看板 Steam
作者 buyfood (buyfood)
標題 [新聞] Payday 3消息
時間 Sat Mar 20 10:02:34 2021

Starbreeze enters co-publishing agreement with Koch Media for PAYDAY 3


Today we announce that Starbreeze enters a co-publishing agreement with Koch
Media for PAYDAY 3 to launch on PC and consoles in 2023.

The agreement provides for an estimated total investment exceeding 50 MEUR
for both development and marketing of PAYDAY 3 including 18 months of
post-launch development and marketing of the game as "Games-as-a-service".
With this co-publishing deal, the PAYDAY 3 project is fully financed. PAYDAY
3 is expected to launch during 2023.

“We are excited to announce this exclusive long-term PAYDAY 3 co-publishing
deal with Koch Media who shares our passion for the PAYDAY franchise and the
“Games as a service” model. In addition to securing the continued
development, this deal secures global publishing of PAYDAY 3 as well as the
marketing efforts through the entire game life cycle. We now have a strong
foundation for a successful launch of PAYDAY 3”, said Tobias Sjögren,
Acting CEO of Starbreeze.

With over 20 years of experience, Koch Media has positioned itself as a
premier publisher of digital entertainment.

“We are delighted to welcome Starbreeze as a new partner for our global
publishing business. PAYDAY 3 is shaping up to be an incredible game. Based
on what we’ve seen already, PAYDAY 3 is going to take the franchise to new
heights and will delight PAYDAY fans as well as new audiences alike with
innovative multiplayer gameplay”, said Klemens Kundratitz, CEO, Koch Media

With the co-publishing deal signed, the PAYDAY 3 project is fully financed.
PAYDAY 3 is expected to launch in 2023.

Read more here!

It's P A Y D A Y !

OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.


就在今天,我們宣布Starbreeze與Koch Media達成PAYDAY3的共同開發協議,



Tobias Sjögren,Starbreeze的執行長表示 :
"我們很開心能宣布與Koch Media的PAYDAY3長期獨家共同開發協議,Koch Media和我們

有著超過20年的開發精液,Koch Media已經是數位娛樂的主力開發商。

Klemens Kundratitz,Koch Media集團的執行長表示 :


It's P A Y D A Y !

OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WLLUzvX (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1616205757.A.E61.html
Fishybunny: 「有著超過20年的開發經驗」經驗好像打成別的了1F 03/20 10:05
sakyle: 看向PD2 完全不看好PD32F 03/20 10:11
asdf1944: 八成是EPIC獨佔3F 03/20 10:14
t77133562003: 有著超過20年的開發精液4F 03/20 10:16
lucky183club: 濃醇香5F 03/20 10:18
ab4daa: 超過20年的開發精液6F 03/20 10:20
RC8377: 好濃的感覺7F 03/20 10:24
Headache99: 超過20年的開發精液8F 03/20 10:24
justicebb: wow9F 03/20 10:24
DrDiDi: 看來要變成色情遊戲了(?10F 03/20 10:28
CharleneTsai: 未看先猜 DLC照樣海一波11F 03/20 10:31
mod980: 有著超過20年的開發精液12F 03/20 10:32
dickec35: Deep Silver的母公司,epic獨佔預定13F 03/20 10:34
IRONKOALA: 開發精液應該不算翻錯(X14F 03/20 10:44
geuo74982: 我一眼看到精液.....15F 03/20 10:46
iamwyp9999: 精液= semen(X) experience(O)16F 03/20 11:01
Sunerk: 笑死 這精液真濃厚17F 03/20 11:04
hduek153: 18個月開發感覺不長18F 03/20 11:09
StinkyDofu: 希望出來bug 少 內容多點19F 03/20 11:15
mosee823: 2023呀,好遙遠日期20F 03/20 11:22
hprince: 20年的都變果凍了吧21F 03/20 11:24
hlyf: 超過20年的開發精液.....這?!22F 03/20 11:24

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