看板 Steam作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)標題 Fw: [新聞] MTGA將會上架Steam和家機時間 Wed Jul 20 19:29:20 2022
Magic: The Gathering Arena Is Coming To Steam And Consoles
Magic: The Gathering Arena is coming to consoles and Steam. That’s the news
coming out of Hasbro’s Q2 earnings call, where Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks noted
how great Magic Arena has been for the longstanding trading card game’s
"Arena is a profitable, vital platform for player acquisition," said Cocks.
"We see things like Steam, things like consoles, will be nice revenue kickers
and user kickers for us. Later this year, the game will be available on Steam
for the first time, and in 2023 we expect it to launch on major consoles."
Magic: The Gathering Arena, or just Magic Arena, first launched on PC in
September 2019, later arriving on mobile in 2021. Magic Arena was Wizards of
the Coasts' first attempt to modernize Magic Online, which already allowed
Magic: The Gathering fans to play the game in a completely digital way.
However, there are some significant differences between Magic Online and
Magic Arena.
For starters, since Magic Arena came much later than Online, the focus is on
the most recent expansions in Magic: The Gathering. Magic Arena also features
a far better user interface and is cross-platform between PC and mobile
users. It also has many of the trappings of a live service game, such as
daily and weekly rewards and a Mastery Rank system where those rewards can be
increased through collecting cards and playing games. It also has a bunch of
cool freebies that Magic Online just can't match.
Magic Arena also features an Alchemy game mode which is unique to Magic: The
Gathering. In Alchemy, Wizards of the Coast can sort of beta test cards,
changing them on the fly if they turn out to be too strong or too
weak--something that simply cannot be done with physical card releases.
Although already available to download on PC, being available on Steam will
advertise Magic Arena to potentially 120 million users. Console versions
would also mean controller support for Magic Arena for those who'd rather
play Magic on a couch than with a mouse and keyboard.
In other Magic news, the upcoming Dominaria United expansion will get its
first preview later this week. Don't expect a full reveal, but we'll probably
get to see a few new cards and maybe more during the Weekly MTG broadcast.
Hasbro 第二季度財報會議傳出來的消息。
CEO Chris Cocks 提到MTGA會在今年上架Steam,在2023年上架主要家機。
It is difficult to communicate a life with words.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1658316492.A.069.html
※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 07/20/2022 19:29:33
推 heavenbeyond: 真。卡牌遊戲!
一張卡牌的說明要看三分鐘,看完還是不知道怎麼用 -.-1F 07/20 19:36
推 Ariadust: 和遊戲王比起來簡單很多吧,還不用背判例5F 07/20 19:46
推 carrey8: MTGA系統很健全 還跟實卡一致6F 07/20 19:57
推 shadowblade: 樓上要看情況,MTGA有些線上板卡牌修能力的部分其實還蠻鳥的7F 07/20 19:59
推 ssarc: 他看起來好像也沒希望繁中人士玩,就不需要浪費彼此的時間了9F 07/20 20:02
→ truthseer: MTGA把Alchemy和Historic當作不存在會寬心些- -11F 07/20 20:06
→ BoXeX: 連實卡都要停賣繁中了 真的不需要浪費彼此時間12F 07/20 20:08
推 carrey8: 有線上版卡牌? 抱歉當初只玩了MTCA前兩個賽季 印象中 除了一些特別賽制 卡牌發售環境都跟實卡一樣13F 07/20 20:09
推 truthseer: Alchemy和Historic這兩個賽制會調整牌,但是會補償野卡15F 07/20 20:10
推 shadowblade: 最開始是這樣,但MTGA有些新增的賽制會有線上板專屬的牌(能力一看就會爆炸的那種)還有hotfix已經有實卡的牌,給實卡玩家的感覺蠻爛的16F 07/20 20:11
推 carrey8: 原來變成這樣了 抱歉誤導 感謝說明19F 07/20 20:16
推 wake01: 跟當初比起來應該已經走了一大堆玩家了 越來越爛XD21F 07/20 20:32
推 DevilCool: 重點你他媽中文呢?中國買下亞太地區代理結果到現在還在卡版號-.-23F 07/20 21:50
推 momocom: 三級裁判要到國外考,比靠司法官還難25F 07/20 22:14
推 nextpage: 玩這個的玩家應該都習慣玩英文版牌了吧?尤其早期玩到現在的玩家,MTGA我也玩很久了26F 07/20 22:55
推 shadowblade: 老手完全沒影響(因為理論上都得會看英文),對新手的入坑門檻和意願就問題很大了28F 07/20 22:58
→ BoXeX: 以我來說 看不懂英文但我能看日文的
但根本找不到人一起玩 又不像遊戲王大家童年回憶30F 07/20 23:06
→ loyou: 有上STEAM就有牌咖了32F 07/20 23:36
推 WuDhar: 有PC會玩MTG的早就在玩MTGA了吧,主要是移植到主機上試試水溫33F 07/20 23:54
→ shadowblade: 實卡玩家和MTGA玩家不完全重疊就是了,尤其是EDH玩家MTGA還沒辦法取代實卡的很多部分35F 07/20 23:57
推 diabloque: 借問實卡大概從同盟到晴空號左右的玩家
現在想回歸會不會看不懂規則啊37F 07/21 01:03
→ shadowblade: 這邊可以看一下,雖然這也是好幾年前的整理了,但距離你玩的那時也還有段距離w
(這兩篇寫到韃契環境為止還是MTG比較老派的發展,之後從起源開始 故事 賽制 禁牌 特卡 那些都逐漸暴走...)44F 07/21 01:15
推 diabloque: 謝謝資料分享
還有環境不同 對階段的解釋也不同
記得有個很經典的例子 焚化下在一隻1/1生物上
然後對方的玩家上變巨 那這隻生物到底會不會死48F 07/21 01:26
推 shadowblade: 以變巨術回應焚化的話會先結算成4/4再吃3點傷害不會死(至少以現在的堆疊來看是這樣,我已經忘了六版前有沒有不同的規則區塊了)
有興趣的話是可以先用MTGA回鍋來摸看看現在的規則啦55F 07/21 01:31
推 diabloque: 說回鍋是假 我只是想要享受買整盒拆卡包的樂趣(大誤畢竟對一個20多年前的高中生來說
一包從75塊開始起跳的卡包 是多昂貴的存在
老實說回鍋也不會多認真玩 只是想懷念當時罷了59F 07/21 01:40
推 shadowblade: 那就去卡店開阿,有錢才是重點w
現在多的是貴到讓你開爽的產品(老威現在都在衝特卡來榨老玩家的錢包)64F 07/21 01:40
推 diabloque: 呵呵 先玩玩電子版就好
拆了一堆牌 也不知道什麼是有用或是有價值的
這樣感覺超空虛的 真的是花錢買了一堆寂寞(X
我還以為現在的人只知道青眼白龍 不知道希瓦巨龍了67F 07/21 01:47
推 truthseer: 現在有Double Master 2022可以拆,當作買樂透 - -
牌價 MTGgoldfish網站可以查72F 07/21 06:43
推 cms6384: 看不懂卡牌說明 多玩幾次就知道了
大部分牌用到的關鍵字就那幾個 還好74F 07/21 07:31