看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (甲之砒霜 乙之蜜糖)
標題 [外絮] 拓荒者讓小李傷休一年是最佳方案?
時間 Tue Jan 11 16:31:48 2022

Lillard will not travel with the team on its upcoming six-game road trip, and he
 is expected to meet with a specialist this week to determine the next steps in
managing the injury. Serious consideration has been given to Lillard taking sign
ificant time off to heal, effectively ending the Blazers' hopes at a playoff run


"I think that's probably going to be the route that we go if he doesn't get some
 kind of relief there," Blazers coach Chauncey Billups said last week when asked
 directly about the possibility of shutting Lillard down for an extended period
of time.


It's not only the likely path forward, it's also the logical one for both an ail
ing Lillard and a Blazers team that's looked utterly listless during the first h
alf of a season defined by organizational turmoil.


Call it a gap year for Lillard, call it a one-year mini-rebuild for Blazers inte
rim general manager Joe Cronin. It's what the Golden State Warriors did two year
s ago, letting Stephen Curry take some time off after breaking his hand early in
 the 2019-20 season, playing for a lottery pick and letting their young players
develop without the pressure of having to win games. The next season, Curry came
 back in MVP form, and a year later, Golden State looks like the best team in th
e league again.

人看不到能爭奪冠軍的實力。 就像2019-20賽季的勇士對Curry做的那樣,給他一整個賽季
的時間恢復和儲備能量,同時爭取拿到一個高順位選秀權。 上賽季的Curry一口氣重返MVP

Lillard's long-term health is the single most important factor in the Blazers' f
uture plans. He's eligible for a two-year, $107 million extension this summer, a
nd all indications are that he would sign it if Cronin (or whoever is running ba
sketball operations by July) offered it to him. He's said repeatedly since the s
tart of the season that he isn't looking to be traded, and that doesn't appear t
o be a route the team is considering, either. As hard as other front offices and
 some media outlets have been working to will him into a trade request, a Lillar
d-Blazers divorce isn't in the cards right now from either side.

的合約,只要管理層把合約擺在檯面上,種種跡像都表明Lillard會在上面簽字。 從本賽季
初開始,Lillard不斷強調自己不想被交易離隊,當然了,管理層怎麼想是另一回事。 儘管

Cronin will have other decisions to make before the Feb. 10 trade deadline, up t
o and including whether to trade Lillard's nine-year backcourt partner, CJ McCol
lum. Starting center Jusuf Nurkic and veteran forward Robert Covington are free
agents at the end of the season, making them prime candidates to be moved in the
 next month. Portland owes its 2022 first-round pick to Chicago if it's outside
the lottery; if the decision is made to shut down Lillard, they'll not only keep
 that pick, it also will have a chance to be very high. Maybe even high enough t
o draft a new co-star for Lillard.

拓荒者管理層還有不少事項必須解決。 他們到底要不要拆散雙槍送走CJ? 球隊先發中鋒Nu
rkic和3D鋒線Covington都將在本賽季結束後成為自由球員,他們的交易價值並不低。 如果
拓荒者2022年的首輪籤掉出樂透區,則公牛會得到這個選秀權。 如果拓荒者讓Lillard休戰

Letting Lillard take time off to get right, trading their other veterans to get
younger, letting Anfernee Simons and Nassir Little develop, losing enough games
to get a high draft pick and coming back in the fall with a clean slate and a he
althy franchise point guard ready to take a serious swing at a late-career run i
s the best outcome for both Lillard and the Blazers.

讓Lillard徹底養好傷,換走一些老將,繼續培養Anfernee Simons和Little,輸掉足夠多的
比賽爭取高順位選秀權,然後在明年東山再起。 這對Lillard和球隊來說都是最好的結果。

It's Time for the Portland Trail Blazers to Shut Down Damian Lillard | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
PORTLAND, Ore.—Don't be surprised if Damian Lillard has played his last game of the 2021-22 NBA season... ...


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rothanlin: 觀念正確1F 01/11 16:33
cody7052: 重點不在小李,關鍵在於動不動CJ2F 01/11 16:33
puro: 內文有一段講的點很怪 勇士也不是坦到高順位才有現在的競爭力3F 01/11 16:36
Arigatosam: 重點在少了小李反而贏球5F 01/11 16:36
puro: 幹 我理解錯了6F 01/11 16:36
a11011788: 交易才正解 小李要超級頂薪 根本不值7F 01/11 16:38
hank7218: Wiseman這季都還沒上過場8F 01/11 16:38
f92174: 問題是小李放一年好了還是小李 不會變成咖哩9F 01/11 16:38
allen12126: 真的~好好休養一季,順便微重建10F 01/11 16:39
kingianlin: 勇士也不是休傷就回到現在的狀態了吧..
勇士是體系一直都存在,但阿拓可不是這狀態吧11F 01/11 16:39
mingonly: 作者有說 拓荒者不可能跟勇士一樣 我省略那段 不是作者的問題13F 01/11 16:40
TheoEpstein: 小李已經是SUPER MAX了...15F 01/11 16:40
Tommy92C: 勇士又不是靠選秀高順位,是交易了不錯板凳起飛16F 01/11 16:42
depo: 排起來17F 01/11 16:44
jardon: 交易才是最佳方案18F 01/11 16:44
leoncurry30: 交易重建是正解,如果還能順便甩掉CJ更好19F 01/11 16:45
hank7218: 就重組吧20F 01/11 16:45
TexasFlood: 44444421F 01/11 16:46
seemoon2000: 小李不在 拓荒者卻漸入佳境 有點微妙
或許現在找個適合的對象賣掉對兩邊都好22F 01/11 16:47
magamanzero: 勇士是體系有了 按照這坑去把蘿蔔塞進去就好
無法填坑的蘿蔔 就處理掉 但不代表不能用
也不想想自己球員特色硬是要把它們變成勇士的形狀24F 01/11 16:49
julian42: 小李西門爛约互换29F 01/11 16:54
Pinky555: 如果坦一年可能可以  但沒他好像坦不住啊XDDD30F 01/11 16:54
nt880245: 坦到高順位換條圍巾31F 01/11 16:55
Gilbertsky: 開坦很簡單的 適時輪休主力多練練菜雞即可32F 01/11 16:56
magamanzero: 要坦痕容易的拉 贏了就把隊形打亂就好
球員心理也會有數 開始各種自幹33F 01/11 16:58
AtDe: 要坦可以呀,不要搞到最後小李自己跑掉,啥都沒有就ok35F 01/11 17:01
sustainer123: 小李+咖哩開啟大三分時代37F 01/11 17:01
AterPin: 為啥有權提前續約 只有兩年?38F 01/11 17:04
wu19911009: 放一年然後勒,合約還是卡在那39F 01/11 17:04
whhw: 怕40F 01/11 17:06
lsslz: curry受傷坦到榜眼 小李受傷球隊反而...41F 01/11 17:07
Pinky555: 勇士有人會自己去應徵啊  錢少都去的  沒得比42F 01/11 17:07
awheaton311: 今天拓荒贏籃網真的尷尬 結果是小李體系不合
如果是這樣真的就搞笑了43F 01/11 17:10
AtDe: 你今年坦,小李跟CJ回來之後賽門要怎麽處理,放回板凳或賣掉?都不太對45F 01/11 17:14
characterlu: 到底那一段有講到Nurkic跟covinton的交易價值"並不低"? 不低到底是什麼文法? 不便宜? 就直接說高不行嗎? 真的很討厭台灣人用這種反面敘述的說事情47F 01/11 17:15
AtDe: 如果要坦,基本上就是要準備賣掉小李才是正確的50F 01/11 17:15
iamaq18c: XDDDD51F 01/11 17:15
ignativs: 明年剛好補樂透新秀52F 01/11 17:15
magamanzero: 找多方把小李CJ一起清出去重建 只是不知道能換啥53F 01/11 17:16
andy00xx: 價值不低就是不低的意思 跟高又沒關係 很難懂?54F 01/11 17:16
chen5575: 他的現在合約到25到期,在延到2027-28賽季是極限,因為小李在2028時會38歲55F 01/11 17:17
st890284: 勇士也是排了一波 拓可以考慮排起來57F 01/11 17:18
a8856554: 不低感覺就是中間偏上,還不到高58F 01/11 17:19
Pinky555: 延  還想拿滿  比較頭痛吧XD59F 01/11 17:19
b98502071: 不低不等於高,自己理解不行不要牽拖60F 01/11 17:19
characterlu: 不低,那是高還是低? 不低到底是到多低? 重點是原文根本沒說他們二個的具體交易價值,是要牽拖什麼?61F 01/11 17:21
chenghow: 小後衛防守不好就看看IVERSON晚年~當爆發力沒有後肯定很慘,不過好在小李射程夠~就看老了無球轉換63F 01/11 17:21
WLR: 大破大立65F 01/11 17:22
chenghow: 如何~矮個子老了還要能生存現在就看CP3
比小李更矮~但防守真的很猛66F 01/11 17:22
Leaflock: 小李要賣要趁這季 下一季開始薪水往上跳一級更難配68F 01/11 17:24
tommica33: 坦一個猛的回來吧 不然每年都選二十幾順位的雜魚70F 01/11 17:28
bangch: 但是槍西  小李他不打球拓荒者順位反而不會高
這一季有小李的比賽才是真的慘不忍睹爛到笑71F 01/11 17:29
jackal44748: 重點是今年也沒什麼特別猛的新秀 阿拓真的到了該決定要不要賣小李了 不然明年更賣不掉73F 01/11 17:38
hannah5269: 小李飛刀一刀兩刀!早日康復!75F 01/11 17:40
lianhua: 勇士就綠咖哩湯 剩下的挑適合的塞啊76F 01/11 17:43
lowsan: 直接重組比較實際77F 01/11 17:43
harry881210: 你直接說交易價值高也不知道多高阿 ==78F 01/11 17:48
acura123: 小李就像是守寡多年有貞節牌坊的寡婦(忠誠),誰敢逼他改嫁就是拓荒者千古罪人79F 01/11 17:53
korgh413: 該賣一賣了81F 01/11 17:55
ocis: 制服組和教練團的鍋硬要牽拖球員真的不行82F 01/11 18:02
whoolan: 如果這時候戰績變好 那會很尷尬83F 01/11 18:02
ocis: 球隊沒大變動打了半季整個攻守失序84F 01/11 18:03
erimow: 不低不低不低不低不低不低85F 01/11 18:04
depo: 小李團隊好像已經要求球隊續約2年1.06億美金86F 01/11 18:06
kinve1014: 賣掉重建吧87F 01/11 18:13
lafeelbarth: 繼不世出後又一力作88F 01/11 18:15
betrace: 小李這種沒防守的矮後衛,老了會很慘
咖哩好歹是全美人氣招牌89F 01/11 18:16
jacky98: 今年選秀弱 重建感覺也沒用92F 01/11 18:30
Erishcross: 還不趕快找個快退休高層出來背鍋交易93F 01/11 18:33
jinzhu: 不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低不低94F 01/11 18:33
SDFSDF: 勇士老闆很敢花錢96F 01/11 18:34
Wall62: 觀念正確97F 01/11 18:34
kane840104: 勇士把去年正負值負的全排掉98F 01/11 18:36
joy9601: 休一年球隊同一批人還是一樣鳥 休一年也不會變咖哩99F 01/11 19:03
xul4vup4: 可惜勇士沒把握好高順位選秀權100F 01/11 19:19

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