看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [外絮] 可能不會續留 嘴綠: 徵兆已經在那裏了時間 Sat Jan 14 15:53:27 2023
來源:CBS sports
Draymond Green accepts he probably won't be with Warriors forever: 'Quite
frankly, the writing's on the wall'
嘴綠接受他可能不會終身勇士人 「很明顯的,徵兆已經在那裏了。」
The possibility that this could be Draymond Green's last season with the
Golden State Warriors has been well chronicled. Team owner Joe Lacob has
consistently maintained that there is a limit to the bill he's willing to
foot, and if the Warriors did decide to re-sign Green on a multi-year deal
this summer, that bill, depending on a few other decisions, could fly well
north of $400 million including taxes, which is a figure that Lacob told The
Athletic last summer was "not even remotely possible."
Green understands the business, and though he doesn't want to leave Golden
State, he is prepared for the possibility, and might even be halfway
expecting it to happen. In a recent interview with Taylor Rooks, Green was
asked if it's hard for him to say there could be a day when he's not a
"No," Green said. "Quite frankly, the writing's on the wall. I understand the
business. We tend to get into this of someone owes us something because of
what we've accomplished. You'd be an idiot to walk around feeling that way. I
feel like you're just setting yourself up for failure. You're setting
yourself up for heartbreak. You're setting yourself up for disappointment. As
opposed to saying, 'No, let me learn this business.'
"If you don't get to know the business, then you can be blindsided and be,
like, 'Oh man, everything I've done I'd thought I'd be there forever,'" Green
continued. "I would love to be [with the Warriors forever]. [But] I
understand the luxury tax. I understand you've got these young guys and
contracts up and they have to be paid. I understand all of those things. And
so, just for me, that's what I mean by the writing's on the wall."
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Zmbzwjd (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1673682810.A.B67.html
→ laptic: pneumo: 捏3F 01/14 15:54
推 f77928: 勇士體系可以沒有普洱但不能沒有嘴綠4F 01/14 15:55
推 qpeter: 勇士球員以後要小心了 以後就場上見真章了6F 01/14 15:56
推 johnli: 他沒勇士應該也差不多7F 01/14 15:56
→ sioprr: on the wall,你是說普爾的臉印印在牆上嗎?15F 01/14 16:00
推 sam123343: 勇士沒他是也差不多了 防守差很多 等於是勇士防守核心22F 01/14 16:01
→ fridliou: 嘴綠沒勇士也不行啊 你說說他能拿多少?26F 01/14 16:02
→ nnkj: 去拓荒者滿適合的27F 01/14 16:03
推 sam123343: 籃網已經有一個西門了 再一個綠師父..
可能可以去老鷹?29F 01/14 16:05
推 pett: 去湖人他和姆斯都要站弧頂 好不容易龜板凳34F 01/14 16:08
推 pp3435: 咖哩、圍巾剛復出,你給我演這齣35F 01/14 16:09
→ nnkj: 更正 這位說要高薪的樣子 那就湖人36F 01/14 16:10
推 foolishbi: 拓荒者再輸下去都要考慮重建了 嘴綠還太遙遠43F 01/14 16:15
推 ODFans: 國王可以 進攻很強但防守洞很多44F 01/14 16:15
噓 st890284: 大約續完就開擺了又不是沒看過46F 01/14 16:16
→ autechre: 所以明年嘴綠會放棄PO? 不可能吧?47F 01/14 16:16
推 Demia: 問題就在他真的是體系型的球員,這年紀有誰願意高薪簽他?48F 01/14 16:17
推 uam: 嘴綠不搭浪花兄弟 搞不好比西門難用50F 01/14 16:17
推 hugr85: 到現在還有人在吹他指揮 和防守 笑死....53F 01/14 16:19
→ ODFans: 不過靠防守的體系球員 32歲已經退化階段 沒多少價值56F 01/14 16:20
推 Zacoe: 要怪就怪自己那一拳啊57F 01/14 16:22
→ nnkj: 今年32歲 他的新約年是34歲...59F 01/14 16:24
推 SlamKai: 湖人 活塞 dochi60F 01/14 16:25
推 rosemarycat: 尷尬 嘴綠沒浪花 浪花沒嘴綠 雙輸的局面 給poole
太大張了61F 01/14 16:29
推 md3q6e: 還好吧 嘴綠下一張可能就是生涯最後一張大約
雙方都有可能無法順利達成續約認知很好啊63F 01/14 16:31
→ md3q6e: 就算那個價碼不是簽JP 也有可能是補在圍巾的合約上66F 01/14 16:32
→ md3q6e: 而且嘴綠的約就算順利搞完還有KT的欸
實際面就是嘴綠KT兩個人都很有可能都留不下來68F 01/14 16:33
→ wel1103: 追夢還是有料 但是33M真的不可能70F 01/14 16:34
→ jpnldvh: 真的覺得與其留普爾這二貨不如留嘴綠72F 01/14 16:37
推 malain: 把刺蝟兄弟的約看成同捆包就好了73F 01/14 16:38
→ jpnldvh: KT也是有一場沒一場 嘴綠這種隱形貢獻比他大多了74F 01/14 16:38
推 qDaniel: 髒活非法掩護沒人能幹囉75F 01/14 16:38
→ jpnldvh: KT也只剩情懷 前陣子被罵翻爆氣幾場 現在頂多堪用先發 根本配不上薪水 不如留嘴綠76F 01/14 16:39
→ hotfrost: 留不住就拿去拓荒者換Grant吧79F 01/14 16:44
推 ocean0817: 一拳打掉自己養老合約的男人,給點尊重好嗎!80F 01/14 16:45
→ jpnldvh: 那一拳八成是知道要高薪續普爾這貨不續自己才尻下去82F 01/14 16:46
推 syd0518: 其實從綠出一拳後 跟本季打的比較回春 綠一直在做下一個合約的準備 只看勇士高層怎麼打算 綠在球場一直是高球商 現在這一番談話也能看出他很有生意頭腦83F 01/14 16:47
→ sedellchan: 除了去年哪一冠,哪一冠你會覺得沒有嘴綠完全沒機會拿90F 01/14 16:52
推 killuaz: 確實普爾沒簽那麼多的話也是挪給圍巾,嘴綠的一拳只是讓他更難有討價空間而已93F 01/14 16:54
推 angel2210: 這就是一種放話的角力吧 一邊不怕走 一邊哭太貴95F 01/14 16:55
推 ocean0817: 一拳下去,老闆就解套了,放心把合約給圍巾普洱96F 01/14 16:56
推 ryancho: 其實送走小智留嘴綠更經濟100F 01/14 17:00
推 enthpzd: 不留就雙輸而已,離開勇士打不好的一堆103F 01/14 17:04
推 Merkle: 沒有人可以揍了 綠師傅不開心 要去可以揍人的地方106F 01/14 17:07
推 hdjj: 四億美可不是小數目,勇士老闆的選擇很清楚了109F 01/14 17:12
推 ricky666: 支持嘴綠
沒有他 沒有今天的勇士
不服來戰110F 01/14 17:13
→ rony98: 戒指一堆了 應該也不太可能降薪留隊114F 01/14 17:20
推 IaKoMu: 要未來又要冠軍一定要有人犧牲 就決定是你了 綠師傅115F 01/14 17:20