看板 Steam
作者 ETTom (外星姆湯)
標題 [組包] Humble Choice 2021 5月
時間 Wed May  5 12:55:12 2021




[遊戲名稱] Metro Exodus (戰慄深隧:流亡)
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/412020
Metro Exodus on Steam
Flee the shattered ruins of the Moscow Metro and embark on an epic, continent-spanning journey across the post-apocalyptic Russian wilderness. Explore ...

[評價] 極度好評(46742)

[遊戲名稱] Darksiders Genesis
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/710920
Darksiders Genesis on Steam
DARKSIDERS: GENESIS gives players their first look at the world of DARKSIDERS before the events of the original game. Furthermore, it introduces the f ...

[評價] 極度好評(5984)

[遊戲名稱] Hellpoint
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/628670
Hellpoint on Steam
Hellpoint is an intense action RPG taking place on Irid Novo, a derelict space station soaked in an intoxicating dark sci fi atmosphere. Fight dreadfu ...

[評價] 大多好評(1666)

[遊戲名稱] Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1000030
Save 33% on Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! on Steam
Cook, serve and manage your food truck as you dish out hundreds of different foods across war-torn America in this massive sequel to the million-selli ...

[評價] 壓倒性好評(1068)

[遊戲名稱] Levelhead
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/792710
Levelhead on Steam
Deliver those goods, real good - or get turned into scrap trying! Precision platforming, genre-bending power-ups, a challenging campaign, and a galaxy ...

[評價] 壓倒性好評(566)

[遊戲名稱] Fury Unleashed
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/465200
Save 50% on Fury Unleashed on Steam
Fury Unleashed is a combo-driven roguelite action platformer - each kill you score increases your combo. Hit certain thresholds and your damage resist ...

[評價] 極度好評(653)

[遊戲名稱] Size Matters
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/976700
Size Matters on Steam
You play as a scientist who is shrinking every second in a race against time! Find all the ingredients and formulas scattered around the laboratory, w ...

[評價] 極度好評(53)

[遊戲名稱] Morkredd
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1331910
Morkredd on Steam
Morkredd is a tense, physics-based co-op puzzle game for one to two players combining skill-based puzzle-solving, a challenging balance of light and s ...

[評價] 好評(18)

[遊戲名稱] Relicta
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/941570
Relicta on Steam
Relicta is a first-person physics-based puzzle game where you need to creatively combine magnetism and gravity to unravel the secrets of Chandra Base. ...

[評價] 極度好評(107)

[遊戲名稱] Retimed
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/760810
Retimed on Steam
Dash and dodge bullet clusters in nerve-wracking slow motion moments and challenge your friends online or offline to awesome and fast paced battles wi ...

[評價] 極度好評(104)

[遊戲名稱] Family Man
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/904360
Family Man on Steam
You owe us money, Joe, and we plan to collect. We don't care where it comes from, but you'd better not skip town on us. Otherwise your family will be  ...

[評價] 極度好評(204)

[遊戲名稱] Vane
[商店連結] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1063310
Vane on Steam
In a ruined desert, a strange golden dust transforms a free-spirited bird into a determined young child, setting off a chain of events that will resha ...

[評價] 褒貶不一(118)




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WaYKvix (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1620190521.A.B3B.html
※ 編輯: ETTom ( 臺灣), 05/05/2021 12:59:20
gcobc12632: 前三款都不錯1F 05/05 13:02
StephenLai: 文章代碼(AID): #1WYEbMRf (Steam)
應該是有人貼過2F 05/05 13:06
[閒聊] HB 五月組包 - 看板 Steam - 批踢踢實業坊

消息來源:  1. Metro Exodus  2. Darksiders Genesis
suleyman: 那篇是提前釋出的情報 只有前三款啦 這篇才是完整內容4F 05/05 13:12
pinson880207: 6鎂包是不是已經是最後一個月了?5F 05/05 13:17
Sunerk: 1-4是重點 其他可有可無6F 05/05 13:26
Zweimi: 最後一個六鎂7F 05/05 13:35
AChiHuang: 最後一個月6鎂QQ 不過剛好這六個月的遊戲全都沒有 超賺8F 05/05 13:53
LINAKI: 好包加上用六鎂購入很值9F 05/05 14:02
rainxo6p: 太久沒用HB了 買14.99 basic是只能買前三款麻10F 05/05 14:04
bu17: 沒登入寫$12登入反而看不到價格??
484愈改愈難用了?11F 05/05 14:12
pinson880207: 下個月有沒有什麼划算的方案可以推薦一下13F 05/05 14:28
sy1995: 一年多沒買過了14F 05/05 15:24
zebra978678s: 嘿嘿 暫停-4美15F 05/05 15:38
proudsword: 流亡在5/6會出重製版 有本體的會免費送 買到賺到16F 05/05 17:03
sunshinecan: 暫停折扣 8鎂收到17F 05/05 17:30
tkigood: 我好久沒被問暫停折扣了 是不是humble對我死心了 QQ18F 05/05 18:15
sunshinecan: 連續暫停好像比較有機會拿到折扣19F 05/05 18:20
dickec35: 不是重製啦,只是新增光追之類的畫面升級而已20F 05/05 18:24
sldj: 暫停扣四美全拿12款,爽21F 05/05 19:03
gladopo: 原來是最後一個六鎂,那我買完把訂閱取消掉
現在要取消問超多次,看起來真的是欠業績22F 05/05 20:45
ETTom: Basic 只有三個遊戲可以選沒錯24F 05/05 21:48
is1128: 暫停從來沒收過優惠,爛25F 05/06 10:23
oas: 真假 拍拍~ 之前連續8個月沒買都有送 3月買4月停 這個月又送26F 05/06 12:14

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