看板 NBA作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)標題 [外絮] 軟豆:期待與想要贏球的隊友一起打球時間 Mon Jan 10 23:36:45 2022
Rondo was talking about how much he was looking forward to playing with the youn
g core of the Cleveland Cavaliers. He took a subtle dig at Westbrook, saying tha
t he was looking forward to playing with young stars who want to win and give it
everything they have.
"Out there with teammates that care and want to win just playing hard."
Rondo may have been referencing Westbrook’s comments earlier this season when h
e said that he would be fine if he and the Los Angeles Lakers do not win the NBA
These comments did not sit well with the Lakers’ fanbase, as Russ was brought t
o the team with the express intent of helping the team win the NBA championship.
And his comments showed that he is not entirely focused on winning the NBA cham
Perhaps Rondo was just being polite to his new teammates and speaking about how
much he wanted to play with them. But given the recent nature of Russ’ comments
, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to suggest that Rondo was taking a shot
at Westbrook, especially given their prior history, even if they claimed to have
settled their differences in the past.
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※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/10/2022 23:37:58
推 fatotaku: 軟豆真的讓騎士很有競爭力,這一季算是保底季後賽了5F 01/10 23:39
推 Azabulu: 是誰不想贏球啊 麻煩說清楚點6F 01/10 23:39
推 okamifang: 欸不對,軟豆走了以後湖人開始連勝的,排?7F 01/10 23:39
推 leoncurry30: 記得豆總跟刷龜有仇的。期待下次對決會有什麼火花。畢竟之前也忍了很久10F 01/10 23:40
推 simon5030: 球商高的豆總很明顯知道腿詹現在只想刷數據13F 01/10 23:41
→ johnwu: 龜龜表示:14F 01/10 23:41
推 rayes: 離開湖人準備回春了18F 01/10 23:43
推 jacky3838: 軟豆需要正統C阿 可是湖人正統C正在被冰 走了也好19F 01/10 23:44
→ Aggro: 誰不想贏?21F 01/10 23:44
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/10/2022 23:45:00
推 ts012108: 看看軟豆帶表弟跟AD多麼的舒服 現在騎士一堆棒子24F 01/10 23:45
推 windsp00: 當面講阿 你雙標詹在講沒有在聽25F 01/10 23:46
推 zacawoo: 可能在說AD啊(?27F 01/10 23:46
噓 peter8936: 龜跟軟豆在板凳感情還不錯 又有仇了?29F 01/10 23:47
推 rlhl7799: 刷分刷到-30 推別人讓隊友受傷的 不知道是誰30F 01/10 23:47
→ Flitz: 有人不想贏 不配贏32F 01/10 23:48
推 lanchenchen: 當初覺得軟豆離開應該很開心,他可能每場比賽都在想「怎麼會發生這樣的失誤」
但因為是隊友,也不好講什麼吧34F 01/10 23:50
推 puro: 他不是臭湖人 是臭某人37F 01/10 23:50
推 seguignol: 哪有人不想贏球…引戰文章
龜龜場上鬥志是數一數二好的40F 01/10 23:54
推 cl1030hen: 這樣寫講為什麼是在影射Westbrook,這網站引戰大師?44F 01/10 23:57
推 rothanlin: 我覺得他是在講姆斯欸,只想到自己的刷仔47F 01/10 23:58
→ rothanlin: 看完今天的比賽不難理解他為何這樣講了49F 01/10 23:59
推 XIICAT: 我大軟豆怎麼想rothan最清楚 畢竟你們很熟熟熟熟麻52F 01/11 00:01
推 MK47: 是不是有人在臭53F 01/11 00:06
噓 Gilbertsky: 整篇都是記者自己腦補的廢話 軟豆一句場面話罷了55F 01/11 00:07
→ mmchen: 暗指THE 刷?62F 01/11 00:23