看板 NBA作者 hasebe (煮熟的番茄)標題 [花邊] Zion未來?NBA最大難題時間 Wed Jan 1 10:44:10 2025
Williamson played in a career-high 70 games last season,
but it was the second playoff trip he missed due to injury.
Six seasons into his career, he has yet to play in a playoff game.
"He's dominant when he plays," a rival general manager told ESPN. "But when's
the last time you've seen him play?"
He has played only 190 games (plus the one abbreviated play-in outing) in 5½
seasons since arriving in New Orleans with hope and hype of being a
franchise savior.
Williamson's extensive injury history is why he agreed to one of the rarest
contracts in NBA history: a maximum deal that requires him to earn guaranteed
money as he goes, which could factor into Williamson's trade value if New
Orleans explores the market for him. His $36.2 million salary for this season
becomes fully guaranteed Jan. 7.
本賽季 3620 萬美元的薪水將於 1 月 7 日變為全額保障。
Williamson changed representation after suffering the latest injury, hiring
WME's Bill Duffy, a longtime agent who also represents stars such as Luka
Doncic, Anthony Edwards and Chet Holmgren. Sources told ESPN that Duffy has
no intention to push for the Pelicans to trade Williamson before the deadline.
Zion在受傷後更換了經紀人。聘請了WME的Bill Duffy,
他同時是77、AE(譯註 兄弟,H2H!)、Chet的經紀人。
The team announced Dec. 24 that Williamson will be "week-to-week going
forward" after his expected return to practice in the final days of December.
The focus -- for all parties involved -- is to get Williamson back on the
floor without further injury interruption.
But missing the benchmarks doesn't reduce Williamson's salary -- just the
amount that is guaranteed. To receive any financial benefit, New Orleans
would have to take the unprecedented step of waiving Williamson. However, the
Pelicans do not consider releasing Williamson to create financial flexibility
to be a feasible option, according to sources with knowledge of the
franchise's thinking. The small-market Pelicans know they never have been
considered an attractive destination for free agents, so they don't believe
slicing payroll by releasing Williamson would be a realistic path to
improving the roster.
One East executive, however, called gauging Williamson's trade value "the
hardest question to answer in the NBA right now."
"Take a swing and work on his body," the executive said. "It would be
complicated with his salary, but I think it would be doable."
這句話總結很棒,想要的就買來揮灑他的身體 :)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: hasebe 2025-01-01 10:44:10
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dTAl-kd (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1735699454.A.BA7.html
※ hasebe:轉錄至看板 Pelicans 01/01 10:45
推 Wardyal: 這種就虛肌肉 我跟她單挑 我不服3F 01/01 10:47
推 kobest: 送他去尼克 馬上可以打球信不信4F 01/01 10:47
推 alex0973: 自律0分 從根本上放棄這個球員即可6F 01/01 10:49
推 iZinger: 抱歉晚了 尼克不想要了,Josh Hart跟OG比他好用多7F 01/01 10:50
推 f77928: 下一站胖老爹10F 01/01 10:50
推 abbei: 天賦沒問題,心態不行。樂透區NBA球員不缺天賦11F 01/01 10:51
推 medioca: 根本就是不想在紐奧良打球故意擺爛而已14F 01/01 10:53
推 musichour: 其實他還很年輕 如果心態夠強 肯定有球隊會賭 可惜17F 01/01 10:54
→ alex8725: 他沒有水啊 健康的時候還是很扛 但就...健康?18F 01/01 10:54
推 LGNexus5: 只打190場卻出了四雙鞋 新皇叔19F 01/01 10:56
推 outdowave: 當時選秀都準備好去尼克 被鵜鶘選到心態都崩了20F 01/01 10:56
推 t0083891: 人家rose還有實績,這咖?23F 01/01 10:57
→ sealwow: Zion健康的時候很強,前提是健康,但Zion連這個前提都沒有,非常尷尬24F 01/01 10:57
→ Brucetk: 本季打6場 且看且珍惜26F 01/01 10:58
推 ClownT: 他哪有年輕 生涯第六季了 2019梯的29F 01/01 10:58
→ qpeter: 合約還有三年多 又是小市場球隊 不會這麼快放棄啦30F 01/01 10:59
→ ClownT: NBA不是說比鄉民年輕就叫年輕31F 01/01 10:59
→ qpeter: 大不了水鳥坦三年就是了33F 01/01 10:59
推 mingzeng: 打體能球的極致 放籃手感也絕佳 可是敵不過玻璃體質38F 01/01 11:01
→ Satoman: 不是玻璃體質,就單純胖又不減肥39F 01/01 11:02
推 e8e88: 水鳥靈氣 放生說不定就好了?41F 01/01 11:03
→ MK47: 代言炸雞吧 覺得這個最有說服力了42F 01/01 11:05
推 coolboy16: 說送去尼克馬上可以打球的,自制力這麼差又這麼玻43F 01/01 11:05
推 urgrandpa: 打到現在健康已經不是唯一問題了,他的場均得分跟命中率是逐年下降的,第二年即巔峰,後面一直退步46F 01/01 11:05
→ tyrone0923: 他的打法吃體能,本來就是要逐步調整,但他上不了場是能調整啥49F 01/01 11:07
→ Hakase5566: 我只能說一堆人忽視他防守爆爛 而且投籃也沒練起來51F 01/01 11:07
→ urgrandpa: 也沒有長出什麼新的技能包,基本上還是純打天賦球52F 01/01 11:07
推 coolboy16: 反正又是一個天賦怪但是因為不自制而慢慢殞落54F 01/01 11:08
→ coolboy16: 體能擺在那邊,防守爛就單純心態問題而已57F 01/01 11:10
推 musichour: 胖虎年紀ok吧 他才24~25歲欸58F 01/01 11:11
推 immence: 超越倫納德的天才 免戰天才59F 01/01 11:11
噓 grayeric: 跟greg oden比呢?
按到虛 抱歉60F 01/01 11:11
→ seiya1201: NBA有三"健康的話很強" 可愛 胖虎 西門64F 01/01 11:13
推 ABiao0220: 胖虎沒實績還是別拿來跟別人比吧 太羞辱人了67F 01/01 11:14
推 coolboy16: 監視器防守已經跟身高臂展沒那麼大關聯了70F 01/01 11:14
→ a12838910: 拿可愛跟西門 胖虎比 真的蠻羞辱人的71F 01/01 11:14
→ druu: 天賦超高的球員 可以終究還是屈就於空腹73F 01/01 11:15
推 Coolest: 可愛拿過兩冠了…這咖連上場都有問題77F 01/01 11:18
推 K951753: 他沒有強到很難 就看誰盤子誰給大約而已78F 01/01 11:18
→ Hakase5566: 其實認真說他全明星那季比較像全隊圍都繞著他打 數據才會這麼猛 實際上也沒贏比較多球80F 01/01 11:19
推 jesuskobe: 拿oden比也太扯,他是真打出過東西的83F 01/01 11:20
推 Cuchulainn: 可愛兩冠吧 美國狀元都天賦滿滿 就沒然後了84F 01/01 11:20
推 shark23peng: 每個人在25、26歲不是覺得未來自己的人生可以起飛,結果到了35、36還不是一事無成85F 01/01 11:20
推 lsslz: 傷到很難進步 今年完全被看破手腳 成長期都在養傷88F 01/01 11:21
→ Hakase5566: 阿你就只愛看刷數據的當然會覺得胖虎>oden阿89F 01/01 11:23
推 pb1101: 沒一事無成啊 拿大約吃雞翅 勞工之光91F 01/01 11:23
→ MK47: 誰跟你一事無成 zion自己都說二十幾歲那麼有錢很難92F 01/01 11:24
推 drazil: 不過我覺得雖然他健康的時候非常有統治力,但是球93F 01/01 11:24
→ MK47: 控制了 你有像他一樣有錢嗎XD94F 01/01 11:24
→ drazil: 路打法的關係,圍繞他建隊的陣型並不是很容易配置95F 01/01 11:24
推 turnpoint: 真的很麻煩,其實留住胖虎、交易胖虎、裁掉胖虎都是有合理的依據,你很難說哪個選項是錯的。當然裁掉胖虎機率最低,但那也只是因為人性不願意輕易停損的考量而已,搞不好裁掉胖虎才是水鳥的最佳解96F 01/01 11:24
→ Marytin: 球鞋代言還會續嗎283F 01/01 22:54
→ VenceYen: 西門跟Zion剛好進聯盟前都稱LBJ接班人,現在看來呵呵286F 01/02 10:23