看板 Steam
作者 hacker725x (Akuma)
標題 [閒聊] The Game Awards 2018頒獎直播
時間 Fri Dec  7 09:27:51 2018

12/7(五) 台灣早上9:30 開播

🏆The Game Awards 2018 4K Official Stream - December 6 LIVE 🎮 - YouTube Watch THE GAME AWARDS Live in 4K on YouTube on Thursday, December 6. This is the official livestream link. VOTE NOW FOR YOUR CHOICES:


Awards - The Game Awards
This year more than 100 games and individuals have been nominated for The Game Awards. Choose your favorites below. You can vote once every 24 hours,  ...



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efreet: 開始了1F 12/07 09:37
leo01018: 小島的遊戲有消息嗎2F 12/07 09:40
efreet: 關聲音開字幕偷看,目前還在開場廢話中3F 12/07 09:41
TotalBiscuit: 最佳動作遊戲:dead cells4F 12/07 09:45

TotalBiscuit: 最佳RPG:monster hunter world
最佳電競隊伍:cloud97F 12/07 09:50
teddy: 魔物世界將在幾天後公布新消息 良三說的wwww10F 12/07 09:54
TotalBiscuit: stanley parable終極豪華版...又遇到TLoU 2 XD11F 12/07 09:59
Among Trees on Steam
A small vibrant survival sandbox, Among Trees is set in a colorful wilderness world teeming with life. ...

fujisawa: Steam的直播頁點進去怎麼沒直播阿 只有倒數14F 12/07 10:01

efreet: 上面的是直播頁面
若上班偷看不能開聲音的話還是建議看Youtube,有自動字幕16F 12/07 10:02
TotalBiscuit: 話說羅素兄弟有來,不知道是為了宣佈新遊戲還是
看起來今年砸很多錢,還有Hans Zimmer譜主題曲 XD18F 12/07 10:04
fujisawa: 原來被ADG擋掉了21F 12/07 10:07
TotalBiscuit: 最佳敘事:RDR222F 12/07 10:07
efreet: UA323F 12/07 10:10
chi1206: 看起來很像手機遊戲24F 12/07 10:11
TotalBiscuit: switch獨占25F 12/07 10:11
efreet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RohG-JzXiM  UA3影片26F 12/07 10:14
MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 3: The Black Order - Announcement Trailer (Nintendo Switch™ ) - YouTube The MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE series returns for the first time in 10 years—with a new action RPG—exclusively on the Nintendo Switch™  system! Assemble your ul...

efreet: Marvel動作真快,馬上上傳了27F 12/07 10:15
onlySN: 竟然有christoph waltz!!28F 12/07 10:23
TotalBiscuit: 最佳演出:Roger Clark / RDR2 Arthur Morgan
好啦今年全部都給RDR2啦29F 12/07 10:25
matchkiwi: 奎爺QQ31F 12/07 10:26
chi1206: Arthur Pog32F 12/07 10:26
TotalBiscuit: Fuck Aye(FarCry) new dawn33F 12/07 10:27
onlySN: far cray來拉34F 12/07 10:28
efreet: Far Cry New Dawn
2/1635F 12/07 10:30
TotalBiscuit: 2月15日37F 12/07 10:30
hacker725x: 好像Rage2,最後那是誰?38F 12/07 10:30
wayne030: 最後是聖父 五代大反派39F 12/07 10:30
matchkiwi: 五代BOSS吧40F 12/07 10:31
chi1206: wooo 美術感覺很讚41F 12/07 10:32
Far Cry New Dawn: Official World Premiere Gameplay Trailer | Ubisoft [NA] - YouTube Introducing Far Cry New Dawn, the standalone sequel to Far Cry 5. Watch the World Premiere trailer and discover how Hope County, Montana has changed seventee...

TotalBiscuit: Hades現在只在Epic Game Store上有?43F 12/07 10:35
chi1206: Supergiant Games, Bastion跟Transistor的製作組44F 12/07 10:35
sonicsky: 猿猴模擬器嗎0.045F 12/07 10:35
TotalBiscuit: 看起來很像Transistor46F 12/07 10:35
matchkiwi: 根據真實事件改編XDDD47F 12/07 10:36
hacker725x: 刺客教條:起猿(X)48F 12/07 10:36
sonicsky: Ape simulator(x49F 12/07 10:37
Hades - The Game Awards 2018 Reveal Trailer [HD 1080P] - YouTube The Game Awards 2018 Reveal Trailer of Hades. More trailers and gameplay from The Game Awards 2018 here:

matchkiwi: 這啥~地球過後?51F 12/07 10:42
TotalBiscuit: scavengers  現在生存類型還沒退流行?52F 12/07 10:42
hacker725x: 異星合作生存,美術做得不錯,如果有好故事是最好不過53F 12/07 10:43
TotalBiscuit: 最佳配樂:RDR254F 12/07 10:44
efreet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH_q0-Rfuag Scavengers55F 12/07 10:44

TotalBiscuit: 今年真的什麼都給他們好了啦,其他人回家洗洗睡56F 12/07 10:44
fujisawa: 嗚嗚 我大CELESTE沒得57F 12/07 10:44
sonicsky: RDR2又是你XDD58F 12/07 10:44
vladof: RDR拿那麼多獎項 GOTY會不會暴死阿...59F 12/07 10:44
TotalBiscuit: celeste一定是最佳獨立遊戲吧60F 12/07 10:45
matchkiwi: 乾脆公布哪些是RDR2沒得的獎好了61F 12/07 10:45
AisinGioro: 碧血狂沙又洗板
到底有沒有出PC版消息啊62F 12/07 10:45
ANCESTORS THE HUMANKIND ODYSSEY Reveal Trailer (TGA 2018) - YouTube You can support us by becoming a member here! -  ► Outro Song:

TotalBiscuit: 爽,最佳美術:return of the obra dinn65F 12/07 10:47
dss: 這應該49吧?66F 12/07 10:47
TotalBiscuit: 最佳音效:RDR267F 12/07 10:47
chi1206: Return of the Obra Dinn真的很特別68F 12/07 10:48
AisinGioro: Return of the Obra Dinn 好玩嗎69F 12/07 10:48
alanjiang: Return of the Obra Dinn讚+170F 12/07 10:48
sonicsky: 話說 我好像又抽到warframe 75%off71F 12/07 10:49
efreet: DA4要來了嗎72F 12/07 10:53
TotalBiscuit: anthem又一個預告片73F 12/07 10:54
xns77477: 剛收到anthem封測資格的mail74F 12/07 10:55
chi1206: 袋狼!!75F 12/07 10:57
sonicsky: 國小回憶啊XDD76F 12/07 10:57
ANTHEM Trailer (The Game Awards 2018) PS4/Xbox One/PC - YouTube ANTHEM Trailer (The Game Awards 2018) PS4/Xbox One/PC Follow me on Twitter -  SUBSCRIBE -  Subscribe to MKIceAndFir...

TotalBiscuit: boi78F 12/07 10:59
chi1206: 這聲音  阿嘶79F 12/07 10:59
jhb0520: 袋狼賽車!小時候最沉迷的遊戲!80F 12/07 11:00
patrickleeee: BOIIIIIIIIIIIIII81F 12/07 11:00
chi1206: BOIIIIIIIIII82F 12/07 11:01
TotalBiscuit: 沒讓人失望 XD83F 12/07 11:01
Arofate: 全部都是49的XDDD84F 12/07 11:01
laser789: 又Ninja85F 12/07 11:02
TotalBiscuit: 喔,要發表對fallout 76的感想嗎
the outer worlds86F 12/07 11:02
efreet: 超期待88F 12/07 11:05
cloud0607: 這看起來比Fallout還Fallout89F 12/07 11:06
vladof: rick and morty simulator90F 12/07 11:07
TotalBiscuit: 前2代的幽默感回來了嗎91F 12/07 11:07
AisinGioro: DAUNTLESS....這磨物獵人吧92F 12/07 11:08
The Outer World's Reveal Trailer - Game Awards 2018 - YouTube The Outer World's Game Awards 2018 Reveal Trailer

yuk1389: \黑曜石/ \黑曜石/94F 12/07 11:11
efreet: The Last Campfire 蠻可愛的95F 12/07 11:13
chi1206: 可愛 歌很好聽96F 12/07 11:13
dss: XD97F 12/07 11:15
The Last Campfire - The Game Awards 2018 Reveal Trailer [4K 2160P] - YouTube The Game Awards 2018 Reveal Trailer of The Last Campfire in 4K. More trailers and gameplay from The Game Awards 2018 here:

jacky3838: 不意外 最佳電競選手99F 12/07 11:16
efreet: 笑死XDDD100F 12/07 11:18
chi1206: SAVE101F 12/07 11:19
gmkuo: 黑色幽默102F 12/07 11:20
ATLAS: Exclusive Reveal Trailer - YouTube
From the creators of ARK: Survival Evolved comes ATLAS - a massively multiplayer first-person pirate adventure. Stake your claim in the endless open world as...

TotalBiscuit: 最佳獨立首作:The Messenger
最佳策略遊戲:into the breach
最佳家庭遊戲:overcooked 2104F 12/07 11:33
onlySN: 來拉107F 12/07 11:34
sonicsky: J個4108F 12/07 11:35
kobi0910: 這幾個獎好快帶過109F 12/07 11:35
TotalBiscuit: the dread wolf rises????110F 12/07 11:35
onlySN: 這個是啥 0.0111F 12/07 11:35
dss: overcooked 2打敗3個任天堂XD112F 12/07 11:36
TotalBiscuit: the dread wolf rises應該是新的dragon age吧113F 12/07 11:38
fujisawa: 我大CELESTE!!114F 12/07 11:38
TotalBiscuit: 最佳獨立遊戲celeste115F 12/07 11:38
dickec35: Celeste!!!116F 12/07 11:38
TotalBiscuit: games for impact:celeste117F 12/07 11:40
sonicsky: 感覺要玩一下Celeste了118F 12/07 11:40
TotalBiscuit: 最佳格鬥遊戲:Dragon Ball FighterZ119F 12/07 11:40
efreet: 那應該是新的DA沒錯,Fen'Harel The Dread Wolf,精靈神祇https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50XsksHtDxM120F 12/07 11:41
DRAGON AGE Official Trailer (2019) Video Game HD - YouTube
DRAGON AGE Official Trailer (2019) Dragon Age 4, Video Game HD © 2018 - EA Comedy, Kids, Family and Animated Film, Blockbuster, Action Cinema, Blockbuster, S...

user324352: Into the Breach...之前有查一下,這款是入圍名單中Metacritic分數最高的,高達90多分。有機會來認識下這款遊戲122F 12/07 11:45
TotalBiscuit: into the breach就FTL的工作室做的,版上有討論125F 12/07 11:47
user324352: 喔,我是說最佳策略遊戲的入圍名單啦126F 12/07 11:47
cms6384: Into the breach 好玩但是很燒腦 想拿到過關獎勵要想很久想爽快過關的人要想一下 可能不適合127F 12/07 11:52
TotalBiscuit: stranger things把RDR2當假想敵 HYPE
mortal kombat 4/23
最佳運動/競速遊戲:Forza Horizon 4129F 12/07 11:55
Mortal Kombat 11 – Official Announce Trailer - YouTube
Mortal Kombat is back and better than ever in the next evolution of the iconic franchise. The all new Custom Character Variations give you unprecedented cont...

TotalBiscuit: 這獎項有頒獎不是直接唸過就知道運動遊戲多重要XD133F 12/07 12:00
user324352: 真・賽車界的巫師三134F 12/07 12:01
TotalBiscuit: 看起來是GOTY頒獎前放復仇者4預告了135F 12/07 12:01
efreet: Psychonauts 2136F 12/07 12:01
cms6384: Celeste看JJ玩同一關跳一個多小時137F 12/07 12:03
TotalBiscuit: 剩下5個獎只有2個得獎者了
3個RDR2 2個49138F 12/07 12:08
JesterCheng: 戰神140F 12/07 12:12
TotalBiscuit: best game direction: God of War141F 12/07 12:12
chi1206: \\戰神//142F 12/07 12:12
TotalBiscuit: 看起來是沒得GOTY的安慰獎?143F 12/07 12:12
chi1206: 脖子上看來刺了戰神的刺青144F 12/07 12:13
TotalBiscuit: 最佳動作/冒險遊戲:God of War145F 12/07 12:14
OAO030: 闇龍紀元眼殘看成龍族教義QQ 開心了一下146F 12/07 12:16
efreet: RAGE還是比較喜歡一代的美術風格147F 12/07 12:21
dickec35: Rage2感覺變得像大雜燴148F 12/07 12:22
kobi0910: 還以為是BORDERLANDS149F 12/07 12:23
Psychonauts 2 | The Game Awards Trailer - YouTube
Già nell'aria da tempo ma finalmente su carta. Psychonauts 2 è realtà, ecco il trailer. Tutto sui The Game Awards:

RAGE 2 Gameplay Trailer (The Game Awards 2018) - YouTube
RAGE 2 Gameplay Trailer (The Game Awards 2018)

TotalBiscuit: PUBG廣告連播152F 12/07 12:25
efreet: 都特地來頒獎了,會有新的預告片嗎153F 12/07 12:26
TotalBiscuit: 最佳持續發展中遊戲:Fornite
最佳多人遊戲:Fortnite154F 12/07 12:27
Makeinu: 想問到現在有人抽到遊戲嗎?156F 12/07 12:29
TotalBiscuit: 來了157F 12/07 12:30
efreet: 還以為P5G,結果只是大亂鬥合作158F 12/07 12:32
w10703: 害我期待了一下XD159F 12/07 12:33
JesterCheng: 戰神!160F 12/07 12:44
TotalBiscuit: GOTY:God of War161F 12/07 12:44
fujisawa: 不是RDR2 XDD162F 12/07 12:44
TotalBiscuit: 所以真正拿一堆安慰獎的是RDR2? XD163F 12/07 12:44
LordSo: wao ~  God of war164F 12/07 12:44
chi1206: \\\\戰神////165F 12/07 12:45
easy10168: RDR2大暴死166F 12/07 12:45
w10703: 居然不是RDR2167F 12/07 12:45
Costco5566: RDR2後半段弱翻==168F 12/07 12:46
yenkwan: 太爽啦169F 12/07 12:46
winda6627: 先知是寂寞的。170F 12/07 12:47
TotalBiscuit: 所以羅素兄弟純粹來頒獎?171F 12/07 12:50
efreet: 結果羅素兄弟還真的只是來頒獎的172F 12/07 12:50
wayne030: 好險 我還想說戰神要被按在地上了173F 12/07 13:23
RevanHsu: Ongoing獎Warframe連入圍都沒有 就表示沒什麼可信度了174F 12/07 14:10
winda6627: 中世紀各先知天才沒被迫害現在科學科技能更進步百年。175F 12/07 14:31

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