看板 Steam
作者 leon020315 ()
標題 [CSGO] BLAST Premier World Final 2021 Day 1
時間 Tue Dec 14 23:17:16 2021


LAN @Copenhagen, Denmark

賽制: 雙敗淘汰BO3

Natus Vincere vs Liquid

Gambit vs Heroic


1. device將缺席BLAST Premier World Final
Ninjas in Pyjamas CS:GO
The #BLASTPremier World Final is going to be a glorious end to the 2021 season and we're proud to have made it. Everyone at NIP has been giving it its all during the year, and soon we'll sit back and take stock of how far we've come. (1/4)

NiP表示device身體仍然欠佳 將繼續使用phzy替補
另外因為THREAT升遷至技術部門主管 NiP COO calc將暫時擔任教練

2. nexa回歸先發
nexa returns to G2 lineup for BLAST Premier World Final | HLTV.org
The team will have their in-game leader back for the last event of the year. ...


不過NiKo表示過去幾周沒有在一起練習 所以不知道會打怎麼樣

3. stavn因個人因素缺席 b0RUP暫時替補
Roster update for Blast World Final

Due to private personal reasons stavn will not partake. We are looking forward to having him back soon.

Meanwhile @b0RUPCSGO will step in as his replacement for this tournament.

年終將至 代表賽季也即將結束
雖然還有最後一個比賽 但NAVI已提前確定是今年選手賺最多的隊伍
到目前為止獎金累積來到了3,775,500 遠遠超過了第二名Gambit的1,401,979
甚至還超越了2018 Astralis的3,637,750

只要NAVI拿下這次勝利 獎金總額將會突破400萬 也將會是CSGO歷史上第一次

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XkBL-fD (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1639495038.A.A4D.html
tavern: 現在的Navi不覺得有任何隊伍能贏他們==
s1mple + b1t + 電子的三叉戟太可怕1F 12/14 23:24
AhCheng: NAVI先打頭陣!! TL瑟瑟發抖3F 12/14 23:27
z83420123: TL這局在開玩笑吧 差點打到輸
pro player never fake4F 12/14 23:37
a0939877325: ????剛為啥直接跑啊7F 12/15 00:20
AhCheng: TL看來有料呢?8F 12/15 00:21
RoyWu: Navi感覺不妙9F 12/15 00:23
frosagen2018: 水馬一直繞背10F 12/15 00:27
AhCheng: Navi輸了第一張圖11F 12/15 00:37
oscarss07: World Final 居然沒有租場館 滿意外的12F 12/15 00:54
ohmygodha: Navi+1 其他隊伍要嘛陣容變動 要嘛戰力比不上13F 12/15 00:57
leon020315: 因為丹麥有新的限制了 不會有觀眾 也就不永租大場地14F 12/15 00:57
santabrelai: 想看Dead Team的最後一擊!16F 12/15 01:08
NoyVaughty: 欸不要輸 dead team 阿
醒醒17F 12/15 01:33
xup6u6fu0: VAC19F 12/15 01:39
WhiteMouse: 媽的又偷開20F 12/15 01:40
B10434191: 差點被基哥5血clutch21F 12/15 01:45
WhiteMouse: 沒看fallen G道人過==22F 12/15 02:16
ziq: 水馬有點料耶23F 12/15 02:25
frosagen2018: naf24F 12/15 02:25
lurkingtrump: 水馬有點猛 navi準備下去敗部了25F 12/15 02:41
ChungHsi1021: s0mple26F 12/15 02:42
lurkingtrump: S1mple竟然泡了..27F 12/15 02:43
WhiteMouse: s1mple 今天感覺不太行28F 12/15 02:43
larrymama: 還以為navi era要來了.... 傻眼29F 12/15 02:44
w10703: simple臉超臭30F 12/15 02:44
Kai877: S1mple隊友不給力就不行了31F 12/15 02:44
lurkingtrump: 15-5 想到taco故事
終於 不過有點太晚了32F 12/15 02:46
WhiteMouse: 這能打到逆轉 我就34F 12/15 02:49
scottott5: 最後的餘溫35F 12/15 02:52
qaz80691: navi就這?36F 12/15 02:52
w10703: Liquid好猛啊37F 12/15 02:53
scottott5: navi放個假 螺絲直接鬆掉38F 12/15 02:53
Kai877: 真諷刺 剛拿下年度最佳戰隊 結果馬上被NA打爆39F 12/15 02:53
lurkingtrump: 明天敗部輸就掰了40F 12/15 02:54
WhiteMouse: 書的還挺難看==41F 12/15 02:54
larrymama: ANY NAFFERS ?42F 12/15 02:55
tom80727: NAVi一輸 比賽觀眾人數直接少一大半了 原來一堆人都是來看NV創造歷史的= =43F 12/15 02:56
zero1017: 酷斃了 回頭來看竟然是TL贏45F 12/15 02:57
ChungHsi1021: interz大廈王46F 12/15 06:20

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