看板 Steam
作者 Sunerk (幻影企鵝)
標題 [限免] Museum_of_Other_Realities
時間 Wed Jun  9 07:34:26 2021

【  遊  戲  名  稱  】:Museum_of_Other_Realities


Save 100% on Museum of Other Realities on Steam
An immersive multiplayer art showcase in virtual reality, the Museum of Other Realities is a space to connect, share, and experience a growing collect ...


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Save 100% on Museum of Other Realities on Steam
An immersive multiplayer art showcase in virtual reality, the Museum of Other Realities is a space to connect, share, and experience a growing collect ...

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【  附          註  】:到21

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Wl_w4vt (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1623195268.A.E77.html
※ 編輯: Sunerk ( 日本), 06/09/2021 07:35:00
brianuser: 為什麼領取條件是屁眼1F 06/09 08:00
隨便打的 笑
※ 編輯: Sunerk ( 日本), 06/09/2021 08:01:28
asmiocv: 有領有推2F 06/09 08:05
FOODtest: 推推3F 06/09 08:34
BHrabal: 有領有推4F 06/09 08:40
shinogi: 有領有推5F 06/09 08:51
jzoosuck: 感謝分享~6F 06/09 09:07
linyi520: 有領有推7F 06/09 09:11
deshocker: 這有+18F 06/09 09:52
Kenqr: 有領有推9F 06/09 10:02
ghost1236: 有領有推10F 06/09 10:16
wulaha999: 推11F 06/09 11:14
bu17: +112F 06/09 12:10
ppt12527: 感謝,雖然我沒有VR設備13F 06/09 12:27
s8018572: vr only14F 06/09 13:10
fansue: 有領有推15F 06/09 13:21
timyau: 有領有推16F 06/09 13:49
RC8377: 推推17F 06/09 13:53
jessicabelle: 有領有推18F 06/09 14:07
vv199325: 有領有推19F 06/09 14:26
LeafLu: +120F 06/09 15:18

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