看板 NBA
作者 EZ78 (EZ78)
標題 Re: [花邊] Jontay Porter欠下鉅額賭債,只好放水
時間 Wed Jun  5 11:00:01 2024

翻一下New York Post完整的案情報導

Brooklyn man arrested in sports betting scheme with banned NBA player Jontay Porter
Long Phi Pham, 38, also known as “Bruce,” was nabbed Monday while trying to board a flight from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Australia on ...


A Brooklyn man was busted for allegedly teaming up with a former Toronto
Raptors forward — who was banned for life for sports gambling — to place
bets on games he knew the disgraced NBA player was going to throw, the feds
said Tuesday.

Long Phi Pham, 38, also known as “Bruce,” was nabbed Monday while trying to
board a flight from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Australia on a
one-way ticket, according to a complaint filed in Brooklyn federal court.

一名布魯克林人被供出並被指控與因運動簽賭終身禁賽的前多倫多暴龍前鋒Jontay Porter

根據布魯克林聯邦法院的訴狀,Long Phi Pham,38歲,也常常被稱為"Bruce",於星期一

He is accused of working with Jontay Porter, 24, to place “prop bets” —
also known as a proposition, or a wager placed on a player’s performance,
like betting on the over or under of a certain statistical category such as
points or rebounds.

Federal prosecutors allege that Porter had racked up large gambling debts in
the beginning of the year to co-conspirators, and was encouraged to clear
those debts by throwing games in order for certain bets to hit.

他被指控與24歲的Jontay Porter合作並下注了"特殊投注"--也被稱為提案投注,或對球員


In this case, Porter, a journeyman between the Raptors and their G-League
affiliate, allegedly told Pham that he was going to take himself out early
from the Jan. 26 game against the Los Angeles Clippers, claiming he was
injured, the feds said.

Porter played just four minutes in the game and recorded a zero points, three
rebounds and one assist before leaving with a purported eye injury, and a
co-conspirator in the case placed a parlay prop bet, cashing in on a $10,000
wager by betting the under on each of those statistical categories, according
to the complaint.

聯邦檢察官表示在這個案例,Porter這名在暴龍與他們的G League球隊間遊走的浪人被指


The disgraced NBA player allegedly communicated with the group of
co-conspirators through the Telegram group chat app when he notified them
before another game — this time on March 20 against the Sacramento Kings —
claiming that going to say he was sick to leave a game early.

Pham and others allegedly agreed to share profits from their winnings with
Porter before they placed several bets on his performance at a casino in
Atlantic City.

Porter then bowed out of the game due to illness after just three minutes,
recording zero points, three rebounds and zero assists — which netted Pham
and his co-conspirators over $1 million in profits, the feds charge.






Later, on April 4, the same day that Porter was banned for life from
basketball for betting on games, he allegedly texted the group chat and told
them that they “might just get hit w a rico” — referring to a racketeering
charge — before asking them if they “delete[d] all the stuff” from their
personal cell phones.

During its investigation, the NBA said that Porter — the brother of Denver
Nuggets star Michael Porter Jr. — placed at least 13 bets on NBA games using
someone else’s account, with bets ranging between $15 to $22,000.


在調查期間,NBA表示Porter--丹佛金塊球星Michael Porter Jr.的弟弟--至少透過其他人

The league found that Porter was “disclosing confidential information to
sports better” and “limiting his own participation in one of more games for
betting purposes.”

The allegations against Porter, who is not identified in Pham’s complaint,
match the description of “Player 1” in the court documents.

The feds are looking for three additional people who remain at-large.




Pham tried hightailing it out of the country by booking a one-way ticket to
Australia a day after the government tried questioning him, the complaint

He was collared at JFK with a bag stuffed with $12,000 cash, two cashier
checks worth $80,000 and several betting slips, according to the complaint.

Pham was arraigned on wire fraud charges Tuesday and faces up to 20 years in

A bail hearing for Pham has been set for Wednesday.

Pham’s attorney, Michael Soshnick, did not immediately return a request for




Pham的律師Michael Soshnick第一時間沒有回應評論請求。

總之就是 案件比大家一開始想的都還要嚴重多了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: EZ78 2024-06-05 11:00:01
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cNzIpI9 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1717556403.A.489.html
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 06/05/2024 11:04:57
MK47: 吳季穎又領先一波1F 06/05 11:07
bengowa: Pham? 越南姓氏?2F 06/05 11:08
EZ78: 他的名字很有可能是越裔沒錯3F 06/05 11:09
Satoman: 拍照笑死,狐朋狗友欸4F 06/05 11:09
EZ78: 本名是越南文 還取了一個英文名字5F 06/05 11:09
jazon: 不知道那個大筆賭債是自己輸掉還是有被類似詐賭6F 06/05 11:12
這組人馬基本上都是玩合法的 大西洋城跟Sportsbook都合法渠道 詐不了
q888atPt: 下球員特殊投注被抓真的很蠢,這本來就沒多少人玩 非明星球員可能全世界只有他自己在跟莊家對賭7F 06/05 11:13
EZ78: 他自己都下去賭了 我是不覺得賭債有很大的成分啦lol9F 06/05 11:13
davidex: 會影響家人嗎?10F 06/05 11:14
EZ78: 有影響到早就一鍋一起端了11F 06/05 11:15
jazon: 家人有牽扯FBI應該也都查得出來12F 06/05 11:16
pipsik: 越南人不意外女的嫁人挖牆補老家 男的純擺爛過一生13F 06/05 11:27
MK47: 樓上地圖砲開太兇了吧 這不是八卦板耶lol14F 06/05 11:28
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 06/05/2024 11:31:19
Kazmier: 越男的卻都這樣15F 06/05 11:33
jezzy30735: 大埔收16F 06/05 11:38
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 06/05/2024 11:44:33
TEM: 有點離題 分享一下認識的鄰居越南妹都在台灣結婚拿走錢後 連孩子都不要就走了。17F 06/05 11:45
EZ78: 你也知道離題= =19F 06/05 11:46
TEM: 只是提醒大家小心啦~認識5-6個越南媽媽都要錢不要小孩20F 06/05 11:49
MidoriG: 因為會娶(買)越南新娘的本身魅力大都用錢維持
沒錢就留不住人是很正常的事情22F 06/05 11:50
Kazmier: 越南男很容易得寸進尺騎到你頭上
要明確讓他知道界線 他就是小弟 你就是老闆24F 06/05 11:53
f77928: 推文怨念很強 以為錯版
希望就是不要牽扯到MPJ那裡去27F 06/05 12:04
yoji520: 百萬鎂的分贓大會吃漢堡?29F 06/05 12:16
MK47: 家人肯定會被調查 沒報出來應該就是沒有參與吧30F 06/05 12:16
ZIDENS: 靠北 分贓大會吃漢堡好好笑31F 06/05 12:22
Blazeleo819: 某樓也認識太多越南妹了吧= =32F 06/05 12:23
ZIDENS: 請問去哪裡認識五六個越南媽媽 我需要做學術研究33F 06/05 12:24
jimm900: 樓上,按摩店就有了34F 06/05 13:00
jordan621: 養生館也很多越南媽媽35F 06/05 14:04
BroDians: 請問這裡是越南媽媽討論區嗎36F 06/05 14:19
edwei: 以前住公司宿舍 越南的的確會爬到你頭上 對他好一點就偷騎你機車 偷穿你鞋子 出去把妹37F 06/05 15:28
Windows11: 靠邀還以為來到西斯版39F 06/05 16:18
KirkSynder: http://i.imgur.com/lJlSf4l.jpg Jaylin Williams:林北越南人 阮阿母越南人 越南人怎麼了40F 06/05 16:37
wwe50222ex1: 真的是個人渣,怎麼對得起給他機會的總管和教練42F 06/05 16:45
chichung: mpj那邊會怎樣嗎?壓特殊注贏錢也太蠢43F 06/05 17:53

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