看板 NBA作者 jefflin0824 (jeff)標題 [花邊] 嘴綠:Poole成長經歷了陣痛,他站出來很時間 Mon Dec 19 17:46:03 2022
今天勇士以126-110作客擊敗暴龍,賽後Draymond Green談到隊友Jordan Poole。
"He was incredible on both sides of the ball," Draymond Green explained. "When y
ou connect the game like that, things go your way. We all know what a special ta
lent he is. He's been going through some growing pains and to see him come out t
onight and have the game that he had, especially with Steph [Curry] being down a
nd us needing to get a win, it was really huge. So it's great to see him play th
at way. I thought his effort on the defensive end carried over to the offensive
end, which is great."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Ze3BVro (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1671443167.A.D72.html
推 ljm87: 一看就是真的痛6F 12/19 17:46
→ sezna: 臉部一陣痛楚9F 12/19 17:47
→ rony98: 當時的臉上真的有點痛13F 12/19 17:48
推 yyyboy: 是真的很痛XD19F 12/19 17:50
推 MK47: 陣痛XDDD24F 12/19 17:52
推 EMSOK: 物理陣痛 有料 綠師傅38F 12/19 17:57
推 pr98293: 是在說自己造成的陣痛嗎40F 12/19 17:58
推 Y1999: 物理陣痛41F 12/19 17:59
推 IaKoMu: 陣痛 物理44F 12/19 18:00
→ cool34: 願你我沒有白白受苦46F 12/19 18:00
推 MTK515: 嘴綠幫他經歷了陣痛xddd47F 12/19 18:01
推 Y225: 沒有白揍50F 12/19 18:02
推 sasa789: 被打了一拳真的很痛52F 12/19 18:03
→ a3221715: 挨了綠師父充滿內力的拳頭還能活著出來53F 12/19 18:05
推 K951753: 你給的痛 真的很痛55F 12/19 18:06