看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] 如何防守咖哩?咖哩:LBJ說過,你防不住
時間 Tue Jan 11 23:59:34 2022


Curry participated in an exercise for GQ where he went undercover on the interne
t to answer some questions people have asked. Responding to a question about how
 he can be guarded, Steph quoted LeBron, who once said that it simply can't be d

咖哩參加了 GQ 的一個活動,在線回答人們提出的一些問題。在回答關於如何防守他的問題

"How can Stephen Curry be stopped? What did Bron say that one time? You don't? I
 like that line. I had to steal it from him, I like that one."


LeBron James and Steph Curry have enjoyed some heated battles over the course of
 their careers, meeting in the NBA finals in 4 consecutive seasons. During the F
inals, James was asked how the Cavs could slow down Curry and he explained that
it can't be done.


"You slow Steph down the same way you slow me down. You can't."


Curry has proven time and again that this is true, and he did it again in the pr
evious season, leading the NBA in scoring with 32 points per game. He has starte
d this campaign in a similar way, averaging 26.8 points, although he has slowed
down considerably in the last few weeks.

咖哩一次又一次的證明了這一點,他在上個賽季再次做到了這一點,以場均 32 分的得分領
先 NBA。他以類似的方式開始了這個賽季,場均得到 26.8 分,儘管在過去幾週他明顯被限

Steph Curry With The Epic Answer To How He Can Be Stopped: "What Did LeBron Say That One Time, You Don't?" - Fadeaway World
Steph Curry is one of the hardest players to guard in today's NBA, his three-point shooting and handles make him a nearly unmanageable assignment for  ...


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sony0223098: 守住其他人就 -301F 01/12 00:00
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/12/2022 00:01:49
cktony: 找KD一起守2F 01/12 00:02
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/12/2022 00:02:16
md3q6e: 冠軍可以輸 但是FMVP必須守3F 01/12 00:02
super009: 守不住的是接得到球的KT 咖哩只會背傳金盃4F 01/12 00:04
e49523: 加入他5F 01/12 00:05
skybin: 有種明天爆發,不然最近烙賽成這樣,守不住也只是說說罷了6F 01/12 00:06
ste14563: 限制不了8F 01/12 00:06
pandh8059: 紫色那段翻錯了吧9F 01/12 00:06
st890284: 問過staple center的籃框沒10F 01/12 00:07
ke1210: 我英文很爛,但還是想確認一下那句的意思不是「你想守住curry就像你想守住我,都是做不到的」嗎11F 01/12 00:08
yoyoruru: 史上最高薪團打順了 又恢復正常的嘴臭了 XD13F 01/12 00:08
Hiatc: 沒揹過龜殼 話別說太早14F 01/12 00:09
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/12/2022 00:09:31
VeryGoodBoy: 真的翻錯了@@15F 01/12 00:09
sony0223098: 要守住這些超級球星本來就不太可能 把其他人守住比較實際16F 01/12 00:10
kraftman: 最近低迷18F 01/12 00:10
ks96021019: 確實守不住19F 01/12 00:11
Ray3627: Kerr 可以20F 01/12 00:13
sky070650: Kerr:笑死21F 01/12 00:13
NOKIA8888: 確實22F 01/12 00:13
nasa01: -30  歐耶23F 01/12 00:14
zego41: LOVE好像就把他守到投不了24F 01/12 00:15
amazingwow: 守不住放投 還不是-3025F 01/12 00:17
MK47: 龜龜直接守爆他 有種讓龜龜跟他同隊26F 01/12 00:17
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/12/2022 00:19:39
robertshih: 咖哩背傳金盃送你姆一冠生涯對決還是3-1把你姆壓在地板上磨擦了ㄏㄏ27F 01/12 00:21
benptt: Love:???29F 01/12 00:23
babyMclaren: 找龜殼給你背30F 01/12 00:24
live147222: 我看你 完全
是沒背過殼喔31F 01/12 00:25
iamchyun: Love:我也守不住,但我守著了克里夫蘭第一冠 嘻嘻33F 01/12 00:25
SC30mvp: Kerr:很難?34F 01/12 00:25
sowenvoy: 這麼一說,龜殼好像是最有機會的也。35F 01/12 00:26
cktony: 航海王連這篇也要引戰真無聊36F 01/12 00:27
kkjjkkjj: 在耳邊說FMVP就好了38F 01/12 00:28
elfish123: 話說的太早了 有跟西河同隊再講39F 01/12 00:28
babyMclaren: 搞笑圖,別認真40F 01/12 00:28
kkjjkkjj: 真的欸3:141F 01/12 00:29
hydeliu: 我知道在嘴~但先不要~低調~~~42F 01/12 00:29
elfish123: 壓在哪裡?笑死43F 01/12 00:29
chenliu0716: Kerr:誰說的44F 01/12 00:31
ste14563: Kerr:45F 01/12 00:34
jo3m6: Kerr 龜龜笑而不語46F 01/12 00:35
trayman: 沒錯啊 你做不到的 只有老詹做得到 看看那精美的73亞 虐到過譽路人去組KD勇ㄏㄏ47F 01/12 00:36
BolidaBeu: 時光老人快追上囉~~49F 01/12 00:36
IsoZhen: 儘管在過去幾週他明顯被限制住。笑死最後一句是不是有人在臭50F 01/12 00:36
sam123343: 龜龜好像真能守死咖哩...52F 01/12 00:37
fahrenheit: Love:很難嗎53F 01/12 00:37
sam123343: 如果陣容是KT 綠師傅 咖哩 龜龜的話...54F 01/12 00:38
wayne4225: 虐到去組是還好啦 那組了還被虐該怎麼辦55F 01/12 00:39

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