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作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] 截至目前Myles Turner拒絕溜馬的提前續約報價
時間 Sun Jan  8 08:51:42 2023

截至目前Myles Turner拒絕溜馬的提前續約報價

The odds of Myles Turner parting ways with the Indiana Pacers before the Februar
y trade deadline have just increased significantly. This is after reports emerge
d about the 6-foot-11 center turning down a contract extension offer from his cu
rrent team. Turner has already been linked to several teams across the league, a
nd this latest development should only further fuel his exit rumors.

Myles Turner在2月交易截止日前與印第安納溜馬隊分手的機率已經顯著增加。有報導稱這

NBA insider Marc Stein reports that Turner, who is currently in the final year o
f his current deal with the Pacers, has opted not to put pen to paper on an exte

據NBA記者Marc Stein報導,Turner目前與溜馬的合約已經到最後一年了,他選擇拒絕提前

“Myles Turner, to this point, has rebuffed Indiana’s contract extension offers
, league sources say,” wrote Stein.

Stein:消息來源透露,截至目前,Myles Turner拒絕了溜馬的提前續約合約報價。

Unless the Pacers are able to secure a new deal with Turner soon, he’s going to
 be an unrestricted free agent this summer. Indiana’s front office is well awar
e of the fact that the 26-year-old could walk away from the team this coming off
season, which is why it’s going to be more likely that they decide to trade him
 before the deadline if a new deal is not negotiated.


It seems that it’s Turner who’s now holding all the cards here. It’s still ve
ry much possible that he ends up staying with the Pacers, and this decision not
to accept the team’s current offer could be a power play aimed at possibly secu
ring a more lucrative deal with Indiana.


Myles Turner has been rumored to have garnered the interest of a handful of team
s in the NBA, with perhaps none more significant than the Los Angeles Lakers. Le
Bron James and Co. could sure use some help on the frontcourt, and you can be su
re that they have been monitoring Turner’s contract situation closely.

有傳言說Myles Turner已經引起了NBA幾支球隊的興趣,其中可能沒有比洛杉磯湖人隊更重

NBA rumors: Myles Turner turns down Pacers contract extension
Myles Turner has reportedly rejected a contract extension offer from the Pacers, further fueling trade rumors. ...


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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1673139104.A.00D.html
laptic: 吹密予定中 = =1F 01/08 08:53
Ayanami5566: 湖人要了!2F 01/08 08:53
nt880245: 湖人不丟首輪嗎3F 01/08 08:54
h5t6566556: 問就是湖人4F 01/08 08:55
d62353: 流量密碼5F 01/08 08:55
ste14563: [花邊] Myles Turner:湖人該用兩首輪換我跟巴弟6F 01/08 08:56
MK47: 賣人家賣了這麼久 當然沒在跟你含扣XD7F 01/08 08:56
Bakushinchi: 又是湖8F 01/08 08:57
Despairile: 我就說交易文一定要寫湖人9F 01/08 08:57
c27932589: 你湖未來10年的中鋒解答10F 01/08 08:57
www2967: 動不動就要賣我 當我續約好欺負逆11F 01/08 08:58
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 01/08/2023 08:58:21
forsell: ☎釣댬我姆斯喇,城下一聚12F 01/08 08:58
Notif520: 問就是我湖啦13F 01/08 09:02
e8e88: 不是後衛 湖人才不會要14F 01/08 09:03
rayes: 湖人最哈的側翼15F 01/08 09:04
ooxxman: 有價值的院長中鋒16F 01/08 09:04
NOKIA8888: 又有湖人17F 01/08 09:06
sakraypopo: 太高了 不適合湖人18F 01/08 09:09
tasiki2002: 問就是湖人19F 01/08 09:11
Leaflock: 被兜售起碼兩個賽季了吧 不爽正常20F 01/08 09:13
LBJ23: 湖人只要6-4以下 沒有投射的後衛21F 01/08 09:14
jason911152: 問就是湖人22F 01/08 09:14
LBJ23: 但湖人也喜歡院長 搞不好會收23F 01/08 09:14
Tawara: 湖24F 01/08 09:15
babyface1977: 太高了,又不是後衛,湖人要考慮一下25F 01/08 09:15
sasewill: 這湖人換下去是要續約30M嗎26F 01/08 09:19
JayFans0610: 比較好奇溜馬的要價是什麼,撇開湖人不說應該也有不少球隊會想要Turner,不過賣了兩建議都沒有賣掉
賣了兩季都沒賣掉,上面打錯27F 01/08 09:21
sampsonlu919: 印州黃所托 不續約等於是吹密的徵兆30F 01/08 09:22
lanver1220: 20-21賽季,出場47場/21-22賽季,出場42場31F 01/08 09:24
chiuihsun: 不交易就要變空氣了,是我每次交易傳言都有我,正常也不會想用佛心價續約32F 01/08 09:24
lanver1220: 真院長體質,湖人要收?34F 01/08 09:25
hasroten: AD需要幫手 我說醫院的部分35F 01/08 09:33
KillLakers: 跟哈利打球這麼愉快 真的想跑????36F 01/08 09:33
b89701221: 不對吧 溜馬除了去年拆掉是大家都可以賣 除此之外都是聆聽價碼 怎麼說的好像溜馬急著丟他出去37F 01/08 09:35
kodwsg: 湖人要了39F 01/08 09:39
Goatrae: 要交易他來就要確定以他為主戰中鋒來做先發核心了40F 01/08 09:48
cloudyst: 湖人能開多少?41F 01/08 09:48
Goatrae: 要給這類球員大約 應該有不少球隊會卻步42F 01/08 09:48
chiuihsun: 大約有機會,長約要考慮43F 01/08 09:59
zehow: 萬用包 龜龜加一首輪換巴蒂和Turner 不要拉倒44F 01/08 10:02
jim81812: 在地人 我犢衝一波45F 01/08 10:04
King5566: 抓來院長交接46F 01/08 10:06
mhkt: MT假設要賣的話  那首輪肯定要包進去47F 01/08 10:08
DPP48: 我湖了!48F 01/08 10:10
akko76815: #湖要了49F 01/08 10:12
j3307002: 來吧龜貼雙首輪換透納,我湖小虧50F 01/08 10:22
nt880245: 優質先發 又是空間型五號 湖人真的不丟首輪嗎51F 01/08 10:32
larryrock: 其實溜馬以哈利波特為核心還蠻大有可為的52F 01/08 10:33
EvansChang: 這背骨仔就想跑啊53F 01/08 10:37
oBatman: 護框中鋒 鄉民真的要了54F 01/08 10:40
tytytyu2: 只要有rumors 就是湖人要55F 01/08 10:41
kilmmy149: 快滾 又不強56F 01/08 10:55
Windows11: 龜貝嫩禮包已上架57F 01/08 10:57
eric003a: 湖人喜歡矮後衛跟院長等級的長人58F 01/08 11:04
n10617: 不夠矮湖人不要59F 01/08 11:11
whhw: 又湖60F 01/08 11:16
ym60606: 湖人準備接收61F 01/08 11:22
loserloser: 最後一年吹個懶覺 球隊自己也會賣= =62F 01/08 11:44
TnairB: 我湖敞開雙臂63F 01/08 11:48
puro: 不交易又沒續約就變空氣了 又不是每隊都湖人64F 01/08 11:59
s920223: 太高了 湖人不要 來了也是進冰箱65F 01/08 12:03

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