看板 Steam
作者 YoshiTilde (一頁本是難成書)
標題 [閒聊] 《美少女夢工場》系列特價
時間 Fri Mar 12 14:30:17 2021


Princess Maker Refine
Save 70% on Princess Maker Refine on Steam
Princess Maker Refine revisits the classic first installment of the Princess Maker series, a mainstay of the simulation gaming genre with a long-lasti ...

褒貶不一 (249 篇評論)
70% off:55元

Princess Maker 2 Refine
Save 70% on Princess Maker 2 Refine on Steam
Princess Maker 2 Refine offers a unique life simulation gameplay where the player takes a role as a father for a young girl and raise her into adultho ...

極度好評 (921 篇評論)
70% off:95元

Princess Maker ~Faery Tales Come True~ (HD Remake)
Save 50% on Princess Maker ~Faery Tales Come True~ (HD Remake) on Steam
A lovable and sensible simulation game to raise a girl who has visited you to make her dreams come true. An upgraded version of the classic simulation ...

褒貶不一 (62 篇評論)
50% off:219元

Princess Maker 5
Save 70% on Princess Maker 5 on Steam
Welcome to the world of 「Princess Maker 5」! The stage of 「Princess Maker 5」 is the world we are living in now. There is not only a TV, but we use the  ...

褒貶不一 (313 篇評論)
70% off:131元

Princess Maker Go!Go! Princess
Save 50% on Princess Maker Go!Go! Princess on Steam
All of Princess Maker's daughters gathered in one place! Fighting and Life simulation game by using the dice! Thrilling battle and Exciting event! Up  ...

褒貶不一 (76 篇評論)
50% off:93元

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[閒聊] 《美少女夢工場》系列特價
03-12 14:30 YoshiTilde
Justice5566: steam板有祕密商店嗎 XD1F 03/12 14:40
Oskar: 樓上老司機2F 03/12 14:42
john0628: 只玩過夢幻妖精 其他推嗎?3F 03/12 14:54
Angesi: 印像中 無!4F 03/12 14:54
nvalue: 國王的新衣 父親的最愛5F 03/12 15:01
madeathmao: 只有二代評價好喔6F 03/12 15:03
fantasy15: steam版全部沒有:密技、隱商、國王新衣、裸露,全砍了評價很差是因為...恩遊戲的繁體中文翻譯真的很爛7F 03/12 15:10
hlyf: Steam是Refine不是Dos版,所以沒有密技的神祕商店9F 03/12 15:11
LonyIce: 隱藏要素沒有沒差,但翻譯跟bug永遠沒修,比如說一些成就拿不到,或是無法上更高級的課程10F 03/12 15:12
ePaper: 唯一一款極度好評的原因你我都了解
什麼沒有什麼商店?!好那可以負評了12F 03/12 15:38
Phater: 沒有國王的新衣那要玩什麼?14F 03/12 15:41
NightSoul: steam付錢,然後找dos版15F 03/12 15:45
rockyegg: 當然是通乳丸吃到飽16F 03/12 16:17
boykid: 2代真的經典啊~17F 03/12 16:28
jerrylin: 只有懷舊功能了18F 03/12 16:37
Jetstream: 二代獨樹一幟XD19F 03/12 16:44
bacon1989: 看評語感覺都好慘阿20F 03/12 16:46
abcdeffg: 沒有四代我難過
我很喜歡四代水樹奈奈叫我爸  成為魔王毀滅世界的結局21F 03/12 16:48
Lightbearer: 二代武者修行很經典 但也很拖時間 XD23F 03/12 17:06
ddavid: 其實不會,武者修行熟了以後都會記得最佳路徑,一步都不會多走XD
而且再怎麼拖時間,本身是好玩的,比起五代不好玩的拖那是天差地遠了24F 03/12 17:07
hsiehfat: 父嫁結局無法接受ww28F 03/12 17:24
bysy2322: 鬼父遊戲29F 03/12 17:32
littlemame: 把砍掉的加回去就買  不然1塊都嫌貴30F 03/12 17:34
antidote: QRN F12 按住F1031F 03/12 17:36
NightSoul: 樓上忘記ENTER了32F 03/12 17:37
ddavid: 事實上二代還有一個方法是在設定檔案裡面加一行,就可以永遠開啟神秘商店,不需要按那麼多鍵了XD33F 03/12 17:59
windmai: 移植的不錯,但中文機翻,只有二代翻譯的還可以35F 03/12 18:04
lolicat: 二三代的原版盒子都還躺在老家路過推 但不能用秘技少很多樂趣36F 03/12 18:27
ilovekai: 我竟然忘記刪哪2個檔案衣服就會沒穿@@38F 03/12 18:41

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