看板 NBA
作者 h1212123tw (der龜)
標題 [花邊] 蘿蔔灌籃弄歪籃框導致比賽暫停
時間 Mon Jan  2 11:56:26 2023

Celtics’ game against Nuggets delayed due to uneven rim after Rob Williams dunk
A massive Rob Williams alley-oop dunk against the Nuggets led to an unprecedented delay on Sunday night to fix the rim. ...


Celtics’ game against Nuggets delayed due to uneven rim after Rob Williams du

* Updated: Jan. 01, 2023, 10:34 p.m.|Published: Jan. 01, 2023, 10:30 p.m.

*By Brian Robb | brobb@masslive.comSouichi Terada | sterada@masslive.com

The Celtics and Nuggets went through one of the more interesting oddities of t
he NBA season on the first day of the 2023 calendar year. With 6:43 left in Su
nday’s game in Denver, the officials stopped the game because the rim was une


That led to a lengthy delay for Sunday’s game that lasted more than 30-plus m
inutes. The rim was affected when Robert Williams III put down a huge dunk wit
h 8:06 left in the game. There were a few more ensuing possessions, but the of
ficials stopped play a few possessions later.

這造成星期天比賽至少30分鐘以上的延誤。只因Robert Willams 在比賽剩8分鐘6秒的一

Multiple workers on a couple ladders at Denver’s Ball Arena worked on the rim
 during the delay. But there was no immediate solution as both the Celtics and
 Nuggets players sat or stood around waiting for play to resume. Some players
were seen trying to warm up, including Al Horford taking a few reps on an exer
cise bike.


The workers eventually replaced the rim altogether in an effort to get the rim

 even. NBC Sports Boston’s Abby Chin reported on the broadcast that there was
 another stanchion available, but it was unlikely the workers would bring it o
nto the court. The rim was finally level and given approval after the delay, w
hich led to a cheer from the crowd that sat around waiting.

最後工作人員放棄修理,直接換了一個新籃圈,根據NBC SPORTS的Abby Chin報導,其實

The Celtics were down 110-97 to the Nuggets at that point in the game. Boston
had struggled with its 3-point shooting while Denver was red-hot.


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oa0416: 1/2 MVP 是水平儀1F 01/02 11:57
laptic: 這不能用 [新聞] = =2F 01/02 11:57
cor1os: 金塊的籃框品質真差 場地組趕快兩個都換了吧 -.-
復賽還看到金塊有一塊轉了2秒出來 根本內鬼3F 01/02 11:57
love1500274: 換個分類5F 01/02 11:58
STRO: 然後偏偏新竹桃園台中的緯來在這時不正常了6F 01/02 11:58
cor1os:                 有一球7F 01/02 11:58
※ 編輯: h1212123tw ( 臺灣), 01/02/2023 11:58:25
greathetzer: ResidentSleeper8F 01/02 11:58
STRO: 算一算沒有籃框歪掉的插曲的話,也能避開頻道被亂跳的時間點……9F 01/02 11:58
kobe30418: 有夠蠢 早就該拿備品了 修什麼修11F 01/02 11:59
derekhsu: 昨天計時器壞掉,今天籃框壞掉,這聯盟搞笑嗎?12F 01/02 11:59
larryleepig: 工作人員的鍋13F 01/02 12:00
inuyaksa: NBA螺絲鬆了14F 01/02 12:00
laptic: 比和平籃球館更扯 = =15F 01/02 12:01
VL1003: 到底為什麼不直接換... 要修也是換下來再處理。16F 01/02 12:02
jyekid: 籃框被灌壞不能怪聯盟吧 一堆像灌仇人一樣17F 01/02 12:02
ZIDENS: 拆換也是滿耗時間的 整個籃架換掉也很耗時間18F 01/02 12:02
VL1003: 灌壞當然不能怪聯盟,但危機處理方式問題很大阿。19F 01/02 12:02
ZIDENS: 先修滿合理的吧 只是誰知道修了十幾分鐘他不會動
不過一開始只有一個人前面看完去後面鎖 鎖完又到前面看真的滿白吃的==20F 01/02 12:02
karmel: 螺絲鬆懈了23F 01/02 12:04
MattiaPasini: 籃框吃蘿蔔了24F 01/02 12:04
REI3173: 看到蘿蔔以為是Andre Robertson25F 01/02 12:12
amysinon46: 好神拖男!26F 01/02 12:16
SCLPAL: 有上次小牛久嗎?27F 01/02 12:18
myisis: 看照片以為是台南JOSH在修XD28F 01/02 12:22
mobwayne: 重點是緯來怎麼了29F 01/02 12:23
enthpzd: 不能設計成快拆,好換好修嗎30F 01/02 12:24
skixhbyu: 快拆快換可能怕不夠穩固吧,一堆100公斤以上的肌肉男在那灌31F 01/02 12:28
demonh311: 維修人員平常根本沒在修吧33F 01/02 12:29
www2967: 記得灌壞不是要賠xd
應該比贊助乾爹公定價便宜吧QQ34F 01/02 12:41
cor1os: 現在也很少有人在暴力灌了 沒人在硬測試36F 01/02 12:52
zego41: 古早年代歐肥比賽都還要另外準備一台37F 01/02 12:59
l5i9hbba: 看水平這樣看 好歹也兩個人38F 01/02 13:01
korgh413: 品質爛就算了,還想省錢不換新品!39F 01/02 13:16
jerryyuan: 李伯倫教練連兩場遇到XD40F 01/02 14:04
spring719: 修了半小時,剛剛看的時候邊看邊笑41F 01/02 14:33
Nobodyesi: 蘿蔔這麼猛喔42F 01/02 15:51

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