看板 Steam
作者 Sunerk (幻影企鵝)
標題 [組包] humble February
時間 Wed Feb  2 02:07:30 2022

1.Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3: Director's CutE (DLC)

Save 75% on Borderlands 3 on Steam
The original shooter-looter returns, packing bazillions of guns and a mayhem-fueled adventure! Blast through new worlds and enemies as one of four new ...


2.Black Book

Save 35% on Black Book on Steam
“Black Book” is a dark RPG Adventure, based on Slavic myths, in which you play as a young sorceress. Fight evil forces in card-based battles and explo ...


3.Per Aspera

Save 50% on Per Aspera on Steam
Make Mars your own! Take control of the world’s most sophisticated AI (AMI) and terraform the surface of the Red Planet for a city-building experience ...


4.Just Die Already

Save 55% on Just Die Already on Steam
Just Die Already is an old people mayhem sandbox game created by the designers of Goat Simulator. You are old and angry and you've just been kicked ou ...


5.Before We Leave

Save 50% on Before We Leave on Steam
Before We Leave is a city building game set in a cozy corner of the universe. Nurture your Peeps and their surroundings while rebuilding and rediscove ...


6.Paradise Lost

Save 50% on Paradise Lost on Steam
It's winter, 1980. Szymon, a boy raised in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, finds an abandoned Nazi bunker. Will he find what he’s looking for? Play Para ...



Save 25% on Everhood on Steam
An UNCONVENTIONAL ADVENTURE RPG that takes place in an inexpressible world filled with amusing musical battles and strange delightful encounters. To p ...



Save 30% on Calico on Steam
Calico is a day-in-the-life community sim game where you are given an important and adorable task: rebuild the town’s cat café and fill it with cute a ...




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1X-NRafP (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1643738852.A.A59.html

※ 編輯: Sunerk ( 日本), 02/02/2022 02:14:49
horstyle0411: 12個改成10個 現實:8+1DLC1F 02/02 02:18
Atima: 還好沒買Borderlands 3 賺死
不用花錢買那狗屎爛蛋BL3+DLC還算可以...哀2F 02/02 02:24
SuicidePeko: everhood我記得很屌
很迷幻的音樂遊戲像素風 RPG steam壓倒好評4F 02/02 02:53
DrizztMon: 這個月總算有主打了 可是那配菜真的很湊
有Borderlands 3的我根本不用選擇 繼續pause6F 02/02 04:25
KOKOLALAMA: 上個月PASS,結果paypal是自動付款,錢被拿走,氣死我了。8F 02/02 04:38
DrizztMon: 暫停按鈕還被藏起來.........10F 02/02 04:44
maxwells: pass11F 02/02 04:52
st9061204: 爛死了12F 02/02 05:03
CIDgreen: 很爛13F 02/02 05:05
j1551082: 還不錯,亂七八糟的極度好評14F 02/02 07:25
alanjiang: 笑死15F 02/02 07:36
jacky00025: 暫停被藏到哪裡了阿?16F 02/02 08:00
rneovv: Director's CutE?21F 02/02 08:32
tkigood: PC版網頁還真的不知道該去哪裡按暫停
找到了 在右上角 setting裡面22F 02/02 08:43
DrizztMon: 以前pc網頁會放同一頁24F 02/02 10:00
scottic: 靠么真的耶,月包的網頁不放暫停的選項了
直接取消訂閱算了,故意搞這套實在讓人很反感25F 02/02 10:16
※ 編輯: Sunerk ( 日本), 02/02/2022 10:20:13
elfswordsman: 藏暫停笑死27F 02/02 10:23
kobi0910: 這包的遊戲都沒甚麼興趣28F 02/02 11:28
kodato: 再這樣搞,以後要暫停要先解微積分惹29F 02/02 11:29
zegas: everhood好像不錯,但還是pass30F 02/02 12:17
PatlaborGao: 有黑書耶 有點心動31F 02/02 12:25
Gestapo1121: 只值6鎂
想玩bl3的不建議這包,補票更貴32F 02/02 13:33
leo19981: 之前留下classic plan跟現在新版的內容都一樣?
想取消掉classic plan34F 02/02 13:56
cycutom: 配菜不好,但BL3不錯吧?36F 02/02 16:19
sunshinecan: BL3問題在補票不方便?37F 02/02 16:23
RaiGend0519: Per Aspera, Before we leave 有興趣
笑死,原本在最下面的Manage my membership被藏到右上Setting裡面然後Pause變成Skip,是生意多慘澹38F 02/02 16:27
Sinkirou: 太爽了,全都是在願望清單但還沒買的遊戲41F 02/02 16:33
horstyle0411: 這包就是邊緣禁地3DLC要先去看一下,假設想補齊DLC可能直接買終極版比較好(但DLC評價...)
可惜上次HB出過更棒的邊緣禁地三"工讀生包"了42F 02/02 17:24
BcBc: 感謝資訊45F 02/02 19:00
changtzhcun: BL3先啟動然後等dlc進帥氣合輯包46F 02/02 20:01
ffrank02tw: 一直搞這種介面改動,是多怕沒人訂閱47F 02/03 00:03

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