作者 LukaDoncic77 (洞77)標題 [外絮] Bronny戰報:對決矮湯 手感不佳時間 Sat Mar 1 15:08:52 2025
Bronny James Stats Tonight: LeBron James' son's shooting woes return in matchup
against Isaiah Thomas' G League team (Feb. 28)
LeBron James' son Bronny James was in action for the South Bay Lakers on Friday
against the Salt Lake City Stars. Bronny matched up against his father's former
teammate, Isaiah Thomas. LeBron and Thomas briefly played together on the Clevel
and Cavaliers in 2017-18 and the LA Lakers in 2021-22.
LeBron James 的兒子 Bronny James 於週五代表 South Bay Lakers 出戰 Salt Lake City
Stars。Bronny 與父親的前隊友 Isaiah Thomas 交手。LeBron 和 Thomas 曾在 2017-18
賽季的 Cleveland Cavaliers 以及 2021-22 賽季的 LA Lakers 短暫一同效力。
Bronny was coming off a solid performance from his last game in the G League on
Feb. 22 against the Valley Suns. He had 24 points, five rebounds and six assists
on 10 of 16 shots. It was arguably his most composed performance.
Bronny 在他 2月22日對 Valley Suns 的 G League 比賽中,表現不錯。他拿下 24 分、5
籃板和 6 助攻,16 投 10 中。這無疑是他最穩定的表現。
Here's how Bronny James fared in the follow-up game on Friday:
以下是 Bronny James 在週五比賽中的表現摘要:
Bronny James' stats and recap in G League matchup against Isaiah Thomas' Salt La
ke City Stars
Bronny James 在 G League 對抗 Isaiah Thomas 所在的 Salt Lake City Stars 比賽中的
Bronny James had a relatively slow start against the Salt Lake City Stars than h
is previous outings for the South Bay Lakers. The 55th pick played 8:32 minutes
in the first quarter, tallying two points, two rebounds and two assists. He shot
1 of 3, missing one shot from the 3-point range. Bronny was +/- +3 despite the
team trailing 32-26.
相比於他之前在 South Bay Lakers 的比賽,Bronny James 在對抗 Salt Lake City Stars
的比賽中開局較慢。這位第 55 選秀在首節打了 8 分 32 秒,得到 2 分、2 籃板和 2 助
攻,3 投 1 中,三分球 1 投不中。儘管隊伍以 32-26 落後,Bronny 的 +/- 為 +3。
Bronny had a quiet second quarter with his lack of scoring. However, he seemingl
y focused more on setting up his teammates. Cole Swider and Stanley Johnson had
it going with 19 and 10 points, respectively.
在第二節,Bronny 沒有得分,表現相對低調。不過,他似乎更專注於為隊友創造機會。Col
e Swider 和 Stanley Johnson 分別貢獻 19 分和 10 分。
Bronny shot 2 for 6 and had four points, six assists, two rebounds and three tur
novers by halftime. He missed all three of his 3-point attempts. South Bay trail
ed 63-57. Bronny had a +/- score of 0.
上半場結束時,Bronny 6 投 2 中,拿下 4 分、6 助攻、2 籃板,並有 3 次失誤。他的三
分球 3 投全失。South Bay 以 63-57 落後。Bronny 的 +/- 為 0。
Bronny James's scoring improved a tad in the third quarter after he put up six p
oints in that frame, but wasn't as efficient. He made only two shots on his next
eight attempts and 2 of 7 from 3-point range.
在第三節,Bronny 的得分稍微提升,他在這一節得到 6 分,但效率並不高。他接下來的 8
次出手中只命中 2 球,三分球 7 投 2 中。
Bronny couldn't figure out his shooting woes in the fourth quarter, either. He w
ent 6 of 19 on the night, including 4 for 14 from 3. Bronny had 16 points, six r
ebounds and eight assists, but those came with four turnovers. He was a +/- -11
as the South Bay Lakers lost 123-114.
第四節,Bronny 仍未能解決他的投籃困境。整場比賽他 19 投 6 中,包括三分球 14 投 4
中。Bronny 得到 16 分、6 籃板和 8 助攻,但也有 4 次失誤。South Bay Lakers 以 12
3-114 輸掉比賽,Bronny 的 +/- 為 -11。
Bronny James' counterpart and his father, LeBron James, former teammate, Isaiah
Thomas, was the best player, with 29 points and eight assists.
Bronny 的對手、他父親 LeBron James 的前隊友 Isaiah Thomas 是全場最佳球員,貢獻 2
9 分和 8 助攻。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LukaDoncic77 2025-03-01 15:08:52
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dmhA7Bq (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740812935.A.2F4.html
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