看板 NBA
作者 LABOYS (洛城浪子)
標題 [外絮] 老巴給Zion的節食建議:覺得好吃,就吐掉
時間 Fri Jan 14 19:28:01 2022

Barkley gives diet advice for Zion: 'If it tastes good, spit it out' / News - Basketnews.com
New Orleans Pelicans star Zion Williamson is yet to make his season debut, and his weight has been the hottest topic since the pre-season. Hall-of-Fam ...


Barkley gives diet advice for Zion: 'If it tastes good, spit it out'

New Orleans Pelicans star Zion Williamson is yet to make his season debut,
and his weight has been the hottest topic since the pre-season.

紐奧良鵜鶘隊球星 Zion Williamson 至今仍未在本賽季登場,

Hall-of-Famer and one of the Inside the NBA hosts, Charles Barkley, also
chipped in, saying that Williamson should lose weight. Furthermore, Barkley
even gave diet advice.

名人堂成員,Inside the NBA 主持人之一,Charles Barkley,
也湊熱鬧的跳出來表示,Zion 真的應該要減肥,甚至,他還給出了飲食方面的建議。

“I would put Zion on a diet I was at one point: if it tastes good, spit it
out. If it tastes good, spit it out,” Barkley said, laughing.

「我會建議 Zion 用我曾試過的方式去節食:
  如果嘗起來很美味,就吐掉。感覺好吃,就趕快吐掉。」 老巴笑著說。

Although Barkley was making a joke, he knows what it’s like to deal with
weight problems. The former player had weight problems in high school and


However, after being drafted by the Philadelphia 76ers, Barkley learned how
to prepare and condition his body in a professional manner.



Meanwhile, about a month ago, ESPN’s Tim MacMahon reported that 21-year-old
Williamson came to pre-season camp weighing nearly 150 kilograms (330
pounds). Currently, New Orleans Pelicans star continues his right foot
rehabilitation in Portland.

與此同時,大概一個月以前,ESPN 的 Tim MacMahon 報導稱,
21歲的 Zion 體重以將近 150公斤(330磅)的體態進入季前訓練營。


“They think they don’t have food in Portland,” Barkley made another funny


However, at the end of the conversation, Barkley let everyone know that he
wishes nothing but the best for Williamson.

“Zion, we love you, man. We want you to get healthy,” Barkley ended the

然而,在討論結束時,老巴讓大家知道,他其實只希望 Zion 一切順利。

「Zion,我們都愛你,老兄。我們希望你能健康一點。」 然後結束了這段談話。



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hotpamsko: 哭R XD1F 01/14 19:30
madeathmao: 好像蠻實用的建議2F 01/14 19:30
lsslz: 波特蘭好慘3F 01/14 19:30
dwiee: 好吃的都吐掉 這我不行欸 太苦了4F 01/14 19:30
sinben: 好像還蠻有道理的XD5F 01/14 19:31
aegis43210: 交易去熱火吧,油頭最愛控制體胎
6F 01/14 19:31
jerrylin: 跟史丹利學習好嗎8F 01/14 19:32
lichingJHIN: 好吃的吐掉 很難吧9F 01/14 19:32
UncleGarlic: 老巴最胖280幾磅,長期控制250-260
比蔡恩好多了吧10F 01/14 19:33
qt359101: Zion:我覺得都很難吃12F 01/14 19:33
hiphopboy7: 可以吃下去之後催吐13F 01/14 19:33
longtimens: 笑死 有夠嘴14F 01/14 19:34
sunnydragon7: 哭啊…Portland又躺著中槍15F 01/14 19:34
lkk88: 不用期待ZION 浪費天份的NBA球員過去一大票 未來也會有一大票16F 01/14 19:34
liongood93: 這方法好屌18F 01/14 19:36
s425247: 這方法感覺很有用19F 01/14 19:37
jenchieh5: 太痛苦了吧20F 01/14 19:38
RIVERWIND: 最好吃的食物通常不太健康21F 01/14 19:39
kkboy: 這麼硬哦XD22F 01/14 19:39
xjapan329: 殘忍但是有用XD23F 01/14 19:39
jojomickey2: 巴爵士真的很嘴XD24F 01/14 19:39
conqueror507: 聘請阿罵來照顧三餐25F 01/14 19:40
ken720331: 真飛天神豬26F 01/14 19:40
Oskar: XDDDDD27F 01/14 19:43
kingyusan: 可以請教阿肥ㄚ28F 01/14 19:43
ppo7741: 其實不錯啊.好吃嚼味道完就吐掉啊XD29F 01/14 19:43
kashnes: 哪需要這麼難,把胖虎丟去荒野求生40天不准他退賽就瘦下來了30F 01/14 19:43
kingyusan: 教你戒掉快樂水32F 01/14 19:43
TheoEpstein: 等等,老巴你減肥有成功過嗎33F 01/14 19:43
wwf1588: 幹嘛這樣糟蹋食物,他身邊都沒有人幫他控制飲食?34F 01/14 19:44
tomoti: 嘗過味道就可以吐掉了,不然你吃下去再挖出來也行XD35F 01/14 19:45
crownschou: 他的御用廚師好像就是他媽 完全阻止不了36F 01/14 19:47
kattte: Zion快減肥阿。。。37F 01/14 19:48
WLR: 媽媽煮的菜,敢吐掉,是不是討打38F 01/14 19:49
minoru04: 兩個一樣高 可是老巴最胖的時候跟ZION登錄最瘦一樣忘記說是現役39F 01/14 19:50
BadGame: 應該聘用專業營養師吧41F 01/14 19:52
kullan: 很直接42F 01/14 19:55
s21mo9025: 邁阿密有一堆中南美食物 沒比較健康吧44F 01/14 19:55
sikadear: Zion:懂了 不好吃的可以一直吃45F 01/14 19:57
EKman: 紐澳良有滿多好吃的,甜的鹹的都有46F 01/14 19:58
ymsc30102: 紐奧良食物真的好吃47F 01/14 19:58
Johseagull: 實用 但真的苦…48F 01/14 19:59
a3221715: 雞腿雞翅吃起來49F 01/14 20:01
EZ78: 不是 老巴你的身材沒什麼說服力啊…53F 01/14 20:05
hlb5828: 抱歉,做不到54F 01/14 20:06

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