看板 Steam
作者 leonard (CC)
標題 [限免] GOG Absolute Drift
時間 Thu Jun 17 22:49:00 2021

【  遊  戲  名  稱  】:Absolute Drift

Absolute Drift on GOG.com
Drifting: the Art Of Sliding Sideways.
This is a driving experience like no other. Journ ...

Download the best classic and new games on Windows, Mac & Linux. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies and 30-day money-back guarant ...


【  介紹/商店連結  】:https://store.steampowered.com/app/320140/Absolute_Drift
Absolute Drift on Steam
Absolute Drift is a racing game about becoming a master at the art of drifting. ...

                        類型: 動作, 休閒, 獨立製作, 競速, 模擬, 運動
                        所有評論: 極度好評 (90%)

【  領  取  條  件  】:GOG 帳戶 (登入後在首頁下方 "Yes, and claim the game"

【  附          註  】:GOG 限免遊戲 (48 小時)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Wos3VjJ (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1623941343.A.B53.html
※ 編輯: leonard ( 臺灣), 06/17/2021 22:54:53
KGarnett05: 推1F 06/17 23:00
jay123peter: 推2F 06/17 23:03
hms5232: 有領有推3F 06/17 23:07
jay123peter: 請問epic game 本週免費遊戲,這禮拜是不是台灣地區不能領?4F 06/17 23:08
Astromancer: epic我正常領,兩個6F 06/17 23:13
jay123peter: 還是本週沒遊戲可領?7F 06/17 23:13
mercuries2: 我也是兩個遊戲都領起來了8F 06/17 23:14
jay123peter: 看到了,感謝!!9F 06/17 23:15
vv199325: 有領有推10F 06/17 23:16
hipnos: 推!11F 06/17 23:31
gmkuo: 有領有推12F 06/17 23:35
Kenqr: 推13F 06/17 23:49
jzoosuck: 推推14F 06/17 23:56
scorpioz: 推15F 06/18 00:37
wardraw: 有領有推16F 06/18 03:14
doomhammer: 有領有推17F 06/18 05:27
ihady: 有領有推18F 06/18 07:30
linyi520: 有領有推19F 06/18 08:42
Fm4n: 推20F 06/18 09:42
jay0215: 有領有推21F 06/18 09:42
Angesi: 有領有推22F 06/18 11:48
DPP48: 已領,喜+123F 06/18 16:56
CyBw: 推,已領24F 06/18 17:33
ab4daa: 爽25F 06/18 19:06

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