看板 NBA
作者 Tonybrothers (東尼兄弟)
標題 [花邊] Mazzulla拿月最佳教練曾說:Who cares
時間 Fri Jun 14 12:41:44 2024


Derrick White names his favorite Joe Mazzulla quote:

“When he won coach of the month, I said ‘hey, congratulations.’ And he just
 looked at me and said ‘nobody cares.’”

Derrick White說他曾經在Mazuzulla拿月最佳教練時跟他道賀。
而Mazzulla只是看著他並回:Nobody cares

Sent from PttX on my Android

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Tonybrothers 2024-06-14 12:41:44
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cQyeBuM (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1718340107.A.E16.html
Leaflock: 你也懂Who cares?1F 06/14 12:42
WIGGINS22: How car2F 06/14 12:42
swps40309: 馬瓜3F 06/14 12:42
LeGGoRay: 英文不錯喔 有加s4F 06/14 12:42
micbrimac: who car5F 06/14 12:42
bingripplw: 有加s6F 06/14 12:42
Xenogamer: i dot car7F 06/14 12:43
f77928: 馬祖拉英文太好了吧?8F 06/14 12:43
Wavecloud: 如果賽隊可以拿下 馬祖瓜會成為最年輕的冠軍隊教練9F 06/14 12:44
Myosotis: Who cat10F 06/14 12:44
TEM: 贏球說什麼都是名言佳句11F 06/14 12:44
stevejack: 有加s 英文不錯12F 06/14 12:45
Leaflock: 這個梗是在講KI之前在青賽說的話13F 06/14 12:45
benson60913: 英文真好 是美國人嗎14F 06/14 12:45
ptt821105: Who care才對吧15F 06/14 12:46
ohmyya: Who’s car16F 06/14 12:47
Wavecloud: 馬祖瓜有參加過選秀落選 當年狀元是....KI17F 06/14 12:47
jason911152: 英文真好18F 06/14 12:47
Despairile: who car19F 06/14 12:48
loserloser: 這兩個當時都不在青賽吧20F 06/14 12:48
evan700607: White 被壞壞變態電到21F 06/14 12:49
HrtUndrBld: whose car?22F 06/14 12:49
zakijudelo: who car23F 06/14 12:50
TheoEpstein: who car24F 06/14 12:54
liyon: 結果White換約 佛新留下 原因是 喜歡變態的教練25F 06/14 12:56
hua1027: I don car26F 06/14 12:56
Wwc0130: 巴迪car27F 06/14 13:01
pttcat: 英文真好有記得加S28F 06/14 13:01
Kazmier: Car29F 06/14 13:01
yowhatsupsli: 誰車子他啊30F 06/14 13:02
Chanlin01: 英文不好哦 whose car31F 06/14 13:04
sunti0519: 美國人的英文真好(?)32F 06/14 13:04
a0114133: 誰的車子?33F 06/14 13:06
s925407: 標題寫who cares,內文寫Nobody cares,所以到底是講什麼?34F 06/14 13:10
k385476916: Nobofy car36F 06/14 13:12
Wavecloud: https://reurl.cc/bVg4z3 KI:Who cares37F 06/14 13:14
harlan6297: who car38F 06/14 13:22
iamaq18c: who car~39F 06/14 13:24
k7202001: Nobody’s car?40F 06/14 13:27
cor1os: 果粉41F 06/14 13:32
a22122212: I dot car42F 06/14 13:40
ayumi082530: nobo IKEA43F 06/14 13:44
WO0820: no body = who ?
I dont car44F 06/14 13:58
IRPT001: We car46F 06/14 13:59
kevin852: I dot car47F 06/14 14:12
guesswho: 成王敗寇48F 06/14 14:41
muvowen: 我都唸成whos car49F 06/14 14:50
anomic24: who car50F 06/14 14:54
Gsun: Who’s car???51F 06/14 15:10
wei3350730: who’s cat52F 06/14 15:12
sallyhelp: 他英文很好欸有記得+S==53F 06/14 15:19
smallthree33: 36歲不要說老詹了~連隊上的活佛都比馬祖拉還老...囧54F 06/14 15:36
liaon98: I dot car55F 06/14 15:42
louis1213: Whos car56F 06/14 16:38
rtfgyrtfgy: I dot car
我都開tomato57F 06/14 16:58
babyalley: 不錯喔 英文很好 哪像鄉民都說who's car59F 06/14 19:16
akKGJTJBnthu: 我賽就是underdog,一步一步挑戰魔王獨行俠60F 06/14 22:40
willyhsuan: I dot car61F 06/14 23:23
terop: 記者好正62F 06/15 07:40

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