看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] LBJ:我是這項比賽的歷史學家,我對大O
時間 Mon Jan 10 20:09:59 2022


James was unaware of his feat during the Lakers’ loss to the premier point guar
d of the next generation, Ja Morant. LeBron was informed of his milestone in his
 postgame press conference and was asked about his general thoughts about Oscar
Robertson — the NBA’s triple-double king until Russell Westbrook came along.


“Oh, wow. I am a historian of the game and I know quite a bit about The Big O,
” LeBron said. “From his times from high school to the University of Cincinnat
i, to actually playing for the Cincinnati Royals all the way to Milwaukee, and s
o on and so on. What he meant to the game and what he still means to the game is
 something that’s just unparalleled. And, obviously, he will always have a conn
ection to Russ, what they was able to do for multiple seasons. But he was one of
 the first really premier big guards that could do pretty much everything out on
 the floor. But his ability to get teammates involved, his ability to find his t
eammates, his ability to provide that sense of joy out on the floor because of t
he pass is something that I’ve always respected and gravitated towards; guys li
ke himself, J-Kidd, and Magic. I sound like a broken record, but it’s the hones
t to God’s truth: anytime I’m connected — or anything with the greats, it’s
an honor.”



Lakers news: LeBron James speaks out on passing NBA legend
Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James spoke on the impact of Oscar Robertson after passing The Big O on the NBA's all-time assists list. ...


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thewtf: 尊重1F 01/10 20:10
sft005: 拜託你先去了解你旁邊那個領4400萬的2F 01/10 20:11
NanaoNaru: 姆斯這次做了盡職的調查,推3F 01/10 20:11
a3221715: 大O:感覺被降級了4F 01/10 20:12
kai08130623: 確實5F 01/10 20:12
Mezerized: 確實6F 01/10 20:13
ste14563: 確實7F 01/10 20:13
johnwu: KI:我是藝術家8F 01/10 20:15
knowledge56: sound like a broken record哪是這樣翻 是指聽起來像一直重複9F 01/10 20:15
c871111116: 真假11F 01/10 20:17
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/10/2022 20:17:10
windsp00: 放X12F 01/10 20:17
kraftman: 很瞭解13F 01/10 20:18
vince4687: 姆斯真的對這種古人的紀錄隨便都可以嘴上一兩句14F 01/10 20:18
alittleghost: 請不要把我跟那個人相提並論15F 01/10 20:18
s920223: the歷史學家16F 01/10 20:19
babyMclaren: 散步也算創造歷史?17F 01/10 20:20
NOKIA8888: 歷史學家18F 01/10 20:20
forsell: 我大喇叭,上知天文下知地理,每個領域都是專家19F 01/10 20:23
icoann: 別鬧了,他退休你還沒出生20F 01/10 20:24
ZaneTrout: 難怪喜歡龜龜21F 01/10 20:28
depo: 這是幕僚準備的嗎?不是的話很厲害22F 01/10 20:30
cuteboy70: 還沒出生就不能了解?那你幹嘛讀歷史,這什麼殘破邏輯?23F 01/10 20:32
eswnnnss: 可能是高中有念過歷史吧25F 01/10 20:33
jim986988: 還沒出生?就不了解 這有點搞笑 嘻嘻26F 01/10 20:34
darkflare: 一個歷史學家 一個閱讀大師 怎麼輸?27F 01/10 20:36
ARCHER2234: 你就活在歷史中吧,現實中的龜太沉重了28F 01/10 20:36
IAMGRICE: 高中唸過歷史這句話聽起來似乎沒什麼問題29F 01/10 20:37
jokepeace: 國中也有歷史課吧 忘了30F 01/10 20:39
hyperfrog: the史31F 01/10 20:39
st890284: 促成FA制度和促成組團文化 都是勞權先驅32F 01/10 20:40
c22501656: 為了酸詹連邏輯也丟掉了33F 01/10 20:41
ljk476820: 跟詹酸扯邏輯?34F 01/10 20:46
ILLwill: 姆斯常常都在那邊秀他的籃球歷史知識,這是喬丹不及35F 01/10 20:54
Miracleyan: -30閉嘴36F 01/10 21:06
vovoson: 創造歷史37F 01/10 21:10
yyyyy: 大O可沒有特意刷大三元 跟龜龜比不要笑死人38F 01/10 21:15
shinichi4869: 大學都沒唸好意思稱自己歷史學家 笑話39F 01/10 21:38
jsstarlight: zzzzzzzzzzzz40F 01/10 21:40
jsliao9786: the歷史學家41F 01/10 21:40
HongLiers: the understand42F 01/10 21:46
cuteboyqq: 口自己43F 01/10 21:53
wazabi: LeHistorian44F 01/10 21:54
mirac1e: 這次真的有先調查 老詹有料45F 01/10 21:55
lastpost: 數據迷LBJ46F 01/10 21:56
pcfox: 黑人學家47F 01/10 21:56
super009: The 好學48F 01/10 22:00
wseb: 那個年代還沒有大三元這種紀錄..當然不會特意去刷49F 01/10 22:02
Monchestnut: 人品最差的GOAT吧50F 01/10 22:04
kkjjkkjj: 可惜沒讀中國歷史51F 01/10 22:08
hiphop851021: 確實52F 01/10 22:18
f77928: 當自己寶傑 什麼都能大談53F 01/10 22:25
rothanlin: 可憐哪,今天就不酸你了54F 01/10 22:27
NTUKarbe: 確實55F 01/10 22:33
Gentile: 刷子姆斯比較了解隊友吧56F 01/10 22:39
emptie: educated57F 01/10 23:00

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