看板 NBA
作者 love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)
標題 [花邊] 獨行俠@湖人 裁判報告共有七次誤判
時間 Sat Jan 14 07:15:19 2023


昨日獨行俠@湖人 裁判報告出爐
發生了七次誤判 (6次INC 1次IC)

Q4      01:39.2 Foul: Offensive Wenyen Gabriel
Gabriel (LAL) leads with his knee and delivers contact to Wood's (DAL)
midsection that dislodges him from his legally obtained defensive position at
the end of the drive.
Wenyen Gabriel進攻犯規:

Q4      01:18.0 Foul: Personal  Russell Westbrook
Westbrook (LAL) initiates contact with Doncic (DAL) off ball and affects his
Russell Westbrook個人犯規:

Q4      00:42.4 Violation: Jump Ball
Bullock (DAL) dislodges the ball from James (LAL) before he returns to the
floor and a held ball should not have been whistled. When play resumes with a
jump ball, the jumper for Dallas should have been Bullock instead of
Dinwiddie (DAL).

Q5      00:02.9 Foul: Shooting  Christian Wood
Wood (DAL) initiates contact to James' (LAL) left arm before blocking the
shot, and the illegal contact affects his shot attempt.
Christian Wood打手犯規:

00:02.4 Foul: Loose Ball        Luka Doncic
Doncic (DAL) initiates contact to Gabriel's (LAL) arm, which affects his
ability to control the rebound.

Q6      01:47.2 Foul: Offensive LeBron James
James (LAL) extends his hands into Dinwiddie (DAL) during the pick to create
space as he rolls.
LeBron James進攻犯規:

01:44.0 Foul: Offensive LeBron James
James (LAL) extends his left arm and initiates contact with Hardaway Jr.
(DAL) as the pass is made, subsequently affecting Hardaway Jr.'s ability to
defend it.
LeBron James進攻犯規:

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZmUOC37 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1673651724.A.0C7.html
bemjamen123: 比賽都結束了 再出這個報告1F 01/14 07:18
jasonsj12: 瞎判2F 01/14 07:18
sony0223098: who car3F 01/14 07:18
wwey2000j: 這報告的用處只能給球迷拿來吵架而已4F 01/14 07:20
laptic: 馬後炮再來 = =5F 01/14 07:20
a04379: 笑死誤判報告多久了,怎麼還是一堆誤判,根本沒屁6F 01/14 07:22
wx190: 不意外7F 01/14 07:22
inuyaksa: 看起來小犢比較吃虧欸8F 01/14 07:25
rb79: 無中生有的跳球就不應該了 還管你之後該誰跳咧9F 01/14 07:27
fab4312: 湖人哨音多意外嗎10F 01/14 07:27
depo: 小牛本來沒暫停,多一次沒有誤判嗎11F 01/14 07:30
ohiyo104: 還以為會有小哈打手那球欸12F 01/14 07:30
camelot0603: 這場後面很精彩欸,沙瓦郎跟艾比郎都有出現13F 01/14 07:30
Anikk: 手臂推擠...手部推擠...14F 01/14 07:30
mmchen: 姆斯真的沒哨15F 01/14 07:33
TnairB: 就是不肯認湖人 Brown 最後被犯規那球是吧?16F 01/14 07:35
NanashiMumei: 最後沒犯規喔?17F 01/14 07:39
ohmypan: 馬後炮  啊TBJ那球勒  這麼明顯的沒有18F 01/14 07:41
avalon426: 沒有誤判再跟我說19F 01/14 07:43
bbbruce: zzz20F 01/14 07:46
Billbehappy: 正規最後那個打手沒解釋?21F 01/14 07:46
sakraypopo: 得利次數5:2 完全不意外
有解釋啊 因為原po只有放誤判的部分22F 01/14 07:46
kgsn45: 球手一體原則24F 01/14 07:51
doooooooooog: 連結點進去吧,有解釋,且之前有發生過喔
#1ZOUzBM7 (NBA)  勇士熱火場有25F 01/14 07:51
[花邊] 熱火挑戰成功,Curry:糟糕的吹罰 - 看板 NBA - 批踢踢實業坊
mingonly (冥狗) It's an awful call,I was walking to the free throw line thinking I was gonna ge t three free throws and even the score with a minute and some change left. It's tough when I clearly felt a lot of contact. I don't know what they saw beside th e high-five contact they're talking about, but you gotta be allowed to finish yo ur motion. Especially when you slow it down in slo-mo, it's pretty clear there's
gary360: LBJ一直都喜歡出拐切入 也很少被吹犯規27F 01/14 07:54
DDDDing: Hive Five 就出手後的合法接觸,不算犯規
*High Five28F 01/14 07:58
tigerlolz: 有人很氣耶 輸球先去檢討0-7好嗎30F 01/14 08:10
yourpenisbad: 最後一球打手不用吹喔,喇叭真的很沒裁判緣31F 01/14 08:12
RodrigueZ810: 姆斯進攻犯規也不吹壓 真的沒裁判緣
正規賽都正確判早就結束了32F 01/14 08:13
jtr6208: 昨天看的時候就覺得是hive 5
湖迷可以繼續哭裁判了34F 01/14 08:15
md3q6e: #姆斯沒哨36F 01/14 08:15
Wavecloud: 姆斯沒哨是在防守端吧 犯規不吹避免他犯滿下場37F 01/14 08:16
gary360: LBJ沒哨是在出拐 走步 抱怨 空中推人的時候吧38F 01/14 08:23
zyic: 笑死,湖人lbj早點被吹下去搞不好湖人就贏了,裁判幫倒忙39F 01/14 08:25
gary360: 所謂坦克切 不就是拐子走步上籃 有這種尺度 分數本41F 01/14 08:26
s920223: Brown那球沒有?42F 01/14 08:26
zyic: 麻煩裁判大人下次多吹姆斯犯規,讓他早點畢業,免得43F 01/14 08:26
gary360: 來就不難刷44F 01/14 08:26
zyic: 湖人追分時有人扯後腿45F 01/14 08:26
ahinetn123: 姆斯怎麼都沒哨46F 01/14 08:27
hank7218: LBJ真的沒哨47F 01/14 08:28
Ke1even: 姆斯真的沒哨啊 現在誰還不信48F 01/14 08:29
seifer007: 山羌小動作有夠多49F 01/14 08:29
gary360: 我倒也是希望LBJ能被早點吹下場 不然關鍵時刻一直看他軟手敗球 湖人這季有多少勝場被他親手敗掉的50F 01/14 08:30
mose56789: 三分那球有寫出來啊 High five contact52F 01/14 08:34
aifighter: 結果被釣出沒搞懂規則的迷迷53F 01/14 08:39
ju851996: 慕斯還真的沒哨54F 01/14 08:39
a925510: 幫湖人打星號這場不算55F 01/14 08:41
fbi258ghost: 裁判報告,你各位謝謝指教啊56F 01/14 08:49
tinhanho: 裁判超爛的57F 01/14 08:50
mhkt: 就知道誤判多少次了……  這種事後報告不意外58F 01/14 08:52
tatata: 這樣又如何呢59F 01/14 09:01
pippen2002: 幹話一堆??吃到某DPP口水?
怎麼不對裁判開罰呢? 誤判一次罰10萬鎂?60F 01/14 09:08
Chami19: 3是丁丁跳真的莫名其妙,丁丁那時人在三分線外欸62F 01/14 09:10
md3q6e: 天使膝擊加姆斯走步吹跳球 其實就夠偏湖人了63F 01/14 09:21
fxm20334: 本來就偏湖 不知道在靠北啥
一球high five就出來透氣64F 01/14 09:23
Inori0912: 昨天裁判真的瞎了 連是誰該跳球誰被犯規都能判錯66F 01/14 09:24
jardon: tbj就球手一體啦 沒犯規67F 01/14 09:47
SCLPAL: 半夜看重播還以為我快睡著看不懂lol68F 01/14 09:52
ecolife: NBA裁判69F 01/14 09:52
rothanlin: High5沒犯規啊70F 01/14 09:54
attpp: 不是次數問題,先後順序會影響結果71F 01/14 09:57
lafeelbarth: 還好湖人還是輸72F 01/14 09:59
rothanlin: 其實原PO應該把大家關注的寫出來,而非照本宣科
上次龜龜2+1不算那球沒吹錯,但大家關注我還是會寫73F 01/14 10:00
chc2577: 裁判是真的爛,但明顯小牛吃虧www75F 01/14 10:01

作者 love1500274 的最新發文: