看板 PC_Shopping作者 oppoR20 (R20)標題 [情報] AMD希望AIB用公版價賣非公兩個月時間 Sun Nov 29 20:01:46 2020
文長注意 翻譯重點而已
The video covers the topic of non-existent Radeon RX 6800 stock and inflated pri
cing on custom models. Cards that were immediately sold out at MSRP, were all re
ference models. Many retailers have not even bothered to sell these cards online
as the availability was severely limited. Unfortunately, this situation has not
changed with the custom cards launching a week later.
眾所皆知 6000系列公版根本缺貨缺到爆 公版價一出來根本馬上賣光 然而非公的售價比公
Retailers would not even take preorders on these cards, and even if they did, th
e pricing was simply put horrendous and extremely over the official suggested re
tail pricing from AMD. This pricing situation has been discussed in the Q&A sess
ion by HardwareUnboxed.
零售商根本沒辦法開預售 就算開了也是給你一個精美到靠北的售價 HardwareUnboxed在Q&A
It has been revealed that AMD acknowledged that the problem of inflated pricing
and the manufacturer is already working on ‘enabling’ AIBs to achieve the MSRP
target within two months. The short and unofficially statement from AMD, which
was paraphrased b HarwdareUnboxed, does not explain why there is a shortage of
AMD GPUs and why where the prices of custom cards so much higher, especially com
pared to NVIDIA cards at launch.
不過這由HardwareUnboxed簡短又非官方的聲明沒解釋到為啥AMD GPU會短缺 也沒解釋到跟
老黃的非公卡比起來 蘇媽的非公的價格為什麼會高的誇張
“We have had a private conversation with AMD. They assured us that in 4 to 8 we
eks there will be AIB cards available at MSRP. They said they enabled the AIBs t
o achieve the 649 dollars [RX 6800 XT] MSRP and they expect that to happen withi
n 8 weeks.”
– Steve Walton, Hardware Unboxed
AMD跟我們保證在這4-8周內 一定會有用公版價賣的非公卡
在這4-8周內 用649美元賣6800XT的非公卡(也就是1-2個月)
The fake MSRP that would only be available to early adopters of the reference mo
dels, obviously puts reviewers in a tough spot, as their performance to dollar c
harts are simply misleading to customers who are unable to find these cards at s
uch prices. As noted, this has been an issue with AMD launches for years now, bu
t the manufacturer has not been able to fix this problem yet.
基本上能在首發時用公版價買到公版卡的人根本就是天選之人 評測者也很兩難 因為基本上
買不到公版CP值的卡 不過這是AMD老毛病了 但還是沒辦法解決
The reason for the high price of Big Navi cards could be a result of limited GPU
stock at launch, very low margins for AIBs, and retailers taking the advantage
of this situation.
我們都知道大納美因為產能很慘 AIB的利潤很低 所以零售商趁機賺一把 價格先喊貴一點
We recently posted this chart with inflated Radeon RX 6800 custom cards pricing
at Newegg. Barely any of these cards were available for preorder, and if they we
re, the prices were 81 to 251 USD higher than MSRP:
以下是newegg上6800系列非公卡跟MSRP的價差 從81到251美元都有
看來蘇媽要趕快安慰消費者 不然翻身機會就沒啦
看了一下表格 真的貴的誇張 丐版還加3000起跳
不過現在除了華碩之外 其他都是比較小的廠出 7折星跟g排都還沒
不過大家也不用太高興 蘇媽不是強制每張卡都用公版價 也只有說會有aib廠商推出 沒有說
就算有 也是各家的丐版吧
嗯 不過都是他國事務 台灣有非公上了嗎?
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Vmusjx2 (PC_Shopping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1606651309.A.EC2.html
推 Liwx: 沒事沒事 缺貨2個月1F 11/29 20:05
推 Fartboss: 嗯....沒貨 打五折也沒用2F 11/29 20:05
→ cfvcfv666: 就白痴呀,這段時間不出價,等時間到了在賣不就好了3F 11/29 20:05
→ jior: 沒貨說個雕!?5F 11/29 20:07
→ cfvcfv666: 用膝蓋想也知道,amd這次沒光追才會不敢量產失敗的顯卡,怕被股東罵7F 11/29 20:09
推 danny6: 難怪沒貨 我是廠商也不出9F 11/29 20:09
→ commandoEX: 喊爽的吧,除了專做AMD的廠商還怕AMD斷貨之類的手段?10F 11/29 20:16
→ JoyRex: 反正各大廠的小編嘴巴要閉緊,想想RX480的時候...12F 11/29 20:18
推 jackywn: 這樣罰站屋那款G心非公6800定那個臭價就尷尬了13F 11/29 20:25
推 kimula01: NV也一樣吧3070 80 15900 21900幾乎沒有了17F 11/29 20:35
→ aaron5555: amd幹嘛不乾脆公版卡不要停售就好了 這樣大家都可以開心不是很好?18F 11/29 20:36
推 doom3: 礦工又再拉貨了嗎?21F 11/29 20:40
→ AKSN74: 最近比特幣跌成那樣,礦工不太可能拉貨22F 11/29 20:41
推 FXW11314: 這樣沒有違反公平交易法之類的嗎?23F 11/29 20:42
推 EvilKnight: HardwareUnboxed其實沒有板上的內線厲害XDD24F 11/29 20:47
推 whe84311: ????直接操縱價格就等著被公部門臭幹不是嗎25F 11/29 20:49
推 AreLies: 最多就AIB毛利減少 不過殺頭的生意沒人做
不然就強迫AIB自己吞26F 11/29 20:49
→ KS571: 滿好笑的 乾脆宣布只賣公版好啦 反正也沒貨30F 11/29 20:51
推 EvilKnight: 啊比AIB更上面的源頭就沒貨不然你要怎樣 (攤手31F 11/29 20:51
推 kaj1983: 便宜的貨現在不止在海上了,還在夢裡啊32F 11/29 20:52
推 hg7642hg: 當初不要那麼早發佈,MSRP不要訂那麼低不就好了
偉哉阿 AMD33F 11/29 20:53
→ newsnew: 便宜的貨還在排隊等生產36F 11/29 20:55
推 crazyha: 說間Peace launch公司?
paper launch37F 11/29 20:56
→ nextpage: 6800XT至少要打到跟3070同價位才有競爭力39F 11/29 20:56
推 coox: 帥啊,多了一個買a卡的理由40F 11/29 21:00
推 a1379: 乾脆一開始就先賣幾個月公版就好...41F 11/29 21:24
推 mayolane: 6800XT要到3070價位才有競爭力—>太誇張了42F 11/29 21:27
推 baka: 慘不忍睹44F 11/29 21:33
推 LoveShibeInu: 我有看完影片,零售商那邊其實不太正確,是aib自己把msrp提高,紅龍的官方定價就是800鎂46F 11/29 21:38
靠 所以是你的貓喔XDDD
※ 編輯: oppoR20 ( 臺灣), 11/29/2020 21:42:32
推 baka: 推樓上簽名檔本人51F 11/29 21:43
推 LastAttack: 可憐哪 是說NV感覺有故意抓這個時間點=ˇ=55F 11/29 21:47
推 baka: 居然XD
我還以為你有貓貓56F 11/29 21:50
推 sivid: 翻錯了喔,他們是說4~8週內會開始有msrp的卡,不是期間限定58F 11/29 22:32
推 splong: 68XT 20K出頭還可以啦 RT同3070 傳統性能較強
反正3080的22k丐版也是幾乎不存在60F 11/29 22:35
推 AreLies: 你的貓看起來比其他貓咪誠實65F 11/29 22:48
推 baka: 你的貓看起來比其他貓咪誠實66F 11/29 22:50