看板 Steam
作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
標題 Fw: [新聞] 遊戲開發商Wolfire針對Steam平台發起反壟
時間 Sat Nov 20 20:14:17 2021

Judge dismisses antitrust lawsuit filed against Valve
Judge dismisses antitrust lawsuit filed against Valve | PC Gamer
Wolfire Games filed the lawsuit in April, claiming that Steam suppresses competition and charges excessive fees. ...





The ruling, available in full on CourtListener, says Wolfire's lawsuit falls
short on two separate points. First, the claim that Valve is illegally tying
the Steam store to the platform—essentially, using the near-monopoly of
Steam as a library, launcher, and social media platform to force people to
buy games through the Steam storefront—is rejected because the allegations
in the lawsuit suggest that the Steam platform and storefront are in fact "a
single product within the integrated game platform and transaction market."

Wolfire's lawsuit also claims that Valve uses its near-monopoly to charge an
excessive fee to sellers—30%—that wouldn't be sustainable in a competitive
marketplace. That claim resulted in some interesting conversations earlier
this year, but the judge rejected the argument, noting that Valve's take has
remained unchanged throughout Steam's history, even as other online stores
charging lower percentages have come and gone.

"Therefore, it would appear that the market reality, at least as plead, is
that [Valve's] fee is commensurate with the Steam Platform's value to game
publishers," the ruling states.



                                               ── 星野夢美 ﹝星之夢﹞ ──

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※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 11/20/2021 20:14:47
oas: 誰? 靠當鬆棍打廣告嗎?1F 11/20 20:21
y1896547: 鬆棍洩師傅2F 11/20 20:23
wizardfizban: 你查標題回去看當初討論就知道了
那時板上討論好多篇呢3F 11/20 20:23
nagilaman: 開發商告平台壟斷市場? 是不是搞錯了什麼5F 11/20 20:24
pokiman: pc上那麼多平台原本就不可能成案除非只有steam獨佔pc6F 11/20 20:33
bearching: 覺得定義平台獨佔其實不容易吧 ,如果指收取30%是獨佔行為,那Valve光是提出維護遊戲系統的成本報告,還有同樣的遊戲如刺客教條,都在各平台發行,跟許多慈善包或是賣key網站都買得到這點,都很難讓人下定論說具獨佔行為7F 11/20 20:35
pokiman: steam也沒有禁止賣家在其他平台販售你要怎麼告壟斷,更何況steam是收費較高的一方,正常被告壟斷的是殺價競爭的一方,但其他平台太廢12F 11/20 20:36
Yijhen0525: Steam一直以來都維持30%都沒變過15F 11/20 20:38
pokiman: steam每天平均活躍用戶五千六百萬人維護伺服器這些費用steam也沒像家機有收月費你就能連線對戰了16F 11/20 20:45
ssarc: 訟棍本來就沒希望能贏,他就是要跟你打爛仗打到你煩,逼你和解開特權,萬一再凹到個神奇法官他就賺翻了18F 11/20 20:48
oas: 喔喔 原來是之前版上文章~看了一下 回憶都來了~XD 看到髒東西20F 11/20 21:14
lhy8104522: 看到分享仔差點沒笑死 跟別人乞討說是分享XD21F 11/20 21:37
sonans: Steam太霸道,司法部怎麼不像當年告微軟分拆一樣去告steam當年微軟被告了後就軟了,才興起了google跟apple。22F 11/20 21:47
ssarc: 說他壟斷的是看不起EA、BZ、UBI等等公司嗎?24F 11/20 22:00
spfy: Steam和微軟比 G胖睡覺都會偷笑25F 11/20 22:01
horard: 估計就是以法律戰來拉扯~有拚有機會?26F 11/20 22:06
pokiman: steam不是上市公司光這點很多法條都拿她沒辦法啊27F 11/20 22:08
bearching: 微軟用系統綁IE所以被告到軟,但steam本質上就跟這差滿多的,我覺得本質上不同大概是關鍵吧 怎麼樣都沒辦法28F 11/20 23:01
sonans: Valve也用Half-life跟Portal綁Steam。30F 11/20 23:08
gn0111: 馬力歐也綁任天堂阿31F 11/20 23:21
qq204: XGP那精美的訂閱數你要說STEAM壟斷很難32F 11/20 23:29
wizardfizban: Half-life跟Portal是Valve的 綁自家平台有啥問題= =這是遊戲 而IE可是上網用軟體33F 11/20 23:32
a5480277: 他家的遊戲 他想上架哪邊Store當然是看他高興就好35F 11/20 23:34
pokiman: 傻眼的推文36F 11/20 23:47
sonans: 為什麼可以綁遊戲卻不能綁上網軟體?37F 11/20 23:47
ssarc: 因為微軟是賣作業系統不是賣上網軟體38F 11/20 23:49
stkissstone: 鬆棍謝師傅XD
BZ遊戲也掛自家啟動 EGS遊戲也掛自家啟動 要講遊戲綁平台那一堆人都這樣39F 11/20 23:51
qwe78971: 微軟沒公司能比 光市值就屌虐 技術也屌虐 成就更別論
 哪家能比42F 11/21 00:02
pokiman: 不玩遊戲不會死微軟出問題網路就癱瘓了44F 11/21 00:03
ssarc: 蘋果45F 11/21 00:03
kevin0316: 會不會有人出來告微軟OS壟斷XDD46F 11/21 00:10
bearching: 不是,如果你買的是Half-life實體版,那就沒有綁Valve按邏輯來說,你不在steam上面買half-life,卻還要跟
steam綁在一起,這樣應該才算吧?47F 11/21 00:23
CyBw: 快告 鍵盤滑鼠綁PC,控制器綁主機,自家遊戲綁自家平台,三個選項任選50F 11/21 00:31
articlebear: 順便告ios綁iphone 還有老馬薩爾達綁任天堂52F 11/21 00:37
henry1234562: 反正這邊主要是 第二個駁回理由吧
法官主要駁回理由是 steam是一直以來都抽30%沒變過即使其他平台抽更低 steam也沒有壓價競爭
由此可見 steam抽這麼多展現在其平台其他價值上
白話點就是 steam抽比你多 開發者還選steam
顯然就是你們其他平台就是比較爛53F 11/21 01:25
focusrol: 法官認證的:在座的各位都是__59F 11/21 01:31
lunaX19: 垃圾60F 11/21 02:06

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