看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (冥狗)
標題 [花邊] 詹姆斯談球隊狀況
時間 Sun Jan  8 23:41:00 2023

Seeing you and the team playing so well, especially without AD, makes me wonder
how the conversations with (president of basketball operations) Rob (Pelinka) an
d (owner) Jeanie (Buss) these days are in terms of the roster get lost. What is
the nature of your message? What does this communication look like?

妮巴斯最近在球隊陣容方面的談話是什麼樣子的。 你傳達的訊息是什麼性質的? 這種交流

Man, listen, I’m playing the game. I’m worried about who’s in the dressing ro
om. I can’t – it’s not my… it’s not my job. I can’t do someone else’s job

詹姆斯:我是打球的,我關心的是休息室內的人。 那不是我的工作。 我不能去做別人的工

And the idea that a team would hold on to some picks and wait for next year…


Well, if you know, then you know. you know it I don’t need to talk about it. yo
u know it

詹姆斯:如果你們知道,那你們自然就知道。 你們知道的。 我不需要談這個。 你們知道

But if you keep still, time will march on, won’t it?


listen, you know it This isn’t rocket science. This isn’t rocket science.

詹姆斯:聽著,你們都知道。 這不是什麼高深的問題。 這不是科學方面的事。

But what about your patience? Does this aspect (of this situation) tug at you?


They do what they believe is best for the franchise.


How do you feel about this?


You all know what the hell should happen. I don’t need to talk.

詹姆斯:你們都知道會發生什麼。 我不便置喙。

I’ve always, always had one goal and that’s to win,” said James. “I’ve alwa
ys looked at what can become of us. I said early on that we are young. We were s
till a young team and are only now coming together. We don’t know who we are. W
e don’t know what our identity is. We had a fresh coaching staff, you know (whe
re) they implement things early in the season. No DS (Dennis Schroeder). He didn
’t even start the season and broke his thumb.


“We’ve had injuries here and injuries there, guys in and out, so it’s taken a
 toll on us. I mean, we still lead the league in most starting line-ups – 21 st
arting line-ups in less than 40 games so far, which is crazy. But we’re just tr
ying to figure it out, trying to play for each other and not giving up. We reall
y don’t care what everyone else says about our ball club… We just want to play
 the game. You’re playing the game right, and I think the basketball gods are k
ind of giving it back to you… We’re playing hard. We fight. We scrap and then
live with the results and move on from there. So we gave ourselves a good chance
 to just be the best team we can be.”


LeBron on Lakers roster plans: "You all know what the hell should happen" - Local News Today
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — For more than two hours Saturday night at the sold-out Golden 1 Center, 38-year-old LeBron James reminded the crowds — once again ...


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alittleghost: 想釣魚,沒那麼容易1F 01/08 23:42
bfsbfs: 確實 不給釣的回答2F 01/08 23:44
rlhl7799: 是跟龜學的喔 這麼不沾3F 01/08 23:44
c27932589: The 不詹鍋4F 01/08 23:45
WIGGINS22: We were still a young team 這句話好像搞錯什麼了5F 01/08 23:45
cor1os: Le不詹鍋6F 01/08 23:45
aa89028500: 感覺啥都沒說XD7F 01/08 23:46
akko76815: 21套先發  柯爾表示內行8F 01/08 23:47
justgetup: 不給釣魚9F 01/08 23:48
sinepitt: 記者只想釣魚10F 01/08 23:48
gary360: I can't do someone else's job. 真的說一套做一套11F 01/08 23:48
jyekid: 戰情室12F 01/08 23:49
YellowTiger: 有喔不沾鍋13F 01/08 23:49
goury: 窩不知道14F 01/08 23:52
kaga1991: if u know then u know 懂的就懂15F 01/08 23:52
goury: 洛杉磯的21套先發16F 01/08 23:52
k2215777: 好好打球才是真的 搞吹密還是搞施壓高層這種事真的17F 01/08 23:54
oooellis: 媽的,又想釣18F 01/08 23:54
aljust12: 喇叭頭腦清晰 不給釣19F 01/08 23:54
k2215777: 都不要做 各司其職 互相尊重20F 01/08 23:54
Tullio: 21套?應該不止21F 01/08 23:55
Billbehappy: 這樣回答也不行 某些觀眾真嚴格22F 01/08 23:59
blake1003: 都打20年了,怎麼會不知道記者想幹嘛23F 01/09 00:00
a3221715: 流量密碼又在釣24F 01/09 00:01
AriesC: ㄏ 詹詹沒有禿頭 川普沒有歧視 美國人最懂平權25F 01/09 00:02
YellowTiger: 沒有前幾天他公開訴說球團用側翼 湖人沒辦法五連勝26F 01/09 00:02
GleybeTorres: 不就還好他有稍微抱怨陣容尺寸
不然5連勝變5連敗27F 01/09 00:04
dereklin: LeGM連RJ都出來認證過打不好會把隊友交易掉了 還在裝啥29F 01/09 00:05
YellowTiger: 真的要老詹說場上最高的是AR 他們才真的有改變31F 01/09 00:06
jay60202: 愛老詹32F 01/09 00:07
ggcircle: 厚厚打籃球33F 01/09 00:08
kashnes: 你不光打球吧 詹GM是叫假的?這咖第一個問題就開始說謊了34F 01/09 00:14
flyintmtc: 就是不上鉤XD36F 01/09 00:16
star1234: The 躲37F 01/09 00:16
qpeter: 記者想釣 老詹不給釣XD38F 01/09 00:19
aegis43210: LBJ應該看開了,就算有交易也不一定更好39F 01/09 00:21
rothanlin: 聽其言、而觀其行!40F 01/09 00:21
ginopun10477: Le不上鉤41F 01/09 00:22
chiuihsun: 本來就要有一個高個才能讓龜龜跟LBJ 打檔拆更舒服,就算很快6犯也比5衛陣容好42F 01/09 00:23
n10617: 懂得就懂44F 01/09 00:24
moods: 這些回答就跟問侯友宜選不選總統一模一樣耶
好像說了些什麼 其實什麼都沒說45F 01/09 00:25
AhirunoSora: 其實也不用釣 山羌會做什麼大家都知道47F 01/09 00:25
leedonsee: 得體48F 01/09 00:32
asn789451: 會發生什麼事 懂的都懂 不懂別問水很深49F 01/09 00:35
josephpu: the 不願上鉤50F 01/09 00:40
baobeising: 他只要說錯一句話又會被大作文章了 然後網友就會LeGM一直叫51F 01/09 00:41
siegfriedlin: 懂回答喔,雖然你平常做的喔......XD53F 01/09 00:45
zuraKatsura: 懂就懂不懂就不懂別懂裝不懂或不懂裝懂54F 01/09 00:58
j7410620: 回答的不錯阿55F 01/09 01:01
losage: 姆斯:我們是年輕的球隊。甘安捏???56F 01/09 01:07
mambarko: 哈哈怕說錯話瘋狂躲避57F 01/09 01:18
s07190719: 喇叭有沒有權利做某程度的決定這還要問嗎 但他也不可能說 嗯 我有  不要相害啦58F 01/09 01:24
daniel50508: NBA羅總不沾鍋
我們就打好我們的球 對吧發仔60F 01/09 01:28
yniori: 記者有夠故意,但Le不上鉤62F 01/09 01:30
RapTofu: 真的給老詹當gm不知道比制服組強幾百倍63F 01/09 01:31
Gowther: 這些記者就跟鄉民一樣整天就在希望成功人物犯錯而自喜64F 01/09 01:32
madeathmao: 喇叭不給釣,記者可憐哪66F 01/09 01:53
j3307002: 那不是我的工作,那戰情室是你的工作嗎XD
我們很年輕,我們是一支年輕的球隊,但LBJ你老了XD67F 01/09 02:05
Willkillall: 記者真的不釣到不死心 狂問連續問換個方式再問70F 01/09 02:10
eessddy: 姆斯加油 你最棒了71F 01/09 03:30

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