看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] 湖人首要目標是找到讓球隊未來三年變得
時間 Fri Jan 13 09:23:54 2023


The Los Angeles Lakers have been at the center of countless trade rumors in rece
nt months, but they may end up not making a single move prior to the Feb. 9 trad
e deadline.


As all fans know, the Lakers are in control of two valuable assets in their 2027
 and 2029 first-round picks. For quite some time, it was widely assumed that the
 Lakers would trade those picks to add talent around their superstar duo of Anth
ony Davis and LeBron James.


However, more recent reports have indicated that the Lakers front office may kee
p both picks rather than trade them away. Despite the incredible amount of criti
cism that L.A.’s front office has been subjected to, it looks like the people i
n charge of the team are trying to take a long-term approach.


According to a recent report, the team’s current strategy revolves around tryin
g to do what is best for the team over the next three years. That may mean makin
g a trade, or it may mean standing pat.


“If the right deal emerges that will make them — in their eyes — a better tea
m over the next like three years, that’s their priority,” Dave McMenamin said.
 “They want the team to get to the best level it can get while LeBron James is
still on the roster. But if that means not making that deal in February and play
ing out the rest of this season with the group that they have and knowing that t
hey feel like there’s gonna be a better deal in July in the offseason, they’ll
 do that.”


Of course, the level of critique will only rise if Jeanie Buss, Rob Pelinka and
the rest of the decision-makers in L.A. fail to make a move prior to the deadlin
e this season. Many have argued that the team has failed to capitalize on James
’ time with the team.

當然,如果Jeanie Buss、Rob Pelinka和洛杉磯的其他決策者未能在本賽季截止日前採取行

There are some who even believe that the Lakers are hurting James’ legacy by ge
tting in the way of his ability to win more titles.


Report: Lakers’ priority is to find trade that will make them better over next 3 years - Lakers Daily
The Los Angeles Lakers have been at the center of countless trade rumors in recent months, but they may end up not making a single move prior to the F ...


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sony0223098: 那我覺得沒有1F 01/13 09:24
matsuwu: 裝忙end....2F 01/13 09:25
umin928: 那就是把老詹拿去換掉阿 可以拿到不少未來3F 01/13 09:25
hws606: 那就是不動了4F 01/13 09:25
dwiee: 3年又3年 姆斯的最後榮光可不等人了5F 01/13 09:25
kai08130623: 戰情室不開了?6F 01/13 09:26
matsuwu: [這可能意味著交易,也可能意味著按兵不動] 廢文7F 01/13 09:26
sbdr: 4真的損害姆斯地位 委屈了 吹密吧8F 01/13 09:26
rl55586: 3年 就今年全賣屯選秀阿9F 01/13 09:26
kixer2005: 無良蹭流量10F 01/13 09:26
NOKIA8888: 那就是不動了11F 01/13 09:27
AtDe: 本來就是刷411而已,等姆斯退了正式開始重建12F 01/13 09:27
matsuwu: 真的有在關注就知道,這只是配林卡例行公事13F 01/13 09:27
dwiee: 現在還有龜龜薪資包可以換 之後要湊薪資可難了14F 01/13 09:27
Chanlin01: 等一下又會有某迷爆氣噓這ID了 嘻嘻15F 01/13 09:27
jason911152: 但是每次有交易文就有湖人xd16F 01/13 09:28
gju88888: 那不就是交易辣個老人17F 01/13 09:28
matsuwu: 開季等20天>持續關注>10天約裝忙>等截止日>關注買斷18F 01/13 09:28
sikadear: 欸不是讓湖人卡死的不就是……19F 01/13 09:28
dwiee: 再說2個首輪要換到S級的 滿難的 湖人還要避稅20F 01/13 09:28
matsuwu: 配林卡裝忙 + 各種抬轎 + 這ID每天蹭21F 01/13 09:29
ls61412: 龜又要變空氣囉22F 01/13 09:30
hsienhao: 接受老將底薪就解套了23F 01/13 09:30
LA24: 姆斯不走 湖人不會好24F 01/13 09:31
dwiee: 湖人現在給我感覺 只想做穩贏的交易25F 01/13 09:31
cloudyst: AD LBJ賣一賣,2年後一年比一年好26F 01/13 09:32
dwiee: 但穩贏的交易 別人幹嘛跟你交易 肯定會有其他隊競爭27F 01/13 09:32
leon82guy: 失落的十年28F 01/13 09:32
miniUU: 三年就是等姆斯走了,打掉重練,不急,觀望下一個超29F 01/13 09:33
utcn92: 耗盡球隊資源,該轉隊囉31F 01/13 09:33
ste14563: 裝忙32F 01/13 09:33
ken1825: AD保持健康就很有競爭力了,摳連33F 01/13 09:34
matsuwu: 配林卡裝忙,其他都馬腦補。34F 01/13 09:34
tailsean: 裝忙還挺真實的35F 01/13 09:34
matsuwu: 會做出簽DS是為了出清russ,簽了後又喊不丟了。
會做出這種事的球隊,你以為會有什麼長期計畫36F 01/13 09:35
alex8725: 兩次輪+嫩換紅盤也不要?
嫩根本0作用38F 01/13 09:35
matsuwu: 這ID我看一年有沒有po過一次KL新聞,整天po這種腦補40F 01/13 09:36
chinhan1216: LBJ還寄生在湖人就不會變好41F 01/13 09:36
kevenchia: 取什麼ID代表要po誰的文嗎0.042F 01/13 09:37
Chanlin01: 人家前天才po過KL文欸 呵呵43F 01/13 09:38
leon82guy: 如果能仿照勇士交易KD那樣好聚好散,最後還能換到44F 01/13 09:38
mhkt: 湖人就是流量保證0.045F 01/13 09:38
leon82guy: 像圍巾的球員那對湖人真的是最好不過46F 01/13 09:38
JRSmith: 這ID每天發好發滿 是很閒嗎?47F 01/13 09:39
darren2586: 又在思想管制囉,昨天po勇迷抱怨的時候又給過了48F 01/13 09:40
kevenchia: 搞不好人家財富自由 又沒違反版規 還是發什麼文要先站內信給你審查啊49F 01/13 09:40
Chanlin01: 只要PO到湖人和辣個男人就會有人很敏感51F 01/13 09:42
loveisdie: 續約了LBJ就別想那麼多了,再坦兩三年吧52F 01/13 09:42
a100205069: 不交易又沒差 養地力啊53F 01/13 09:42
hayoyo: 沒做事就沒做事54F 01/13 09:42
darren2586: m開頭那位真的很愛管人家po什麼,自己倒是很沒料55F 01/13 09:42
dwiee: 沒有違規 PO啥沒關係吧 有人PO有討論 對版上也好事56F 01/13 09:43
s6212david: 乾脆躺平了57F 01/13 09:43
dwiee: 如果覺得文章內容不正確 可以發文修正 這樣也很好58F 01/13 09:44
alex8725: 嫩就一張沒啥作用的到期約是要養什麼地力,兩張次輪也沒多痛好嗎59F 01/13 09:44
kevenchia: 這篇沒那個人也要審查 攤手61F 01/13 09:44
lillardfor3: 那就是暑假交易LBJ啊62F 01/13 09:45
lens82801: 畢竟補強的籌碼只剩最後這些,謹慎點蠻正常的63F 01/13 09:46
alex8725: 湖人沒有窮到連兩張次輪都出不起64F 01/13 09:49
demonh311: 那就是賣姆斯了65F 01/13 09:49
james1237741: 可能交易 也可能不交易…還需要你講啊?66F 01/13 09:50
demonh311: 早該水桶了,在那邊攻擊板友67F 01/13 09:50
NOKIA8888: 保留未來資產68F 01/13 09:51
alan5232000: 什麼都不做 水啦69F 01/13 09:52
ltw89104: 為了le Bronny做準備70F 01/13 09:52

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