看板 Steam作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)標題 Fw: [新聞] 微軟說將來部份Bethesda遊戲 Xbox PC獨佔時間 Wed Mar 10 06:58:16 2021
Microsoft confirms some future Bethesda games will be Xbox, PC exclusive
Microsoft has completed its $7.5 billion acquisition of ZeniMax Media, the
parent company of Bethesda Softworks -- and Xbox boss Phil Spencer has
confirmed that some future games from Bethesda will be exclusive to Xbox and
The deal was agreed between the two companies in September last year, but its
scale raised the potential for problems with gaining approval from regulatory
Last week, the European Commission decided not to oppose the deal. With
today's confirmation, it is clear that the SEC has also allowed the
acquisition to go ahead.
"Now that everything is official, we can begin working together to deliver
more great games to everyone," said Xbox boss Phil Spencer in a statement.
"This is the next step in building an industry-leading first party studios
team, a commitment we have to our Xbox community. With the addition of the
Bethesda creative teams, gamers should know that Xbox consoles, PC, and Game
Pass will be the best place to experience new Bethesda games,
including some
new titles in the future that will be exclusive to Xbox and PC players."
Spencer has been asked on several occasions about the potential for
Bethesda's games to be exclusive to Xbox and PC. However, this is the first
time the fact that some of its future products will not appear on rival
consoles has been so plainly spoken.
With ZeniMaX Media now part of Xbox, Microsoft has increased its first-party
development resources significantly -- from 15 studios to 23, including
leading names like Bethesda Game Studios, Arkane, MachineGames, Tango
Gameworks, and ZeniMax Online Studios.
Despite a relatively thin release slate for its new consoles, Xbox has
already confirmed that the timed PS5 exclusivity deals for Arkane's Deathloop
and Tango's Ghostwire: Tokyo will go ahead as planned.
including some new titles in the future that will be exclusive to Xbox and PC
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WH_rE9l (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1615330638.A.26F.html
※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 03/10/2021 06:58:29
推 oscarss07: 有PC又有XBOX感覺稱不太上是「獨佔」了XD3F 03/10 07:02
推 snider: 等舊了才上其它平台6F 03/10 07:38
推 sakyle: 日本人吧,日本人一出生懷裡就抱一台PS最新系列了
他們就不會特地去買PC8F 03/10 07:42
推 mifire: 可能是微軟商店 不是steam epic之類的啊XD10F 03/10 07:43
推 husky9487: 多半就微軟商店一年獨佔,跟控制一樣
之後會在STEAM賣這樣11F 03/10 07:49
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推 Clavius: Bethesda被吃下來感覺是品質會提升XD16F 03/10 08:11
推 sonans: 有消息說會出Halo vs. Doom。17F 03/10 08:14
推 horseorange: 日本人抱PS出生? 一出生抱一台ns我還比較信咧 XD18F 03/10 08:19
→ Rapacious: 幹嘛獨佔 放出來看誰比較有競爭力啊19F 03/10 08:25
推 jim8596: 沒辦法 微軟給的錢太多了20F 03/10 08:25
推 Jade3P: 這問題比起問微軟怎麼不問老任21F 03/10 08:26
→ shiaobau: 看老任本家遊戲的銷量...除了少數的廠以外 其他廠不會希望老任把他們的遊戲放出來比競爭力吧...22F 03/10 08:27
推 gbman: 老滾6應該會獨佔一年24F 03/10 08:32
→ gbman: 微軟只要不過度干涉,覺得是好事至少錢沒問題26F 03/10 08:34
推 leamaSTC: 日本人一出生就抱PS的那位 是PS2時代的人嗎QQ27F 03/10 08:39
推 dragonne: B社嘛,反正最後都要用MOD修,直接買PC版不是比較省事30F 03/10 09:00
推 hacker725x: 能專心做單機遊戲,不用擔心營收搞課金很棒啊
微軟都說不管你了,他是要版權還有未來可能的影視計畫31F 03/10 09:05
→ dreamnook: 感覺還行呀 微軟應該比Bugthesda穩定點33F 03/10 09:10
推 AngelNo13: 有人是不是以為微軟的英文縮寫是EA35F 03/10 09:22
推 DoraB: 上微軟商店 windows沒更新不能玩 像我win10因為不明原因就沒辦法更新成功... 只能維持在舊版本...36F 03/10 09:35
→ asdasd02tw: Pc要看是不是只出在微軟商店...如果這樣跟Xbox 獨佔差不多38F 03/10 09:36