看板 NBA
作者 usnavyseal (usmarine2008)
標題 [外絮] Ezeli和Wright: KT要繼續投 總有一天會進
時間 Sun Dec 31 13:50:09 2023

Warriors on NBCS

賽後主持人問前勇士球員Dorell Wright 和 Festus Ezeli, KT要如何脫離投籃低潮


主持人:Look at the last three nights for Klay Thompson, struggling from
deep, struggling from the floor.
看看Klay Thompson過去三場比賽,遠投不穩,場上表現也掙扎

Wright: Yeah, I think Klay Thompson needs to do a better job. We're kind of
mixing it up, trying to start inside out, trying to get a layup, get into the
post, get to the free throw line. Those are the things that'll free up

And right before we came on, Festus has asked me, as a shooter, what do you
do to get out of those slumps? And you just got to keep shooting. You got to
keep shooting, keep putting your reps in, and then at some point, it'll start
falling again for you.

Ezeli: I like the shots that Klay got. The ball just was not going in. When
Klay is having a tough night, and Steph is having a tough night, that's the
Splash Brothers that this whole offense is dictated around. So, Klay
Thompson's a big key for this team, and it doesn't really matter whether he's
having a good night or not. Defense is still going to be keen on Klay
Thompson because they know once one ball goes in, then it can be an avalanche
after that.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: usnavyseal 2023-12-31 13:50:09
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1baG4Jg9 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1704001811.A.A89.html
※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 12/31/2023 13:51:21
ooxxman: 投到C111F 12/31 13:51
www90173: 42F 12/31 13:51
xo1100: 說的好 繼續投3F 12/31 13:51
lafeelbarth: 上籃?????4F 12/31 13:52
murmurs0803: 曼巴精神5F 12/31 13:52
love1500274: 對手:好 繼續讓你投6F 12/31 13:52
jason911152: 旁邊小將:7F 12/31 13:53
MoWilliams: 曼巴精神???投到進8F 12/31 13:53
ts012108: 整天橫移瞎投 完全傲慢式出手 只能靠賽進球9F 12/31 13:53
Sessyoin: 確實 請不要再追殺四罐湯神 #找回狀態 #重回巔峰10F 12/31 13:53
kevin186012: 說得好11F 12/31 13:53
ts012108: 以後只有時間快到才會橫移頂著防守硬投
現在每場都要這樣三四次笑死12F 12/31 13:53
emptie: 哈14F 12/31 13:54
EXUAN: 史上偉大射手,一直投15F 12/31 13:54
lowl99: 兩個都在講幹話,問一個不會投三分能給什麼意見16F 12/31 13:54
cm223600: kt切入命中率不高 出手也很少
這建議是認真的嗎?17F 12/31 13:56
jefflin0824: 總有一天火力全開19F 12/31 13:57
s102324011: 小將:再投就沒季後賽囉20F 12/31 13:58
lafeelbarth: 寧願他亂丟3分也比上籃好XD21F 12/31 13:58
mmshlovebob: 寧願30投0中也不願9投0重#曼巴精神22F 12/31 14:00
max011060: 投跟切 那還是投好了 KT一下球我就覺得會掉球..23F 12/31 14:00
loserloser: 確實KT就繼續投 #自己養的24F 12/31 14:01
live147222: 一直檢討KT,怎麼不敢說咖哩在少了嘴綠的移動迷宮以後打的什麼鬼樣子XDDD25F 12/31 14:02
toeic900: 確實,總有一天骰到六27F 12/31 14:03
gameboy5566: 繼續投 投到後來發現可以放暑假了28F 12/31 14:08
pp3435: 要等到2024年囉29F 12/31 14:08
mike40709: 射完也放暑假了,就繼續射30F 12/31 14:08
a453014: 一直投一直爽,火力全開31F 12/31 14:10
aa89028500: 不是有準了幾場32F 12/31 14:12
MoWilliams: 他準的幾場剛好Cuury在雷
Curry33F 12/31 14:13
conqueror507: 打活塞,巫師,拓荒這些隊伍時就會準了啦35F 12/31 14:17
capsspac: 29隊:說得好 支持36F 12/31 14:17
MDAISUKE18: 支持啦,哪次不支持38F 12/31 14:27
gju88888: 有沒有一種可能 普洱回來先發群就回到去年的強度39F 12/31 14:36
listen08: 同意!支持!40F 12/31 14:42
Windows11: Curry也是要一直投 投到KT會進為止41F 12/31 14:57
antonio019: 投10球進不了3球 那你有投100球嗎42F 12/31 15:01
sdiaa: K湯跑動接球轉身投三分從去年不準到今年43F 12/31 15:02
ChamPion3: 支持他空檔多投 沒空檔不要硬投44F 12/31 15:10
aa7063018: 聽君一席話 如聽一席話45F 12/31 15:14
GordnHayward: 投到沒附加賽囉~46F 12/31 15:35
KIMCHAEWON: 運球這麼爛還要嘗試切入 笑死47F 12/31 15:39
lpmybig: 鐵的意志48F 12/31 15:56
starner: 再講廢話嗎不投籃他還能幹麻49F 12/31 15:57
pcfox: 4444450F 12/31 15:57
Xhocer: 繼續投,樂透球會更多51F 12/31 16:42
tokiki123: 回家球 投到進52F 12/31 17:47
aegisWIsL: 其他29隊表示贊成53F 12/31 19:21
justptt978: 繼續把季後賽投掉?54F 12/31 22:41

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