看板 NBA作者 WIGGINS22 (楓葉國佐敦)標題 [外絮] Wembanyama對NBA球隊的坦克策略感到不解時間 Fri Dec 30 11:37:59 2022
Victor Wembanyama blasts tanking NBA teams: ‘It’s a weird strategy’
Victor Wembanyama批評NBA坦隊:‘這是一種奇怪的策略’
Victor Wembanyama is expressing confusion over reports that teams are tanking
games in an effort to improve their chances of acquiring him in the 2023 NBA
Victor Wembanyama對於各隊想要盡可能的坦,以求在2023NBA選秀會增加得到他的機會的
During an interview with Le Parisien, Wembanyama offered his thoughts on a
number of topics, including the thought process of teams that might be
considering the tanking approach.
在接受Le Parisien的採訪中,Wembanyama提出了他對於一些話題的想法,包括各隊可能
“Tanking? It’s a weird strategy,” Wembanyama said. “I find it unreasonable
, and I try not to think about it. I also heard that the NBA considered
changing a few rules for me, but that doesn’t concern me.”
Barring a catastrophe, Wembanyama, a native of France, will be the top overall
pick of the 2023 NBA Draft. That virtual certainty is because of the
combination of size and skill possessed by a player who only turns 19 next
Wembanyama already stands over 7-feet tall, yet possesses the ability to play
any position on the court. That helps explain why one agent predicted that,
barring injury, Wembanyama will end his basketball career as the greatest
player ever.
One indication of the NBA’s excitement about adding a player of Wembanyama’s
ability is the fact the league paid for the streaming rights to his games
this season. That amount, a surprisingly low $138,000, allows viewers to watch
the prospect play with his current team, Boulogne-Levallois Metropolitans 92.
隊伍“Boulogne-Levallois Metropolitans 92”的比賽。
Undoubtedly, the most avid viewers of those broadcasts figure to be executives
of the NBA’s worst teams this season. That’s because one team will
eventually be awarded the top pick in June’s 2023 NBA Draft.
Entering Thursday’s games, four teams are in the best position to get that
top pick, though that list may get more competitive as the season progresses.
That quartet is currently headed by the Detroit Pistons and Charlotte Hornets,
who have each won just nine games thus far.
Not far behind that pair are the Houston Rockets with just 10 wins and the San
Antonio Spurs with just 11 victories. It was the Rockets nearly 40 years ago
whose actions at the time sparked the start of the NBA draft lottery in 1985.
In that instance, the questionable lineup decisions of then-Rockets head coach
Bill Fitch allowed the team to finish with the worst record in the Eastern
Conference. After then winning a coin flip for the top pick, the Rockets chose
future Hall of Famer Hakeem Olajuwon.
在那種情況下,當時火箭隊主教練Bill Fitch以不確定性的陣容以西區(文章可能有錯,
來的名人堂球員Hakeem Olajuwon。
The fact that talk has already arisen about possible tanking by teams should
make the final weeks of the current regular season interesting. If any teams
appear to be blatantly trying to tank games, the NBA is likely to deliver some
severe discipline in response.
However, given the prospect of acquiring a once-in-a-generation player like
Wembanyama, it’s possible that teams might be willing to pay that price.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1672371483.A.3E2.html
推 Y225: 斑馬:大家都在坦我什麼意思1F 12/30 11:39
→ EZ78: 翻譯:我不想去坦隊 哭啊2F 12/30 11:39
推 dwiee: 如果被湖人選到就有趣了3F 12/30 11:39
推 mhkt: 誰叫斑馬明年這麼熱門 聯盟還想要徹查啊0.07F 12/30 11:40
推 sinepitt: 湖人拿到狀元籤就可以去強隊了(水鳥)8F 12/30 11:40
推 ljuber: 翻譯:天啊 坦隊是不是代表很爛9F 12/30 11:40
推 shulado: 有個強隊你能去啊 水鳥10F 12/30 11:40
推 abs60516: 正常吧 你說有文化的傳統強隊就算了12F 12/30 11:40
→ same60710: 的確 斑馬明年可能去到的最強球隊應該是鶘人XD13F 12/30 11:40
推 phix: 有比KD強嗎14F 12/30 11:40
→ mhkt: 目前有個強隊名字叫水鳥16F 12/30 11:40
推 REI3173: 不想去哪隊就說XD 還沒進去就先別端架子19F 12/30 11:41
→ Kidd0502: 去水鳥剛好 也沒在坦 有人幫坦20F 12/30 11:41
→ mhkt: 另外還有爵士 因為灰狼籤持續往樂透邁21F 12/30 11:41
推 SlamKai: 鶘人:確實,大家在坦什麼?22F 12/30 11:41
推 dreamkd: 剛拿下法甲明星賽MVP23F 12/30 11:41
推 mightymouse: 歐洲人的確對美國職業運動選秀看不懂,他們認為打的爛的不是應該要懲罰嗎?怎麼反而能拿到前面的順位?26F 12/30 11:41
推 xbit: 鵜鶘:誰說要坦的..29F 12/30 11:42
→ mhkt: 安吉要抽斑馬 靠灰狼(23年無保護 最終排名影響30F 12/30 11:42
→ corlos: 不想被爛隊選到嗎wwww31F 12/30 11:42
→ mhkt: 爵士)33F 12/30 11:42
推 shulado: 歐洲倒數幾隊還要降級咧36F 12/30 11:42
→ corlos: 現在排名前3 活塞 黃蜂 火箭38F 12/30 11:42
推 ryancho: 紐奧爾良曾是法國殖民地,講法語的不少,斑馬快來43F 12/30 11:43
推 Dong02: 拿到他強20年???44F 12/30 11:44
推 coox: 斑馬應該是史上聲勢最高的表定狀元了吧45F 12/30 11:44
→ MarcPolo: 你湖要了! 啊 是鵜鶘的鶘46F 12/30 11:44
推 qo40330: 又不改制 例如拿過CD幾年不能拿前幾 就不會擺爛了47F 12/30 11:44
推 foolishbi: 鵜鶘拿到他真的不敢想像 那四年新秀紅利48F 12/30 11:44
推 mhkt: 現在坦克大戰 有兩支籤要很注意 湖人(湖人籤)灰狼(安吉神算籤)49F 12/30 11:44
→ xbit: 斑馬+胖虎+ig 畫面太美52F 12/30 11:45
推 WoYaoDa: 翻譯:我不想去坦隊54F 12/30 11:45
推 alex8725: 來馬刺吧 馬刺都還得刻意演一下才輸球耶55F 12/30 11:45
→ foolishbi: 搭配現有的核心陣容== 鵜鶘會強10年56F 12/30 11:45
→ mhkt: 別忽略安吉的野望……58F 12/30 11:45
推 ru0701: 水鳥:我哪裡坦了61F 12/30 11:46
推 axi: 去不去坦隊由不得你XDD62F 12/30 11:46
→ corlos: 史上聲勢最高狀元 歐肥跟母獅都比他強吧63F 12/30 11:46
→ foolishbi: 還是最少10年起跳 最大對手應該是健康64F 12/30 11:46
→ EZ78: NBA就是不要強者恆強啊 CD啥的完全違背選秀初衷65F 12/30 11:46
推 VAIO911: 好笑 狀元呼聲最高 當姆斯沒有68F 12/30 11:46
→ mhkt: 別再提升降了 你NBA主席敢提升降制 先被資方抵制69F 12/30 11:46
→ same60710: 鵜鶘抽到有一定機率變王朝球隊 看籤運了70F 12/30 11:47
→ EZ78: 聲勢是不是最高不知道 炒作最兇可能是LBJ之後之最71F 12/30 11:47
推 ui: 水鳥:為何要坦?我要拿冠軍又要拿斑馬阿!72F 12/30 11:47
推 usmangaruba: 正想糾正樓上關於升降 LNB Pro 是有AB升降的 所以斑馬不懂能理解 只是我有點忘記LNB Pro 他們升降是看票房還是看戰績就是了 要查一下73F 12/30 11:47
→ EZ78: 升降那一套在美國玩不了的 會讓投資者卻步76F 12/30 11:48
推 mhkt: 升降美國玩不了 歐洲那套在美國行不通77F 12/30 11:49
推 kinve1014: 我也不解 湖人在坦什麼 什麼 你說湖人沒有坦?!78F 12/30 11:49
→ mhkt: 商業聯盟提升降會影響商業價值 甚至造成重大損失81F 12/30 11:50
推 hwlxxx: 應該要最後兩名不給抽狀元82F 12/30 11:50
推 Tommy92C: 斑馬就媒體捧到未進NBA已經是完全體,像TD一樣83F 12/30 11:50
推 ringtweety: 歐洲籃球記得也是玩升降的 剛剛想NBA結果打錯成籃球85F 12/30 11:50
→ hwlxxx: 這樣至少會努力不要爛到底86F 12/30 11:50
→ mhkt: 阿銀不敢提升降是因為怕贊助商直接抽退87F 12/30 11:50
→ jeff1013: 初衷是對的啊 但被坦克文化玩臭88F 12/30 11:51
推 n10617: 斑馬:我不想去坦隊欸89F 12/30 11:52
→ jeff1013: 競技運動本來就是努力求勝才好看 現在對某些球隊來說好像贏了是輸一樣90F 12/30 11:52
→ EZ78: 歐洲升降問題比較沒那麼大因為他們可以無視學業直接青年隊少年隊啊92F 12/30 11:52
推 idk33: 水鳥:這個加上這個 能不能贏著把斑馬掙了?95F 12/30 11:53
推 Tommy92C: 要想坦隊不是不努力求勝,是隊伍陣容盡力也難贏球96F 12/30 11:53
→ EZ78: NBA就只能靠選秀 你不這樣弱隊窮隊永世不得翻身97F 12/30 11:53
推 mhkt: 而美國只要玩升降 直接蒙受巨大損失XDD99F 12/30 11:53
→ EZ78: 然後弱隊窮隊拿不到贊助 直接解散101F 12/30 11:54
推 mqhung: 拜託,快去增肌吧。102F 12/30 11:54
→ mhkt: 玩升降 可能選秀制度直接廢除……103F 12/30 11:55
→ mhkt: 或者就是看有錢球隊砸錢找新秀105F 12/30 11:55
推 liusim: 歐洲球隊的在地性更強 俱樂部性質更濃厚106F 12/30 11:55
推 ryancho: G聯盟升上來那實力被虐得更慘好不好107F 12/30 11:56
→ EZ78: 玩升降的話 你還要去找ncaa跟美國教育界談108F 12/30 11:56
→ liusim: MLB比NBA還更有本錢玩升降 但MLB的分級制度太健全了109F 12/30 11:56
→ mhkt: 因為歐洲有青訓隊 人稱青訓B隊110F 12/30 11:56
→ liusim: NBA的在地化沒有那麼深厚111F 12/30 11:56
→ Nuey: 不可能搞升降 升降會降低贊助意願 同隊升降又沒意義112F 12/30 11:56
推 SlamKai: 沒必要把歐洲升降那一套用在美國職業運動114F 12/30 11:56
推 jeff1013: 弱隊窮隊拿前面籤位合理啊 但能贏的「不小心」輸掉116F 12/30 11:56
噓 huaiken: 還沒進來的在那邊放話 一場都沒打的也可以吹117F 12/30 11:56
噓 alex0973: 還沒進NBA就預約史上最偉大球員? 看好OK 但別太誇張119F 12/30 11:57
→ liusim: 記得之前有地方電視台轉播的數據 NBA被屌虐.....121F 12/30 11:57
→ EZ78: 你要怎麼定義不小心?122F 12/30 11:57
噓 interact: 無法理解75大球星的球隊為何要坦狀元123F 12/30 11:57
推 ringtweety: G聯盟首先的問題在 除了例外隊伍 大多都是跟NBA有124F 12/30 11:57
→ mhkt: MLB確實分級太健全了 1A2A3A125F 12/30 11:58