作者 ccccccccccc ( 朗報實習記者)
標題 [外絮] Bronny戰報:失誤過多 手感不佳
時間 Tue Mar 11 15:47:01 2025

Bronny James Stats Tonight: LeBron James' son endures horrific game as he flops
in South Bay Lakers' G League loss (Mar. 10)

Bronny James Stats Tonight: LeBron James' son endures horrific game as he flops in South Bay Lakers' G League loss (Mar. 10)
Bronny James was back in action on Monday, suiting up for the South Bay Lakers in their NBA G League game against the Motor City Cruise. ...



Bronny James was back in action on Monday, suiting up for the South Bay Lakers i
n their NBA G League game against the Motor City Cruise. The Lakers' G League te
am played at the UCLA Health Training Center, with Bronny joining Quincy Olivari
, Cole Swider, Stanley Johnson and Solomon Young in the starting lineup.

Bronny James 於週一重返賽場,為 South Bay Lakers  出戰 NBA G League 比賽,對手是
 Motor City Cruise。Lakers 的 G League 隊伍在 UCLA Health 訓練中心進行比賽,Bron
ny 和 Quincy Olivari、Cole Swider、Stanley Johnson 及 Solomon Young 一同出現在首

LeBron James' son had a tough outing, arguably his worst performance of the seas
on so far. The Lakers rookie struggled to make a 3-pointer and his turnovers onl
y compounded the team's difficulties.

LeBron James 的兒子這場比賽表現不佳,可以說是本賽季迄今為止最差的表現。Lakers 的


In the end, Bronny James finished with 16 points on 5 of 16 shooting from the fi
eld, including 0 of 6 from beyond the arc, and 3 of 4 from the free throw line.
He also recorded two rebounds, four assists, one steal and committed four turnov
ers. His plus/minus for the game was -16.

最終,Bronny James 在比賽結束後得到 16 分,16 投 5 中,其中三分球 6 投 0 中,罰球
 4 投 3 中。他還記錄了 2 個籃板、4 次助攻、1 次抄截,並送出了 4 次失誤。他的正負
值為 -16。

Bronny James through 4 quarters

Bronny James 四節比賽概況

Bronny started the game a bit rusty, struggling to get his shots to fall, partic
ularly from beyond the arc. However, he got on the scoreboard with a basket from
 inside the arc and also created a scoring opportunity for a teammate during the
 first period.

Bronny 開場時顯得有些生疏,特別是三分球命中率低,難以命中他的投籃。然而,他還是通


At halftime, Bronny James had two points on 1 of 3 shooting from the floor, incl
uding 0 of 2 from 3-point range. He also recorded one assist in the opening half

半場結束時,Bronny James 得到 2 分,3 投 1 中,三分球 2 投 0 中,罰球 1 投 1 中。

In the second quarter, Bronny took three more shots, converting just one. Howeve
r, his playmaking ability shone through as he registered two more assists during
 the period.

在第二節,Bronny 再次出手三次,僅命中一次。然而,他的傳球能力在這一節有所展現,並

At half time, LeBron James' son had six points on 2 of 6 shooting, including 0 o
f 2 from beyond the arc, and 1 of 1 from the free throw line. He also recorded t
hree assists and one rebound.

半場結束時,LeBron James 的兒子得到了 6 分,6 投 2 中,三分球 2 投 0 中,罰球 1
投 1 中。他還記錄了 3 次助攻和 1 個籃板。


Even after the halftime break, Bronny James continued to struggle with his 3-poi
nt shot. However, the Lakers rookie didn't shy away from attacking the basket, f
ocusing on driving inside the arc to provide his team with an offensive spark in
 the third quarter.

即便在下半場,Bronny James 在三分球方面仍然苦苦掙扎。然而,這位 Lakers 新秀並沒有

The former USC guard took five shots in the period, making two of them. His defe
nsive effort also ramped up, as he recorded a steal during the quarter.

這位前 USC 後衛在第三節出手 5 次,命中了 2 次。他在防守端的表現也有所提升,記錄了

The Lakers rookie continued to struggle in the fourth quarter, attempting five s
hots but making only one. Bronny's turnover issues also worsened as he committed
 four turnovers throughout the game. His poor performance contributed to the Sou
th Bay Lakers' 110-97 loss at home.

然而,到了第四節,Bronny 依然無法找到手感,五次出手僅命中一次。他的失誤問題也愈發
嚴重,全場比賽共送出 4 次失誤。Bronny 的低迷表現最終成為 South Bay Lakers 以 110
-97 主場失利的原因之一。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: ccccccccccc 2025-03-11 15:47:01
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dp-fut_ (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1741679224.A.DFF.html
j900802f: 你誰啊1F 03/11 15:47
frank666: ID錯誤2F 03/11 15:47
sdfsonic: 再練3F 03/11 15:47
A00610lol: 什麼實習記者 輪不到你4F 03/11 15:47
alive0: 再接再勵5F 03/11 15:48
jeff1013: 畫虎不成6F 03/11 15:48
Barbarian123: JJ到底在幹嘛 湖人c2了還不拉上來練7F 03/11 15:48
chenliu0716: ID錯誤XDDD8F 03/11 15:49
malain: 都是勇士罰球變多,害朗尼沒手感的對吧?9F 03/11 15:49
pneumo: 實習記者是怎樣啦~~~~10F 03/11 15:50
phantom: 致敬老爸,3分一樣6投0中,還好罰球好多了11F 03/11 15:50
vanassa: 哈哈哈 實習記者 77今天沒上班喔12F 03/11 15:50
qt359101: 你誰啊13F 03/11 15:50
jamescle23: 幫Lukadoncic77推: jamescle23才是實習記者14F 03/11 15:51
ljk476820: 你ID是壓著鍵盤取出來的齁15F 03/11 15:51
weebeer626: ID錯誤16F 03/11 15:52
ccccccccccc: 沒想到姆斯科前輩出桶了 抱歉抱歉17F 03/11 15:53
smonkey: 你誰啊?18F 03/11 15:53
e8e88: 幫實習記者補血19F 03/11 15:54
inuyaksa: ljk476820: 你ID是壓著鍵盤取出來的齁20F 03/11 15:55
sky070650: 實習記者給推21F 03/11 15:56
ZIDENS: 好好笑 朗尼報社產業鏈22F 03/11 15:56
O10lOl01O: LukaDoncic77:你有問過我嗎?23F 03/11 15:56
k33536: 把拔 你看他啦24F 03/11 15:58
a516013: 不是77發的我是不會推的25F 03/11 15:58
ship1228: 手感不好還有16分,手感好我不敢想像……26F 03/11 16:01
AKLnokizuna: 怎麼一堆這種文?27F 03/11 16:02
squalljack: ID 錯誤,我們77今天專心帶隊所以沒出現嗎28F 03/11 16:03
Sornecronoc: 你不是朗文大師29F 03/11 16:04
skylion: 其實還好
最近幾場差不多都這樣 撞牆中30F 03/11 16:04
siyaoran: 手感好才是新聞32F 03/11 16:05
koala5566: 原來是實習記者33F 03/11 16:05
LA24: 恢復水準了34F 03/11 16:06
Hugo92466312: ID錯誤35F 03/11 16:08
Aether13: -16 致敬負分老詹殼36F 03/11 16:09
LBJ9527: ID37F 03/11 16:11
pikachuu: #話語霸權#轉移焦點38F 03/11 16:12
f92174: 16分欸39F 03/11 16:14
s24066774: 姆咪在氣啥?40F 03/11 16:15
frank666: CC你好好替活塞打球朗文交給同隊的77就好41F 03/11 16:16
SKTDoinb: 那些噓噓怪不是姆迷好嗎 我們姆迷不背這鍋42F 03/11 16:19
Tommy92C: bronny戰報補血43F 03/11 16:20
SKTDoinb: 我想應該都是那些忌妒我們天之驕子布朗尼的朗酸幫們 之前就已經在我們朗尼寶貝的文見過他們好幾次了44F 03/11 16:21
hasebe: ID錯誤46F 03/11 16:21
yniori: 你誰?找原版的來47F 03/11 16:25
kobegary34: 唉48F 03/11 16:26
justice0926: 爸離間姆斯49F 03/11 16:27
mirac1e: ID錯誤50F 03/11 16:28
hauwie: 幫補血 一生只督幫你煎一人51F 03/11 16:29
jerrylin: 至少他罰球不錯R
只是三分投不進而以52F 03/11 16:33
MDAISUKE18: 尊重色違22眾的專業代理54F 03/11 16:34
paracase: 這個翻譯也太鳥了55F 03/11 16:35
op5500: 正負值的確是傳承山羌了 嘻嘻56F 03/11 16:37
free120: 77小號嗎?57F 03/11 16:37
saya2185: 打得很好 別打了58F 03/11 16:44
ccccccccccc: 請問哪段的翻譯需要改進呢?59F 03/11 16:50
han726: 好文推推60F 03/11 16:51
c27932589: 推Cade Cunningham61F 03/11 16:54
greedy1010: ID錯誤62F 03/11 17:04
swimbert:  這差JLin很多捏63F 03/11 17:08
GleybeTorres: ID錯誤64F 03/11 17:11
hunt5566: 分靈體喔 呵呵65F 03/11 17:15
mjkblbjboth: 愛朗尼 好吃66F 03/11 17:15
wainkid: 267F 03/11 17:15
akko76815: 朗報團隊! 好堅強68F 03/11 17:15
benson1212: 幫你煎有機會接77哥哥的妙傳投進三分嗎?69F 03/11 17:22
wisteriachi: 77今天打不好不想出來嗎70F 03/11 17:22
Larry8212: 你是朗文大師底下的員工嗎?71F 03/11 17:33
ted010233: 你誰72F 03/11 17:37
Ives20130: #2-55還想怎樣73F 03/11 17:44
fourfourlook: 我不要你 我要7774F 03/11 17:48
LoveBea: 慘75F 03/11 18:05
hsuanYue: ID錯誤76F 03/11 18:25
Cuchulainn: 有人翹班77F 03/11 18:26
Weasley40: 77代言人?78F 03/11 18:36
Mrlaba: 喔79F 03/11 18:52
Utopiasphere: FG5-16,FT3-4,沒有三分球要怎麼得16分?80F 03/11 18:53
Inori0912: 誰啦81F 03/11 19:00
bryan7114: 開小帳喔82F 03/11 19:18
sc79129: 造謠7水桶就要換人頂喔zzz83F 03/11 19:25
terry1990: ID 錯誤 是代班還是開分身呢84F 03/11 19:26
likeyouuu: 朗文師呢?85F 03/11 19:43
LuxJason: 我認真問,姆咪到底在氣什麼? 原po有刻意挑幫你煎打不好的時候才po嗎?86F 03/11 19:53
benson1212: 姆咪裝得很支持幫你煎 但看到朗文就生氣88F 03/11 20:03
ponguy: 靠爸打G聯盟還那麼爛 難怪被嘲諷89F 03/11 20:09
SaintSeven: 現在是疹樣…要發這種文章都要先改暱稱是不是!??90F 03/11 20:20
ppt12527: 實習很累的,你們還噓他91F 03/11 20:42
j3307002: 新布朗尼日記?
布朗尼狂得十六分聽起來很好啊XD92F 03/11 20:48
shadow0326: 你誰啊94F 03/11 21:13
feijai: 還我朗尼大師95F 03/11 21:51
NHGCF: 你誰啊?96F 03/11 23:16
jordan0634: 你不要以為超級廢文大師77被水桶就可以替他發文97F 03/11 23:22
momotea: 支持代班大師98F 03/12 01:04
ZoeyDestiny: 姆咪到底有啥問題?99F 03/12 01:05

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