作者 usnavyseal (usmarine2008)
標題 [花邊] J.Crawford大讚 Luka: 他是個狠角色
時間 Tue Jun  4 22:58:44 2024

All the Smoke Productions

Jamal Crawford 談到Luka Doncic

Luka [Doncic] is a gangster. And I mean that in the most respectful way
possible. Luka is really like that. These guys will tell you, we know in the
league there are some real dogs and then there are dogs who are more like
puppies. Luka is a real dog. The bigger the moment, the bigger the play, the
better Luka is. Even some greats don't do that.”

「Luka [Doncic] 就是個狠角色,而且我用這個詞是出自最大的尊重。
Luka 真的是那樣的人。聯盟裡的人都知道,有些球員是真正的硬漢,有些則比較像小狗。
Luka 就是個真漢子。越是關鍵時刻、越是重要的比賽,Luka 的表現就越好。

"He's different. He's playing like he has headphones on. You can't speed him
up, he's out there doing his thing. His pace makes you go at his pace and
then he just dissects you. He's something different."


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: usnavyseal 2024-06-04 22:58:44
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cNokeS5 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1717513128.A.705.html
vcooter: 所以誰是小狗1F 06/04 23:00
jardon: 「我有一個夢想,我要成為gangster」2F 06/04 23:02
icoann: 小狗不就booker嗎?被戴耳機那個遛的3F 06/04 23:05
Gilbertsky: 我覺得這是很用心的評價 他打球的確是給人這種感受4F 06/04 23:08
Aether13: https://i.imgur.com/EbqjIsG.jpeg 像小狗的是這位腿詹嗎 整天被母隊球星吊起來打 然後對裁判蹦蹦跳對裁判跪著要犯 教練不挑戰蹦蹦跳 罰球得利搖搖尾巴5F 06/04 23:13
ramenfeijhai: 樓上好急8F 06/04 23:18
frankie30432: 到底多愛姆斯 每天都要提到他9F 06/04 23:24
f77928: 很壞很壞的人10F 06/04 23:28
wahaha303: 戴耳機那段還真妙11F 06/04 23:36
fack3170: 推文也能提到LBJ12F 06/04 23:38
OnePiecePR: 他的馬長得好像狗狗13F 06/05 00:04
winds20151: 不過5樓圖是蠻好笑的14F 06/05 04:00
OSullivan: 假硬漢Kevin Garnett15F 06/05 06:17
lancerjump: 小狗:我跟你應該無冤無仇?16F 06/05 06:48
great5566: 竟然出現詹黑17F 06/05 07:19
isequ: mf gansta18F 06/05 07:33
SCLPAL: 替身勒19F 06/05 08:12
biss0220: 張惠妹的歌太老了20F 06/05 09:10
Ray5213: 看著標題我還以為是Luka說誰是狠角色21F 06/05 09:39
Demia: 關鍵時刻變小狗,是不是在臭某個愛丟炸彈的啊?22F 06/05 09:48
sasa789: 臭背後傳金盃那位?
夠關鍵了吧23F 06/05 10:18

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