22:56
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/09/2022 22:56:43
kraftman: 沒有三連霸17F 01/09 22:57
dwiee: 三連霸太難拉 kd勇也是會敗給傷病18F 01/09 22:59
NanaoNaru: 姆斯頂級榮譽全比MJ少 加上沒王朝 根本不用比19F 01/09 23:00
galaraga911: 是呀,兩次都三連霸,然後都打到沒挑戰了直接退休,一次還去玩棒球XD20F 01/09 23:00
NOKIA8888: 是啊22F 01/09 23:00
Aggro: 三連霸就是連續三年都要維持高檔和健康 真的不容易23F 01/09 23:00
galaraga911: 誰還能複製24F 01/09 23:01
dwiee: 要比榮譽很難比贏mj 輸了也沒啥25F 01/09 23:01
Aggro: 有些球隊三年就可以變強權了 三年變化可以很大的
MJ數據面成就攤出要啥有啥 本來就難打 他有個人也有團隊成就 還有後場很難拿的防守 等於進攻防守團隊幾26F 01/09 23:01
dannyshan: 薪資計算方法都變了 現代是要怎麼像公牛那樣用兩倍的薪資打別人?29F 01/09 23:02
Aggro: 乎都無法挑剔說嘴31F 01/09 23:02
jjjohnny1282: 這個世代幹嘛要有喬丹?32F 01/09 23:04
galaraga911: 2倍薪資?是MJ一個人就2倍了吧XD33F 01/09 23:04
qwe91033: 確實34F 01/09 23:07
nnkj: 喬丹最大的貢獻是讓nba球員可以成為世界級上流人士35F 01/09 23:08
Aggro: 我還以為是讓勾勾牌籃球這塊狂壓過愛迪達XDDD36F 01/09 23:09
RieX: LBJ有機會成為這世代的MJ,但Curry確已經超越MJ了..37F 01/09 23:10
swingingbear: 勇士五年三冠很強 但斷掉的那年卻是歷史笑話 無解38F 01/09 23:10
nnkj: 我還沒打完啦 差不多啦 使nike籃球鞋變成流行時尚39F 01/09 23:11
mmchen: 抱腿界的GOAT40F 01/09 23:12
windfly520: 怎麼有人在偷渡curry41F 01/09 23:14
alittleghost: 3連霸瞧不起2連霸,也瞧不起8連霸42F 01/09 23:15
jameslin510: 討論到爛掉了貴古迷又高潮惹43F 01/09 23:17
arthur8787: 廢話 本來就沒有啊44F 01/09 23:18
wadeaicxz: 真的 這世代沒有像mj來台灣快閃45F 01/09 23:19
ste14563: 很難做到46F 01/09 23:20
alittleghost: 賤古賤今獨尊9047F 01/09 23:20
chinhan1216: 八連霸又沒薪資上限這個束縛
MJ兩度三連霸就是最強啦48F 01/09 23:20
Aggro: 新世代最有機會的靠近 搞不好是字母50F 01/09 23:21
goodhike: 要比冠軍指環王不久就最強?51F 01/09 23:22
peter211183: 八連霸那個時候幾隊 要不要先去查 再來提阿52F 01/09 23:22
Magic0312: 我也很想吹姆斯,但是他沒轉隊抱團就是0冠,組了個53F 01/09 23:23
Aggro: 你如果能贏到八冠 那就是這世代指環王阿54F 01/09 23:23
Magic0312: not7團又連not2都沒有,我真的不知道要怎麼吹55F 01/09 23:23
kraftman: 本來就沒有56F 01/09 23:23
Kidd0502: 字母已經一冠了 說不定未來有機會57F 01/09 23:23
Aggro: 但問題是 你連MJ的兩次三連霸等級都做不到了58F 01/09 23:23
Magic0312: 大家都想找一個這世代的MJ,但姆斯距離遠到不行59F 01/09 23:24
Aggro: 他這意思比較像 現代沒人達到MJ成就高度60F 01/09 23:24
hardy3412: 沒差我們有curry 射爆喬丹跑死歐肥61F 01/09 23:25
alittleghost: 只准90年嫌60年代競爭力不足,不允許2020批評90年代62F 01/09 23:26
NOKIA8888: 確實63F 01/09 23:27
Max7169: 除了姆咪誰覺得 RMBJ是goat  喬丹把NBA發揚光大 咖哩改變了NBA的打法戰術 姆斯改變了抱團風氣吧 哈哈64F 01/09 23:27
f77928: 有個人三天兩頭超越MJ又怎麼說66F 01/09 23:27
nnkj: 知名直播主GM最近說 個人數據跟奪冠 你只能選擇一樣67F 01/09 23:28

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