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19.1k votes, 324 comments. 1.5m members in the GlobalOffensive community. r/GlobalOffensive is a home for the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive … ...


Hello guys.


First of all I don't have lots of words to say,but I want you to know that
E-Sports is out of politics.


And all our players,all players from different teams and all of you have nothing
to do with government decisions.


My whole career I've played with Ukrainian players,I've played with Russian
players and I've played with American players,and all of them great guys.


Right now I stay with my friends,we win together and we lose together,and all
of us want peace for Ukraine and for the whole world & all of us are scared.


All of us need to show example for this tournament for the whole world.


We need to stay together as a unit,with our fans,with our friends,with everyone
that is gonna watch this tournament and we all need to stay humans first.


So thank you to everyone who came, I hope you will enjoy this tournament.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Y6Rh8eG (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1645853384.A.A10.html
winnie1995: 推1F 02/26 13:31
grtfor: 推2F 02/26 13:33
pokiman: 說得很好3F 02/26 13:36
RushMonkey: 說真的很好....希望這能激勵到人心...盡早迎接和平4F 02/26 13:44
TZephyr: 說得很好,翻得很不錯,願世界和平5F 02/26 13:54
PS5pro: NaVi加油6F 02/26 14:19
gohow: QQ7F 02/26 14:46
sfh20230: 加油 GOAT8F 02/26 15:14
zegas: 淚推9F 02/26 15:16
AhCheng: Stay strong s1mple!!10F 02/26 15:32
※ 編輯: yrs1224 ( 臺灣), 02/26/2022 15:50:10
f66043284: F11F 02/26 16:04
ray102004: Navi s1mple GoGo12F 02/26 16:09
Jiangyande: 格局!13F 02/26 16:32
svd237: 發把狙給s1mple14F 02/26 16:34
kevinwphard: 叫普丁上線跟s1mple awp對狙 輸的投降15F 02/26 16:49
leon020315: 推16F 02/26 18:19
WhiteMouse: 由s1mple來說這段 真有說服力17F 02/26 18:46
FAlin: QQ 推S1mple!18F 02/26 19:58
lp123gbaj: 阿 bit怎沒在台上==19F 02/26 21:48
waterdeep: 感動20F 02/26 22:10
connell12654: QQ21F 02/27 02:13

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